search for: murderers

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 213 matches for "murderers".

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2012 Aug 21
make check fails two tests on RHEL 6 build
I am installing R 2.15.1 onto RHEL 6, using gcc 4.7.0 with Intel MKL 10.3.7 and the following environment: export BLAS_LIBS="-Wl,--start-group /usr/caen/intel-12.1/mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl_gf_lp64.a /usr/caen/intel-12.1/mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl_sequential.a /usr/caen/intel-12.1/mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl_core.a -Wl,--end-group -lpthread" export LAPACK_LIBS="-Wl,--start-group
2008 Jan 12
Lattice equivalent of par(mfrow = )
Dear r-helpers, Does anyone have a straightforward example of putting together three unrelated (expect for a common y-axis) xyplot() figures in what would be in base graphics a par(mfrow = c(1, 3)) arrangement? _____________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University of Virginia Department of Psychology USPS: P.O.Box 400400 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400 Parcels: Room 102
2002 Jan 27
EPS->LaTeX problem
Greetings- I have a strange problem displaying a graph from R (1.3.1, linux) in a LaTeX document of documentclass seminar. I'm using graphicx to include the file: \usepackage{graphicx} ... \resizebox{\textwidth}{\textheight}{\includegraphics{crime.eps}} When I do this, the entire slide (including the page number) is rotated 180 degrees. Any ideas why this happens? The graph was created
2006 Dec 05
problem with lists...
Hi guys, I am new to R, so sorry if my problem seems trivial. Sometimes I encounter some lists, which I cannot index their components with [ . ] For instance the prcomp() function returns a 'prcomp' object whose components are some 'lists'. the second component is a list that comtains the following: > mylist <- churn[2] > class(mylist) [1] "list" >
2008 Jan 13
What is the 'scale' in princomp() function?
Dear R users, When I tried to use princomp() from stats packages to do Principal Components Analysis, I am not very clear what is the "scale". And the scores are different from "PROC PRINCOMP" procedure from SAS. Using the example data from this package: restpc <- princomp(USArrests, cor = TRUE) > restpc$scale Murder Assault UrbanPop Rape 4.311735 82.500075
2008 Mar 06
Help with colinearity problem in multiple linear regression
Hello, For basic linear regression lm() does the job well, for datasets that are larger than memory biglm() seems to work. I'm working on a parallel implementation of multiple linear regression for datasets that are too large for memory. Currently I am working over least squares: calculating: t(X) %*% X and t(X) %*% y separately in parallel on each node This generates a
2009 Dec 23
prcomp : plotting only explanatory axis arrows
Dear all, I have a very large dataset (1712351 , 20) and would like to plot only the arrows that represent the contribution of each variables. On the sample below I woild like to plot only the explanatory variables (Murder, Assault..) and not the sites. prcomp(USArrests) # inappropriate prcomp(USArrests, scale = TRUE) prcomp(~ Murder + Assault + Rape, data = USArrests, scale = TRUE)
2007 Jun 27
Condensed PCA Results
Hello all, I'm currently using R to do PCA Analysis, and was wondering if anyone knew the specific R Code that could limit the output of the PCA Analysis so that you only get the Principal Component features as your output and none of the extraneous words or numbers that you don't want. If that was unclear, let me use linear regression as an example: "lm(y~x)" is the normal
2011 Sep 09
prcomp: results with reversed sign in output?
Dear All, when I'm running a PCA with prcomp(USArrests, scale = TRUE) I get the right principal components, but with the wrong sign infront Rotation: PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 Murder 0.5358995 -0.4181809 0.3412327 0.64922780 Assault 0.5831836 -0.1879856 0.2681484 -0.74340748 UrbanPop 0.2781909 0.8728062 0.3780158 0.13387773 Rape 0.5434321 0.1673186 -0.8177779 0.08902432 instead of PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4
2006 Jun 19
saving rounded numbers as a new variable in a dataframe
A basic question, but one that eludes me. I have created a new variable $numurder, which I have rounded off. I want to save the rounded off version of this variable to an existing datafile called 'ngri.csv' . numurder <-c((murder*no.of.cases)/100) [[1]] [1] 48.952 112.073 182.160 974.610 122.140 663.432 150.856 18.988 137.925 198.045 68.930 203.148 30.056 100.955
2006 Jan 04
multiple lowess line in one plot
I'm using this code to plot a smoothed line. These two columns of data really represent 4 groups and I'd like to plot a separate line for each group but have them all in the same plot. The R-Docs for lowess do not seem to indicate some type of "GROUPS=var_name" option. What would be the syntax for this? plot(AWGT ~ lipid ) lines(lowess(lipid , AWGT, f=.8)) -- Dean
2006 Jul 23
constructing a dataframe from a database of newspaper articles
I am hoping for some assistance with formatting a large text file which consists of a series of individual records. Each record includes specific labels/field names (a sample of 1 record (one of the longest ones) is below - at end of post. What I want to do is reformat the data, so that each individual record becomes a row (some cells will have a lot of text). For example, the column
2002 Mar 20
RODBC under Windows
Hi, I have been just playing with the ODBC connectivity under Windows. I have never done this before and I thought I would go through some examples in the "Data Import/Export" manual and learn how to setup data connections while doing that. I ran into a small problem and I am not sure if this is something I am doing wrong or a bug or, perhaps, a feature of the RODBC package. Here is
2008 Sep 21
r format questions
Hi, 1) I have noticed that when I use the aggregate function it outputs numbers in the results. for example: aggregate by product group.1 Aggregate 1 ProductA 1000400.00 2 ProductB 23232323.00 3 Missing 232323.00 is there a way to suppress the numbers infront of aggregate outputs. I checked and they don't look like columns when I do a summary so I can't -1
2012 Jan 14
Storage - posibilities?
Hi all. Currently I am administering a mail cluster in which messages are stored on software RAID shared with NFS. There are several NFS servers, every one of them exports a part of all mail files for a specific frontend with postfix. We are thinking about replacing these storage hosts with one solution, maybe a storage array with appropriate disk space and I/O capacity. What are pros and cons
2017 Aug 23
Aw: Dovecot - Postfix Calender Synchronisation
We murdered web applications with a chainsaw. Web 2.0 has too many security holes. On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 8:35 PM, Mihai Badici <mihai at> wrote: > the vaste majority of web applications around use the same stack.
2008 Sep 22
change the panel name in xyplot
Hi, I try to change the panel name in a xyplot without success. Look this example from xyplot manual: xyplot(Murder ~ Population | state.region,data=states) The panel title are: Northeast, South, North Central, West, that are factor from state.region. I need do change some names and, for example, put some of these in italic. I dont find how change this. I looking for this in Deepayan
2006 Feb 23
Dovecot as a smart IMAP proxy
Do you see a use for an IMAP proxy where the proxy would be able to execute hooks which modify mail contents, such as transparent encrypting/decrypting mails, or maybe some virus-filtering? It would need at least some kind of IMAP command/reply parsing capabilities, so it might be able to do all kinds of other things. Maybe one potential use case would be Cyrus Murder-like proxying to multiple
2001 Sep 27
ssh2 key passphrase problems in 2.9.9 on Linux
I've just compiled and installed openssh-2.9.9p2 (compiled against openssl-0.9.6b using gcc-3.0.0) on a Slackware 7-based Linux machine (kernel 2.4.6ac2). The previously installed version was 2.9p2, compiled against openssl-0.9.6a, also with gcc-3.0.0, but with a different build of gcc-3.0.0. Everything seems to work fine except for one problem: passphrase matching for ssh2 keys
2014 Oct 22
"make check" fails on lapack.R and stats-Ex.R
Hi folks, I suspect this is a request for a sanity check than a bug report: I've been successfully compiling an optimised version of R for several years using the Intel compiler and MKL. I've just test-run the new Intel 15.0 compiler suite, and I'm seeing a few numeric failures that I don't see using the same build method with Intel 13.0. I've attached the output of