search for: mount1

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 21 matches for "mount1".

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2004 Nov 15
FW: Multi-Level Fallbacks
...uency and bitrate) of the mount and it's fallback match. I have also patched the icecast-2.1-trunk version (patch not published yet, needs work to extract) to enable fallback of mulitple mounts to the same fallback with correct fallback-override. Meaning that if a two clients connected, one to mount1 with fallback to mount3 and one connects to mount2 also with fallback to mount3, then when the mount1 comes online, only the mount1 client would be moved back to mount1 and the same for mount2. I haven't tested the 2.1.0 release, so I don't know how it behaves when you configure multiple m...
2010 Nov 03
Forcing an ID on all mountpoints
...utes, and then >> having the 2nd instance of Icecast relay all of the feeds from the first >> Icecast. These will also be standard announcements, and not rotating >> commercials. > > You could do this although you don't need 2 icecasts, you can use 2 > mountpoints. mount1 would be the initial feed (relay/source), but with a > max listener duration of say 1800 seconds and a intro file, the second > mount (what listeners use) would be a relay of mount1. The > relay would be dropped and and restarted. > > Another/simpler way would be to run...
2010 Nov 02
Forcing an ID on all mountpoints
I'm looking for a way to tag my live feeds via an audio announcement every 30 minutes or so using the Linux install of Icecast. Some of the feeds I control locally, and other feeds are from remote locations - so implimenting this must be as painless as possible for each encoding location. As of now, the best way I can think of to do this is by running 2 instances of Icecast. Allowing the
2017 May 12
Circumvention of authentication when using fallback mounts
Using latest icecast, let's assume the following hosting scenario. We have 2 mountpoints which are configured with authentication callbacks: /mount1 /mount2 Both mountpoints have configured the same fallback stream, mounted at '/fallback'. Both have fallback-override enabled, so they both can move listeners back from the fallback when they come online. Suppose that both mounts are currently not mounted. Now a client is connecting and...
2004 Nov 15
FW: Multi-Level Fallbacks can handle those changing mid stream. > I have also patched the icecast-2.1-trunk version (patch not published yet, > needs work to extract) to enable fallback of mulitple mounts to the same > fallback with correct fallback-override. Meaning that if a two clients > connected, one to mount1 with fallback to mount3 and one connects to mount2 > also with fallback to mount3, then when the mount1 comes online, only the > mount1 client would be moved back to mount1 and the same for mount2. > > I haven't tested the 2.1.0 release, so I don't know how it behaves when you...
2010 Nov 02
Forcing an ID on all mountpoints
...kick each feed after 30 minutes, and then > having the 2nd instance of Icecast relay all of the feeds from the first > Icecast. These will also be standard announcements, and not rotating > commercials. You could do this although you don't need 2 icecasts, you can use 2 mountpoints. mount1 would be the initial feed (relay/source), but with a max listener duration of say 1800 seconds and a intro file, the second mount (what listeners use) would be a relay of mount1. The relay would be dropped and and restarted. Another/simpler way would be to run a source client every ha...
2017 May 13
Circumvention of authentication when using fallback mounts
...on, On Fri, 2017-05-12 at 14:37 +0200, Michael Franzl wrote: > Using latest icecast, let's assume the following hosting scenario. (For the records: this applies to 2.4.x as well as current 2.5.x.) > We have 2 mountpoints which are configured with authentication callbacks: > > /mount1 > /mount2 > > Both mountpoints have configured the same fallback stream, mounted at > '/fallback'. Both have fallback-override enabled, so they both can move > listeners back from the fallback when they come online. > > Suppose that both mounts are currently not mount...
2004 Nov 15
FW: Multi-Level Fallbacks can handle those changing mid stream. > I have also patched the icecast-2.1-trunk version (patch not published yet, > needs work to extract) to enable fallback of mulitple mounts to the same > fallback with correct fallback-override. Meaning that if a two clients > connected, one to mount1 with fallback to mount3 and one connects to mount2 > also with fallback to mount3, then when the mount1 comes online, only the > mount1 client would be moved back to mount1 and the same for mount2. > > I haven't tested the 2.1.0 release, so I don't know how it behaves when you &...
2006 Mar 03
Filesystems, GRUB, weirdness, oh my! [long]
...der; so I wrote a 2 scripts to accomplish this task. Why two? Because some of the machines are IDE, and some of them are SATA, and I need to be able to use the same disk image on both of the drive types. Here is the first bash script: if grep -q sda /proc/diskstats then TYPE="sda1" MOUNT1="/dev/sda1 /a/boot" MOUNT2="/dev/sda3 /a" else TYPE="hda1" MOUNT1="/dev/hda1 /a/boot" MOUNT2="/dev/hda3 /a" fi mount $MOUNT2 mount $MOUNT1 MOUNT3="proc /a/proc -t proc -o defaults" mount $MOUNT3 MKSYS="-p /a...
2004 Aug 06
IceCast Questions.... ("id3 tags, mp3, Ogg, etc)
...of thing, all the hard bits here are done in icecast. <p>> > If I had 1 icecast server acting as a relay, connecting to a 2nd one, > could I switch between "2nd ones" and not interrupt the listener? Not precisely. What you can do (with icecast2) is: server1: /relay-mount1 <---- server2 : /relay-mount2 <----- server3 In this setup, you might dynamically add server3/relay-mount2, as your "new 2nd one". Then, you can dynamically switch users from /relay-mount1 to /relay-mount2, without interrupting the listeners. Then you can drop server2...
2004 Aug 06
IceCast Questions.... (&quot;id3 tags, mp3, Ogg, etc) 18 July 2003 11:16, Ethan wrote: > > If I had 1 icecast server acting as a relay, connecting to a 2nd > > one, could I switch between "2nd ones" and not interrupt the > > listener? > > Not precisely. What you can do (with icecast2) is: > server1: /relay-mount1 <---- server2 > : /relay-mount2 <----- server3 > > In this setup, you might dynamically add server3/relay-mount2, as your > "new 2nd one". Then, you can dynamically switch users from > /relay-mount1 to /relay-mount2, without interrupting the listeners. &gt...
2004 Aug 06
IceCast Questions.... (&quot;id3 tags, mp3, Ogg, etc) to add this sort of thing, all the hard bits > here are done in icecast. Okay, in the case with using a live input (ADC) ... I haven't looked at the latest darkice to see if the text thing has been updated. > Not precisely. What you can do (with icecast2) is: > server1: /relay-mount1 <---- server2 > : /relay-mount2 <----- server3 > > In this setup, you might dynamically add server3/relay-mount2, as your "new > 2nd one". Then, you can dynamically switch users from /relay-mount1 to > /relay-mount2, without interrupting the listeners. Then...
2015 Nov 17
fallback mount points?
...t has a different URL, but in the ways that I have described, you don't use it like that. You can have 2 or 3 MountPoints but, one you can just serve as a fallback for all 3 of them. Let's take this example for a few seconds. Say for example, if you had, "" that will just serve as the listener MountPoint. "/mount2" Let's just say is your live MountPoint and "/mount3" is your automations MountPoint. You don't have the listeners connect to "/mount2" or "/mount3" Only "/mount1" Because al...
2014 Nov 07
suggestion on appropriate source client
...related music sources. 3) i am pretty much going to stream only music files (no dj's or live sources). 4) i would prefer something OpenSource. 5) the client should be able to automatically detect changes in music folders and automatically updated the related playlist (eg i drop an mp3 to the /mount1/ music folder and the appropriate playlist for that particular stream gets updated). 6) should provide fallbacks when empty music folders are present (eg. stream "silence"). Please be gentle, its my first post :) Thank you in advance!, Emanuel. -- There are 10 people in the world, th...
2004 Aug 06
icecast2 per-mount overall listening statistics
Hi there! I don't know, if there have already been such a question, so that it is... I have icecast2 and 7 livestreams on it (by some reasons 6 darkices' mp3 and 1 ices2's ogg). By the given order I need to summarize the time each mount is listened for (for example, /mount1 is being listened by 3 listeners for 3 hours, than by 2 listeners for 1 hour and then by 1 listener for 2 hours. The summarized time, the mount was listened for, is 3*3+2*1+1*2=13 hours. Than, some time later, using such a statistics, I point less popular mounts. Does anybody know, if there is such...
2004 Aug 06
Debian packages: icecast2, libshout, ices2
On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 09:55:04AM -0600, Jack Moffitt wrote: > Please speak to Ralph Giles <> about obtaining commit > access to CVS. We should check in your debian/ dir into the official > tree and that way we can be sure to sync releases. Also people using CVS > snapshots will be able to build their own debs. Well... Thanks! I've been maintaining my own
2015 Nov 17
fallback mount points?
...erent URL, but in the ways that I have described, you don't use it like that. You can have 2 or 3 MountPoints but, one you can just serve as a fallback for all 3 of them. Let's take this example for a few seconds. Say for example, if you had, "" that will just serve as the listener MountPoint. "/mount2" Let's just say is your live MountPoint and "/mount3" is your automations MountPoint. You don't have the listeners connect to "/mount2" or "/mount3" Only "/mount1"...
2008 Jul 20
Different password for every mountpoint
Hi guys , I have a little doubt: It's possible with the last version of icecast2 to set a diffferent password for every mountpoint different from the server's password? Becasue I want to manage the access to the server for every mountpoint and without give the server's password. Another question it's if I do some changes on the icecast.xml configuration , and later restart
2006 Sep 08
Failed to create a solaris DOMU using NFS root
Hello, I''ve installed a OpenSolaris dom0 snv_44 on a x4100 server, and booted a 32-bit xen kernel. I''m trying to create a OpenSolaris DOMU (snv_44) by following the howto described at I did not manage to create a diskless environment by using SUNWCXall. I''ve created SUNWCreq instead and add the
2015 Nov 16
fallback mount points?
Hello, this is coming from our radio station's icecast config. change at your needs and feel free to use this. <mount> <mount-name>/stream.mp3</mount-name> <fallback-mount>/live.mp3</fallback-mount> <fallback-override>1</fallback-override> <hidden>1</hidden> </mount> <mount>