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2010 Jan 27
[LLVMdev] Returning a structure
...class aggregates". Check out this example: struct R { long a; long b; }; struct R f(long a, long b) { struct R A; A.a = a; A.b = b; return A; } -> %"struct R" = type { i64, i64 } define %"struct R" @f(i64 %a, i64 %b) nounwind readnone { entry: %mrv5 = insertvalue %"struct R" undef, i64 %a, 0 ; <%"struct R"> [#uses=1] %mrv6 = insertvalue %"struct R" %mrv5, i64 %b, 1 ; <%"struct R"> [#uses=1] ret %"struct R" %mrv6 }
2010 Jan 27
[LLVMdev] Returning a structure
Hi Duncan, Thanks for the response! > that's because clang is doing something more complicated than you are: it is > producing a function that conforms to the platform ABI for passing parameters. > The platform ABI specifies in this case that the valued should be returned via > a special in-memory mechanism (thus the "sret" extra function parameter) rather > than in
2008 Jul 23
[LLVMdev] Structs as first class values.
...d assign to xmm/gpr. It works in this case, but not in the general case. For example, in this case: struct x { double x; float f; int i; }; struct x foo(float *F, int *I) { struct x y; y.x = *F; y.f = *F; y.i = *I; return y; } llvm-gcc produces: ret { double, i64 } %mrv5 to get the right ABI. There is not enough information in the llvm ir to do this without the front-end's help. Again, there is a many to one mapping from C type to LLVM type and not all C types that map onto the same llvm type are supposed to be handled the same way. -Chris
2008 Jul 23
[LLVMdev] Structs as first class values.
On Wednesday 23 July 2008 12:22, Chris Lattner wrote: > and both produce this machine code: > > _test: > movq (%rsi), %rax > movsd (%rdi), %xmm0 > ret Ok, that's good. > >> right thing. However, returning a {i64, i64, i64, i64} by value and > >> having it automatically be returned "by pointer" is less interesting, > > > > What do