Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "mu_1".
Did you mean:
2004 Jul 12
For a simple problem with 1 predictor (x) and 2 classes (0 and 1), the
linear discriminant function should be something like
2(mu_0 - mu_1)/var x + x-independent-terms
where var is the common variance.
Question 1: Why does lda() report only a single "Coefficients of linea...
2005 Jan 30
t-test or conf interval with known variance?
Is there a built-in test in R for hypothesis testing with samples of
known variance?
For example, I've got a set of data, a mean to compare against, and a
known variance, and I want to determine the p-value for which I can
reject the null hypothesis (mu_1 = mu_0) and accept the alternative
(mu_1 > mu_0). I've found that JMP and Minitab can both do this (in
JMP, it's a one-sided confidence interval in the Distribution
platform), but I haven't figured out how to do such a test in R.
2006 Jul 28
negative binomial lmer
...gative binomially distributed data, I need to estimate the parameter theta. I have been doing this by using a negative binomial glm of the same model (except that all the effects are fixed), and estimating mu as the fitted model like so:
model_1 <-glm.nb(y~x1+x2+x3, data = datafilename)
mu_1 <- fitted(model_1)
theta_1 <- theta.ml(y, mu_1, length(data), limit = 10, eps = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, trace = FALSE)
Then, I conduct the lmer, using the estimated theta:
model_11 <-lmer(y~x1+x2+(1|x3), family = negative.binomial(theta = theta_1, link = “log”), method = “...
2003 Jul 18
Problem indexing into array
...ints out as k rows (one for each Xi) of 8 numbers
M: N x (3+k) matrix of cases. The first 3 cols are values
of (F1,F2,F3) as above (and the remainder are values
of (X1,...,Xk) but this doesn't really matter).
AIM: For each row of M, find from mu the set of k means
mu_1,...,mu_k corresponding to the values of F1, F2, F3
in that row. E.g. if M[1,1:3] -> 2,1,1 I want mu[,2,1,1]
BUT: Not to have to do it by mu[,M[1,1],M[1,2],M[1,3]] but more
like mu[,M[1,1:3]] -- except that this kind of try does not
work, leading to error: "incorrect number of d...
2006 Mar 17
How to change the label in plot.ts ?
Hi you guys:
I have been wondering if there is any way to change the labeling in plot.ts( ), for example , if I plot two sequences,
i always got y labels as "series1", "series2", I tried to use ylab=c((expression(mu_1)),(expression(mu_2))), but it
doesn't work.
thanks in advance for any help
2002 Jul 24
Contrasts and MC
Dear R People:
I have a few questions about multiple comparisons
and contrasts for ANOVA, please.
I've tried some things but with no success.
Suppose I have a completely randomized design,
and I want to have the contrast
\mu_1 - 0.5 \mu_2 - 0.5 \mu_2
How do I set that up, please?
I used the C command, and ran aov, but the results were identical to those
with no contrasts.
Also, is there a command for Dunne'ts multiple range test?
How about Scheffe's simultaneous intervals?
Thank you so much for your help, in...
2012 Jul 12
HAR-RV-CJ Moedel
n = length(x);
y = log(x[-1]/x[-n]);#log price difference
y2 = y^2
m = length(y);
z999 = (qnorm(1 - .001))
if (m>=260) {
##raw moments
rtn = sum(y) * 100
rv = sum(y*y);#realized variance [Y]
bv = (m/(m-1))*(pi/2)*(sum(abs(y[-1]*y[-m])));#bi-power vairiation
rj = (rv-bv)/rv
tmp = apply(embed(y, 4), 1, prod);#y{j}*y{j-1}*y{j-2}*y{j-3}
tp1 = apply(embed(y, 3), 1, prod)#y{j}*y{j-1}*y{j-2}
tpq = (mu43^-3)*((m^2)/(m-3))*(sum((abs(tp1))^(4/3)))
qp = ((pi*pi)/4)*((m^2)/(m-3))*(sum(abs(tmp)));#quad-power
2017 Aug 10
"Help On optim"
I have some parameters from Mclust function. The parameters are in the form
*parametersDf *
* mu_1 mu_2 var_mc1 var_mc2 c1
c2 *
*2 1.357283 2.962736 0.466154 0.1320129 0.5258975
0.4741025 *
*21 8.357283 9.962736 0.466154 0.1320129 0.5258975
0.4741025 *
Each row in the above data frame represent the segment a...
2001 Oct 17
Type III sums of squares.
...nging the desciple to true
Point 3 --- what hypothesis is being tested by SSA?
Let factor A correspond to index i, and B to index j.
Let the cell means be mu_ij. (In the overparameterized
notation, mu_ij = mu + alpha_i + beta_j + gamma_ij.)
The hypothesis being tested is
H_0: mu_1.-bar = mu_2.-bar = ... = mu_a.-bar
where factor A has a levels, and ``mu_i.-bar'' means
the average (arithmetic mean) of mu_i1, mu_i2, ..., mu_ib.
(Note --- factor B has b levels.)
I.e. the hypothesis is that there is no difference, on average,
between the levels of A, the average being t...
2013 Aug 27
Error in simulation. NAN
indice_adapt += 1;
/************ SIMULAZIONE MU **********/
F77_NAME(dcopy)(&incJ, mu_acc_P, &incOne, mu_app_P, &incOne);
// mu_1
app1_2 =
app1_1 = phi_acc_P[0]*mu_app_P[1]/zeta2_acc_P[0];
for(t=0; t<n_j;t++)
app1_1 +=
2008 Jun 15
R vs SAS and HLM on multilevel analysis- basic question
Hi R users!
I am trying to learn some multilevel analysis, but unfortunately i am now very confused. The reason: http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/hlm/seminars/hlm_mlm/mlm_hlm_seminar.htm
MlmSoftRev. pdf from mlmRev package.
>From what i see, the first two links seem to declare the level one variable as a random part (i
2011 Jun 23
Saved EPS does not match screen when using bquote(.(i))
Here's a fairly minimal-case example in which the saved EPS does not match
the screen. The error comes when using bquote(.(i)) instead of bquote(1), as
demonstrated by the two minimally different cases below. Very strange. Any
clues as to why?
#---------------- begin -------------------
# Version A. X axis labels have subscripts as constants. EPS is correct.
layout( matrix( 1:2 ,