search for: multi_json

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 34 matches for "multi_json".

2012 Aug 17
How to Include Gem in Different Path
Hi, I just tried Ruby on Rails (with RailsInstaller 2.1.0) and it works fine on my PC. However, when I put this on the website, I got the following error message: Could not find multi_json-1.3.6 in any of the sources (Bundler::GemNotFound) The problem is that the website has multi_json 1.0.4. The website allows me to download my own gems, but after the process, it is located at /home/username/ruby/gems/gems/multi_json-1.3.6, while my rails app is located at /home/username/myapp. W...
2012 Jan 15
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing a template handler in the template name is deprecated. (rspec + haml)
...verecord (3.2.0.rc2) activemodel (= 3.2.0.rc2) activesupport (= 3.2.0.rc2) arel (~> 3.0.0.rc1) tzinfo (~> 0.3.29) activeresource (3.2.0.rc2) activemodel (= 3.2.0.rc2) activesupport (= 3.2.0.rc2) activesupport (3.2.0.rc2) i18n (~> 0.6) multi_json (~> 1.0) arel (3.0.0) bcrypt-ruby (3.0.1) bootstrap-sass (1.4.3) sass-rails (~> 3.1) builder (3.0.0) capistrano (2.9.0) highline net-scp (>= 1.0.0) net-sftp (>= 2.0.0) net-ssh (>= 2.0.14) net-ssh-gateway (>= 1.1.0) capyba...
2012 Aug 19
Unsuccessful with using mongodb with rails
.... bundle initialize shows I have it all. Any ideas? Thanks, Shiv $ bundle install Using rake (9.2.2) Using i18n (0.6.0) Using multi_json (1.3.6) Using activesupport (3.2.8) Using builder (3.0.0) Using activemodel (3.2.8) Using erubis (2.7.0) Using journey (1.0.4) Using i18n (0.6.0) Using multi_json (1.3.6) Using activesupport (3.2.8) Using builder (3.0.0) Using activemodel (3.2.8) Using erubis (2.7.0) Using journey (1.0.4) Using ra...
2011 Sep 05
Can't upgrade Rails - Failed to build gem native extension.
...eader files for ruby at /System/Library/Frameworks/ Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/ruby.h Gem files will remain installed in /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bcrypt- ruby-3.0.0 for inspection. Results logged to /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bcrypt-ruby-3.0.0/ext/ mri/gem_make.out Gems updated: multi_json, activesupport, builder, i18n Installing ri documentation for multi_json-1.0.3... Installing ri documentation for activesupport-3.1.0... Installing ri documentation for builder-3.0.0... Installing ri documentation for i18n-0.6.0... Installing RDoc documentation for multi_json-1.0.3... Installing RD...
2013 Jun 05
dashboard/passenger not connecting on port 8140
...b/active_record/connection_adapters/mysql_adapter.rb:620:in `connect'' These are the gems i have installed locally gem list --local *** LOCAL GEMS *** activesupport (3.2.9) arel (3.0.2) builder (3.1.4) bundler (1.2.3) daemon_controller (1.1.0) erubis (2.7.0) i18n (0.6.1) json (1.7.5) multi_json (1.5.0) polyglot (0.3.3) rack (1.4.1) rack-cache (1.2) rack-mount (0.8.3) rack-test (0.6.2) rake (10.0.2) rubygems-update (1.8.24) thor (0.16.0) treetop (1.4.12) tzinfo (0.3.35) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubsc...
2012 Oct 16
Puppet dashboard over passenger: The environment must be purely alphanumeric, not ''
...puppet-2.7.19-1.el6.noarch puppet-server-2.7.19-1.el6.noarch puppet-dashboard-1.2.12-1.el6.noarch *** LOCAL GEMS *** activemodel (3.2.8) activerecord (3.2.8) activesupport (3.2.8) arel (3.0.2) builder (3.0.3) daemon_controller (1.0.0) fastthread (1.0.7) i18n (0.6.1) json (1.4.6) multi_json (1.3.6) passenger (3.0.17) rack (1.4.1) rake (, 0.8.7) tzinfo (0.3.33) # rpm -qa | grep ruby ruby-devel- ruby-mysql-2.8.2-1.el6.x86_64 ruby-libs- ruby-irb- rubygems-1.3.7-1.el6.noarch ruby-shadow-1.4.1-13.e...
2012 Jan 13
mysql errors
...= xxxx dbserver = x.x.x.x The masters are running ruby enterprise 1.8.7 and all have exactly the same versions of ruby gems installed. *** LOCAL GEMS *** activemodel (3.1.3) activerecord (3.1.3) activesupport (3.1.3) arel (2.2.1) builder (3.0.0) facter (1.6.3) fastthread (1.0.7) i18n (0.6.0) multi_json (1.0.3) mysql (2.8.1) mysql2 (0.3.10) passenger (2.2.9) puppet (2.7.3) rack (1.1.0) rake (0.8.7) tzinfo (0.3.31) The only (potentially related) differences I can see between the masters are with the mysql-libs package (5.1.52-1 on EL6.1 and 5.0.77-4 on EL5.7) and the ruby-mysql package (ruby-mysql...
2012 Mar 07
Can't find the PostgreSQL client library (libpq)
When i try it start my ruby server i get a error that looks like rails server Could not find pg-0.12.2 in any of the sources Run `bundle install` to install missing gems. I dont know what to do Thanks for all the help -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this
2011 Sep 19
Installing Rails Help!
...ansi-1.3.0, arel-2.2.1, arel-2.0.10, bcrypt-ruby-3.0.1, builder-3.0.0, builder-2.1.2, bundler-1.0.18, coffee-rails-3.1.1, coffee-script-2.2.0, coffee-script-source-1.1.2, erubis-2.7.0, erubis-2.6.6, execjs-1.2.6, hike-1.2.1, i18n-0.6.0, jquery-rails-1.0.14, mail-2.3.0, mail-2.2.19, mime-types-1.16, multi_json-1.0.3, mysql2-0.3.7, polyglot-0.3.2, rack-1.3.2, rack-1.2.3, rack-cache-1.0.3, rack-mount-0.8.3, rack-mount-0.6.14, rack-ssl-1.3.2, rack-test-0.6.1, rack-test-0.5.7, rails-3.0.3, railties-3.1.0, railties-3.0.3, rake-0.9.2, rdoc-3.9.4, rdoc-2.5.11, rdoc-data-2.5.3, sass-3.1.7, sass-rails-3.1.1, spro...
2011 Nov 02
form_for text_field
...1.2) erubis (2.7.0, 2.6.6) ezcrypto (0.7.2) factory_girl (1.2.4) fastercsv (1.5.3) formtastic (0.9.8) gem_plugin (0.2.3) gherkin (2.3.2 x86-mingw32, 1.0.26 i386-mingw32) hike (1.2.1) i18n (0.6.0, 0.5.0) json (1.4.6) json_pure (1.4.6, 1.4.3) linecache (0.43) log4r (1.1.7) mongrel (1.1.5 x86-mingw32) multi_json (1.0.3) nokogiri (1.4.1 x86-mingw32) prawn (0.8.4) prawn-core (0.8.4) prawn-layout (0.8.4) prawn-security (0.8.4) rack (1.3.5, 1.2.1, 1.0.1) rack-cache (1.1) rack-mount (0.8.3, 0.6.13) rack-test (0.6.1, 0.5.6) rails (2.3.5) rake (0.8.7) remarkable (3.1.13) rspec (2.2.0, 1.3.0) rspec-core (2.2.1) rs...
2013 Jul 23
node_aws installation problem
Hi everyone! having a slight problem with the installing the cloud provisioning module [code] [/code] everything worked until I wanted to actually try to fire it up: [code] >puppet node_aws list Error: Could not autoload puppet/face/node_aws/fingerprint: cannot load such file -- guid Error: Could not parse application
2012 Jun 14
inventory service in Puppet-dashboard
...the number of installed GEMS: [root@sdas puppet-dashboard]# gem list > > *** LOCAL GEMS *** > > activemodel (3.2.6) > activerecord (3.2.6) > activesupport (3.2.6) > arel (3.0.2) > builder (3.0.0) > daemon_controller (0.2.6) > fastthread (1.0.7) > i18n (0.6.0) > multi_json (1.3.6) > passenger (3.0.12) > rack (1.1.0) > rake (0.8.7) > tzinfo (0.3.33) > anything obvious am I still missing? what''s might be the problem(s)? cheers, San -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. T...
2013 Apr 16
An error occurred while installing jk-ferret (, and Bundler cannot continue.
...39;'ferret'' Updating git:// Fetching gem metadata from Fetching gem metadata from Resolving dependencies... Using rake (10.0.3) Using ClothRed (0.4.1) Using RedCloth (4.2.9) Using i18n (0.6.1) Using multi_json (1.6.1) Using activesupport (3.2.9) Using builder (3.0.4) Using activemodel (3.2.9) Using erubis (2.7.0) Using journey (1.0.4) Using rack (1.4.5) Using rack-cache (1.2) Using rack-test (0.6.2) Using hike (1.2.1) Using tilt (1.3.3) Using sprockets (2.2.2) Using actionpack (3.2.9) Using mime-types (1...
2011 Aug 20
[Linux] Error installing rails "activemodel requires activesupport"?
...gems in a Linux box `sudo gem i rails --pre` I''m getting this: ERROR: Error installing rails: activemodel requires activesupport (= 3.1.0.rc6, runtime) Which is funny, because when I check `gem list` I get activesupport (3.1.0.rc6) bcrypt-ruby (2.1.4) builder (3.0.0) i18n (0.6.0) multi_json (1.0.3) I don''t know what to do :| -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/Ez6ZCGd0@publi...
2012 Dec 04
Empty test suite is run after every rake task
...est-client'', :require => ''rest_client'' gem "daemons" gem "sinatra", "1.1.4" gem "resque", "1.13.0" gem "resque-scheduler", :require => ''resque_scheduler'' gem "unicorn" gem "multi_json" gem "geokit", :path => ''vendor/cache/git/geokit'' # :git => "git://"#, :version => ''1.5.0'' gem "haml", "~> 3.1" gem "sass" gem ''haml-rails'' ge...
2012 Oct 21
rails g problem
...1.3.0) ffi (1.1.5) growl_notify (0.0.3) guard (1.4.0) guard-rspec (2.1.0) hike (1.2.1) i18n (0.6.1, 0.6.0) journey (1.0.4, 1.0.1, 1.0.0) jquery-rails (2.1.3, 2.0.0) json (1.7.5, 1.6.5) libwebsocket (0.1.5) listen (0.5.3) lunchy (0.6.0) mail (2.4.4, 2.4.1) mime-types (1.19, 1.17.2) minitest (4.1.0) multi_json (1.3.6, 1.0.4) nokogiri (1.5.5) orm_adapter (0.0.6) pg (0.13.0) polyglot (0.3.3) rack (1.4.1) rack-cache (1.2, 1.1) rack-ssl (1.3.2) rack-test (0.6.2, 0.6.1) rails (3.2.8, 3.2.0) railties (3.2.8, 3.2.0) rake ( rb-appscript (0.6.1) rdoc (3.12) rspec (2.11.0) rspec-core (2.11.1) rspec-expecta...
2011 Sep 18
Two Separate Issues: rails generate
...1) > builder (3.0.0) > bundler (1.0.18) > coffee-rails (3.1.1) > coffee-script (2.2.0) > coffee-script-source (1.1.2) > erubis (2.7.0) > execjs (1.2.6) > hike (1.2.1) > i18n (0.6.0) > jquery-rails (1.0.14) > json (1.6.0) > mail (2.3.0) > mime-types (1.16) > multi_json (1.0.3) > mysql2 (0.3.7) > polyglot (0.3.2) > rack (1.3.3) > rack-cache (1.0.3) > rack-mount (0.8.3) > rack-ssl (1.3.2) > rack-test (0.6.1) > rails (3.1.0) > railties (3.1.0) > rake (0.9.2) > rdoc (3.9.4) > rubygems-update (1.8.10) > sass (3.1.7) > sass-rai...
2014 May 02
staging server unexpectedly started installing gems during staging deploy
...nd a production git branch and a staging git branch for the same repository on github. The production git branch and staging git branch are identical. I got my staging server running and during the second deploy, something unexpected started happening: ... ** [out ::] Installing multi_json (1.5.0) ** [out ::] ** [out ::] Installing activesupport (3.2.5) ** [out ::] ** [out ::] Installing builder (3.0.4) ** [out ::] ** [out ::] Installing activemodel (3.2.5) ** [out ::] ** [ou...
2014 May 06
Failed "bundle install" due to libpq-fe.h
...t is needed, and installing your bundle as root will break this application for all non-root users on this machine. Fetching gem metadata from Fetching additional metadata from Resolving dependencies... Using rake 10.0.4 Using i18n 0.6.4 Using multi_json 1.7.2 Using activesupport 3.2.8 Using builder 3.0.4 Using activemodel 3.2.8 Using erubis 2.7.0 Using journey 1.0.4 Using rack 1.4.5 Using rack-cache 1.2 Using rack-test 0.6.2 Using hike 1.2.1 Using tilt 1.3.6 Using sprockets 2.1.3 Using actionpack 3.2.8 Using mime-types 1.21 Using polyglot 0.3.3 Us...
2012 Jun 14
Cucumber/RSpec ::: Capybara? Webrat What am I using??
....3.4) highline (1.6.12) hike (1.2.1) hpricot (0.8.6) i18n (0.6.0, 0.4.2) journey (1.0.3) jquery-rails (2.0.2, 2.0.1) jquery-ui-rails (0.2.2) json (1.7.3, 1.6.5) kaminari (0.13.0) launchy (2.1.0) libwebsocket (0.1.3) mail (2.4.4, 2.4.1, 2.2.19) mime-types (1.18, 1.17.2) mongo (1.5.2) mongoid (2.4.0) multi_json (1.3.6, 1.3.5) mysql2 (0.3.11) net-scp (1.0.4) net-sftp (2.0.5) net-ssh (2.5.2) net-ssh-gateway (1.1.0) nokogiri (1.5.4) orm_adapter (0.0.6) polyglot (0.3.3) rack (1.4.1, 1.2.5) rack-cache (1.2, 1.1) rack-mount (0.6.14) rack-ssl (1.3.2) rack-test (0.6.1, 0.5.7) rails (3.2.5, 3.2.1, 3.0.0) rails3-jq...