Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "mtrx".
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2011 Apr 20
get cells by the combination of their column and row names
I have a (correlation) matrix and I want to select a subset of its cells depending on the combination of their column and row names.
This illustrates my problem: mtrx <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), nrow=3, ncol=3, dimnames = list(c('c132','c432', 'c233'), c('r132','r233', 'r432')))> mtrx r132 r233 r432c132 1 4 7c432 2 5 8c233 3 6 9
At this point I want to compute the mean of t...
2005 Nov 19
help with apply, please
Dear list,
I have a problem with a toy example:
mtrx <- matrix(c(1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1), nrow=3)
rownames(ma) <- letters[1:3]
I would like to determine which is the minimum combination of rows that
"covers" all columns with at least a 1.
None of the rows covers all columns; all three rows clearly covers all
columns, but there are...
2012 Mar 13
Visualising multiple response contingency tables
...way to transform my one data table into c x r x 2
tables for analysis. So I end up having to create the two different tables
myself, shown below (note that the Not-A/B columns are calculated as the
difference between the main data column (A/B) and the total number of
subjects listed above.
> g.mtrx=matrix(c(10,15,20,35),nrow=2)> g.tbl=as.table(g.mtrx)> dimnames(g.tbl)=list(Sex=c("F","M"),Responses=c("A","Not-A"))> g.tbl Responses
Sex A Not-A
F 10 20
M 15 35
> h.tbl=as.table(h.mtrx)> h.mtrx=matrix(c(25,45,5,5),nrow=2)>...
2005 Sep 04
specification for glmmPQL
Hello All,
I have a question regarding how glmmPQL should be specified. Which of
these two is correct?
summary(fm.3 <- glmmPQL(cbind(response, 100 - response) ~ expt,
data = data.1, random = ~ 1 | subject,
family = binomial))
summary(fm.4 <- glmmPQL(response ~ expt, data = data.2,
random = ~ 1 | subject, family =
2010 Sep 26
compare a vector and a row of a matrix
To: r-help-bounces@r-project.org
Subject: compare a vector and a row of a matrix
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2010 23:23:52 +0800
Hi Everyone:
I am trying to compare a vector and rows of a matrix
for example
> xn <- c(1,2,4,4,5,5,5,6)
>yn <- c(1,2,5,7,1,2,3,1)
>mtrx <- cbind(xn, yn)
when I tried, say, > c (1,4), the result was TRUE, TRUE. I think the reason is that 1 is compared to xn and 4 is compared to yn seperately.
Could anyone tell me how I can get a single result of the comparson between a vector and a row of the matrix?
for example£¬ c(1,1)...
2003 Dec 15
help in lme
...here a function g(.) such that g(3) = 6, g(4) = 24, g(6) = 720, etc?
Stupid question (2): how do you extract the estimated covariance matrix of the random effects in an lme object?
Intelligent question (1) I keep on trying to fit a linear mixed model in R using 'lme(y~fxd.dsgn, data = data.mtrx, ~rnd.dsgn|group)' where fxd.dsgn and rnd.dsgn are the fixed and random design matrices, respectively. The function won't work, though. It keeps telling me that it can't find the object 'rnd.dsgn'. What's the matter here?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
2020 Nov 26
Error CLUSTER : no se puede ubicar un vector de tamaño 1.7 gb
Adem?s, Busque un poco en internet sobre unas librer?as para realizar el algoritmo de matriz de distancias, sin embargo, me arroja diferentes errores y despu?s me vuelve a mostrar el mismo error del tama?o del vector
abajo el C?digo de la Librer?a.
df = read_csv(?ruta?)
mtrx.dist = scale(df[,1:2])
fviz_dist(mtrx.dist, gradient = list(low = "blue", mid = "white", high = "red"))
Error in fviz_dist(mtrx.dist, gradient = list(low = "blue", mid = "white", : no se pudo encontrar la funci?n "fviz_dist"
Tengo un...
2009 Jan 22
text vector clustering
I am a new user of R using R 2.8.1 in windows 2003. I have a csv file with
single column which contain the 30,000 students names. There were typo
errors while entering this student names. The actual list of names is <
1000. However we dont have that list for keyword search.
I am interested in grouping/cluster these names as those which are
similar letter to letter. Are there any
2007 Aug 16
an easy way to construct this special matirx
Sorry if this is a repost. I searched but found no results.
I am wondering if it is an easy way to construct the following matrix:
r 1 0 0 0
r^2 r 1 0 0
r^3 r^2 r 1 0
r^4 r^3 r^2 r 1
where r could be any number. Thanks.
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2016 Nov 29
Asterisk compatibility with SMS services
Can anyone comment on using SMS in conjunction with VoIP service using
one of these three VoIP providers: voip.ms, vitelity.com, flowroute.com?
Are some SMS services more compatible with Asterisk (i.e. SMS over SIP
works perfectly or not)? Is it best to use a different data channel for
SMS messages (i.e. SMS via HTTP, SMS via XMPP) instead of Asterisk's
built in SMS application