search for: multcompview

Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "multcompview".

2018 Jan 16
Letters group Games-Howell post hoc in R
...etween virus groups as it is obtained through library(agricolae). The code used it was the following: library(userfriendlyscience) data(sweetpotato) oneway<-oneway(sweetpotato$virus, y=sweetpotato$yield, posthoc = 'games-howell') oneway I try with cld() importing previously library(multcompView) but doesn't work. Can somebody could helps me? Thanks in advance, David Bars.
2011 Oct 03
Compact letter display for interaction effects
Hello, I am interested in generating a compact letter display for the results of Tukey HSD tests that contain interaction effects. The 'cld' method in the 'multcomp' package seems only to work for main effects. Does such a thing exist already? Thank you for any thoughts, Josh -- Joshua Caplan, PhD Postdoctoral Associate Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
2012 Aug 24
TukeyHSD output
Hi all, Is there a R-function that orders Tukey results with conveniant letters, similar to the SPSS output (A, AB, ABC, C, etc.) . [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Jun 20
extending package with function calling an Objective Caml program
Hallo, we are trying to extend the R package multcompView in agreement with the author Hans-Peter Piepho. The function multcompLetters implements so far a heuristic. We would like to add a function that implements an exact algorithm and returns a provable optimum result. This algorithm has been implemented in Objective Caml and we would like to...
2007 Oct 31
Performance of concatenating strings
Hi, I would like to ask how the paste(S1, S2, sep="") function internally works. Are the two stings copied to a new String? I have a program where successively strings are build up. First the program calls an external function and depending on the result it builds up strings to visualize the result. The external function is really fast, also for huge input data. But the
2009 Jan 08
Letter-based representation of pairwise comparisons
Hi! I have been working several years with R but it's my first public question. I hope I'll be clear :) . This question is related to obtaining letter-based representation of non-parametric pairwise comparisons. I have a dataframe with this structure (but with quite more rows and cols): A B C factor 1 2 2 one 2 1 2 one 2 2 3 two 2 3 2 two 1 4 2 three 9 8 1 three I have no normality,
2007 Dec 12
two-way categorical anova post-hoc data extraction
Hi list, I have a question regarding post-hoc extraction of data from a two-way categorical anova. I have a categorical anova of this form: width ~ steepness + patchiness (4 steepness levels, 4 patchiness levels) This simple setup answers if for the widths I collected across different levels of steepness and patchiness significant differences can be found. Is there a way to look at these
2007 Apr 24
Bug in xYplot() with method = 'filled bands'
...packages: coda lme4 Matrix car cacheSweave stashR "0.10-7" "0.9975-13" "0.9975-11" "1.2-1" "0.3" "0.2-1" filehash digest circular boot gmodels multcompView "0.9-4" "0.2.3" "0.3-6" "1.2-27" "2.13.2" "0.1-0" reshape vcd colorspace effects Hmisc acepack "0.7.2" "1.0-3" "0.95" &qu...
2010 Jun 12
Displaying "homogeneous groups" in aov post-hoc results ?
Hello dear R-help mailing list, A friend of mine teaches a regression and experimental design course and asked me the following question. She is trying to find a way to display the "homogeneous groups" (after performing tukey test on an aov object). here's an example for what she means by "homogeneous groups": She did one way anova and got these results for tukey test:
2010 Oct 22
visualize TukeyHSD results
I am a new R user but a long time SAS user. I searched for a response to this question but no luck, so forgive me if this topic has been covered before. I am running a TukeyHSD post hoc test after running an ANOVA. I get the results of all pairwise comparisons, no problem. However, the output table is a little "busy", and I'd like to make the output easier to read. Specifically, I
2012 May 20
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ * bisectr (0.0.2) Maintainer: Winston Chang Author(s): Winston Chang <winston at> License: GPL-2 Tools to find bad commits with git bisect * CUMP (1.0) Maintainer: Xuan Liu Author(s): Xuan Liu <liuxuan at> and Qiong Yang <qyang at>