search for: mother's

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 684 matches for "mother's".

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2005 Nov 25
Use of nesting in lmer- error in numerical expression
Dear R users, I am trying to fit a GLMM using lmer to a dataset where the brood identity (LNRREIR) is nested within mothers identity. The reason for this is that each mother can have several nests within each year and also between years. I am running the following script (actually I have tried all different combinations with LNRREIR and mother): mod <- lmer(sr~z.hatchday + (1|LNRREIR:mother) + (1|mother), f...
2004 May 27
Sorting Data?
...ading through some manuals, but I cannot find my answer. I have a file containing many data: Vpn Code Family Age F1 F2 ... F17 1 1 M 46 1 2 ... 1 2 1 D 18 3 2 ... 4 3 2 M 50 3 3 ... 3 ... and so on. Now I can read it by: F = read.table("file", header=T) but now I want to seperate the mothers (M) and daugthers (D) of the family with all the data in all other fields. How can I do that? The 'Code' Tells me which mother belongs to which dougther. I want to make a matrix where I have the mothers on one and the daugthers on the other axis and compair the distance of every q...
2020 Oct 05
S4 - inheritance changed by order of setClassUnion and setAs()
Dear colleagues, there is a behaviour with S4 (virtual) classes that I find very hard to understand: Depending on the position of setAs(), the tree of inheritance changes. This is my baseline example that defines the classes "grandma", "mother", "daughter" and a virtual class "mr_x". For a new instance if "daughter", "mr_x" is betweeen "mother" and "grandma". setClass("grandma", slots = c(a = "character")) setClass("mother", slots = c(b = &quo...
2004 May 29
multiple nesting levels in GEE
Hello, I'm actually trying to fit a gee model with 2 nesting levels since I expect a correlation between all members of a litter at a first level and between all individuals sharing a mother at a second superior level with an exchangeable matrix. I order my dataframe by both mother and litter I try several syntaxes: id= mother*litter which give the same correlation matrix as id= litter*mother and id=litter with a matrix size of 7*7 which correspond to the maximum number of young per...
2007 Oct 25
...1996, 1997, 1998) # the year when the bird reproduced the first time (for simplicity in the dummy data, all birds reproduce the year after it was born) year.1st.reprod <- year.hatch + 1 # some status (0/1) of an individual status <- c(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1) # the id of the mother id.mother <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3) # Status of the mother (0/1) status.mother <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1) # a measure of individual measure <- rnorm(13) <- data.frame(id, year, year.hatch, year.1st.reprod, status, id.mother, s...
2020 Oct 06
S4 - inheritance changed by order of setClassUnion and setAs()
...appended to as needed, and so the order that a class extends others isd refined by the order that those connections are defined. We can see this with two setClassUnion calls, rather than required setAs: > setClass("grandma", slots = c(a = "character")) > setClass("mother", slots = c(b = "matrix"), contains = "grandma") > setClass("daughter", slots = c(c = "list"), contains = "mother") > setClassUnion(name = "mr_x", members = c("daughter", "mother")) > setClassUnion(name...
2009 Apr 12
problem with DivX9 and winetricks
...I am total Linux noob and have been doing ok up to now - any advice greatfully received. cheers, Dan PS at the bottom of this it seems to not find 'C:\windows\gecko\0.9.1\wine_gecko\sqlite3.d' - but the file is there on WINE's C drive the terminal output is this: ================= mother at Mothership:~$ sh winetricks Setting Windows version to win2k Executing wine regedit /home/mother/.wine/drive_c/winetrickstmp/set-winver.reg Executing wine /home/mother/.winetrickscache/directx_nov2008_redist.exe /t:c:\winetrickstmp fixme:advapi:DecryptFileA "c:\\winetrickstmp\\" 000000...
2004 Aug 20
drop1 with contr.treatment
...lity is to produce a warning when you use drop1 with the scope argument to get main effects in the presence of an interaction (even not signifikant) with "treatment" contrast. An example: library(MASS) ##- Data "genotype" names(genotype) ##- > [1] "Litter" "Mother" "Wt" ##- to be sure the contrasts are "treatment" options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly" )) ##- model with interaction <- aov(Wt ~ Litter*Mother, data = genotype) drop1(, scope = .~., test = "F") ##- Model: #...
2009 Jun 26
Matching data to a new column
Hi all, I wonder if anyone can help, I have a dataframe with columns for... 'I.D' 'age' 'mothers I.D' 01 5 03 02 6 06 03 16 NA 04 8 06 05 3 NA 06 17 NA I need to create a new column for 'mothers age' which puts the age of the individual with 'mothers i.d' into the row for her offspring (so individual 01 would have 16...
2013 Jan 23
how to read a df like that and transform it?
Dear all I have a data.frame like that : father mother num_daughter daughter 291 3906 0 NULL 275 4219 0 NULL 273 4236 1 49410 281 4163 1 49408 274 4226 1 49406 295 3869 2 49403 49404 287 4113 0 NULL 295 3871 1 49401 292 3895 4 49396 49397 49398 49399 291 3900 3 49392 How to read it into R and transform it li...
2007 Oct 26
[Fwd: Re: subsetting]
...ndividual to qualify for my analysis I want both of the following two criteria to be fulfilled: First, I want to select measurement taken at a certain age: for the focal individual the year of measurement (year) should be the same as year.hatch Second, I want the focal individual to be born by a mother that reproduces for the first time. So the /parents /of the focal individual should have year == year.1st.reprod. The problem for me, I think, is that in my data set with several generations, an individual can be both offspring and parent to other offspring at the same time (e.g. id=3 in test....
2005 Aug 04
drawing a network digraph
Dear R users, I have a matrix with 2 columns with the variables: "daughter index", "mother index". I would like to draw a network digraph using this data, where each daughter is connected to a mother and between the connections inlcude a circle with the information on the indices ("daughter index", "mother index"): i.e. something similar to graphs produced by...
2006 Mar 10
difference between 2 dates: IN MONTHS the way Mothers compute it
Hi R-people: I need a function to compute the number of months between 2 dates, in the same way a mother would do it. For example, if a kid is born on February 6, the number of months between that date and March 7 is exactly 1 month, although it is only 29 days. Thank you! Phil Smith CDC [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Dec 23
Applying a function
Hi, I need help writing a function I capture seal pups mutliple times during the lactation season in order to monitor their growth rate. When I release them, the recovery (mother-pup) time is not the same for all individuals. I want to know if individuals that recover their mother the fastest are the ones with the highest growth rates. So, I noted at every release if the pup reovered his mother before we leave (yes or no). My dataframe looks like this Captu...
2008 May 27
HABTM using two columns
Hi all, I was wondering whether anyone could guide me to docu and code examples how to create and use a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship with a joining table where TWO columns are used to identify the relation to TWO alternative tables. Example: table 1: mothers [mother_id, name] table 2: fathers [father_id, name] table 3: children [child_id, name] joining table 4: children_parent [child_id, parent_id, parent_type] ''parent type'' can be either ''mother'' or ''father'', and depending on this, the '&...
2007 Feb 01
Wavlet filter using morlet mother wavelet
&nbsp; Hi, List ,I am searching any package on R which can do wavelet filtering for mother wavelet morlet ,is anybody having any script for the same ? I am new to the RwAVELET ANALSSIS.. THANKS IN ADVANCE ANIL KUMAR ANIL KUMAR(&nbsp;METEOROLOGIST) LRF SECTION&nbsp; NATIONAL CLIMATE&nbsp;CENTER ADGM(RESEARCH) INDIA METEOROLOGICAL&nbsp;DEPARTMEN...
2013 Nov 05
Dynamic list creation (SEXP in C) returns error "unimplemented type (29) in 'duplicate'"
...ks ago I started to use the R C API for package development. Without knowing much about C, I've been able to write some routines sucessfully... until now. My problem consists in dynamically creating a list ("L1") of lists using .Call, the tricky part is that each element of the "mother list" contains two vectors (INTSXP and REALEXP types) with varying sizes; sizes that I set while I'm looping over another list's ("L1") elements (input list). The steps I've follow are: FIRST: Create the "mother list" of size "n=length(L0)" (doesn...
2018 Jul 10
Construcción de archivo de texto
Hola a todos, A partir de los siguientes datos: d <- list(`1` = structure(list(ped = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), id = 1:7, father = c(2L, 0L, 0L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L), mother = c(3L, 0L, 0L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L), sex = c(2L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 2L), affected = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L)), row.names = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"), class = "data.frame"), `2` = structure(list(...
2012 Sep 06
No room for labels in barplot
All, I have: sales <- c(2300,900,155,102,42,10) names(sales) <- c("Christmas","Valentine's Day", "Mother's Day","Father's Day", "Thanksgiving","New Year's Day") barplot(sales,ylim=c(0,2500)) But it doesn't place all of the name labels on the plot. So I tried: sales <- c(2300,900,155,102,42,10) names(sales) <- c("Christmas"...
2005 Jan 25
tapply and names
I have a data frame containing children, with variables 'year' = birth year, and '' = mother's id number. Let's assume that all the births of each mother is represented in the data frame. Now I want to create a subset of this data frame containing all children, whose mother's first birth was in the year 1816 or later. This seems to work: mid <- tapply(dat$year, dat$m...