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2013 May 17
Heterogeneous negative binomial
I have seen several queries about parameterizing the negative binomial scale parameter. This is called the heterogeneous negative binomial. I have written a function called "nbinomial" which is in the msme package on CRAN. Type ?nbinomial to see the help file. The default model is a negative binomial for which the dispersion parameter is directly related to mu, which is how Stata, SAS, SPSS, Limdep, and so forth parameterize the negative binomial. The direct parameterization make sense in that th...
2014 Jul 28
R-devel Digest, Vol 137, Issue 25
...user perspective. Negative binomial regression provides a somewhat extreme example of existing overlap between packages, with the scope that this creates for confusing users, especially as the notation is not consistent between these different implementations. In addition to MASS::glm.nb(), note msme::negbinomial(), aod::negbin() and gamlss::gamlss(). The gamlss function fits two different types of NB model, either family = NBI (quadratic; var = mu(1 + sigma * mu)) as I think for all the functions above, or family=NBII (linear; var = mu(1 + sigma)). Also note the somewhat special purpose fun...
2015 Oct 05
authorship and citation
Dear R developers, This is a rather peculiar question, but nevertheless I would still need an answer for. It is about an R package which I created (namely QCA), and from versions 1.0-0 to 1.1-4 I had a co-author. The co-author recently withdrawn from the package development, but still requires to be left in the authors list and be cited for the package in the CITATION file. Obviously, one could
2015 Oct 05
authorship and citation
...iences Reader & Associate Professor in Applied Statistics Tel: (+61) 0403 138 955 School of Mathematics and Statistics Fax: +61-3-8344 4599 University of Melbourne, VIC 3010 Australia Email: a.robinson at Website: MSME: FAwR: SPuR: [[alternative HTML version deleted]]