Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "morphometr".
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2010 Nov 16
discriminant function analysis
My objective is to look at differences in two species of fish from morphometric measurements. My morphometric measurements are head length, eye diameter, snout length, and measurements from tail to each fin. I want to use discrimanant function analyis to determine if there are differences between the two species.
I am familiar with R but new to discrimannt function anal...
2011 Sep 18
...Gastón. I just read a question, made by Walter Durka, about a
nonparametric discriminant analysis. It wasn´t any answer, and I was
wondering if at this moment there is one. I have the same problem as W.
Durka. I´m trying to classify and to cross-validate samples of three
tunicates species based on morphometric data and to identify the variables
that best discriminate between species.
Thanks for help.
Kind regards!
Gaston Alurralde
*[ GASTÓN ]*
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Oct 07
first post and bootstarpping problems
Hello to all R users,
I use R for a year now and am dealing with geometric morphometrics of deer skulls. Yes, I am a biologist and my math skills are just beginning to brush up. To cut to the chase...
I have two groups in my data (males and females) and my data is in a simple vector form. Now I need a bootstrap test for this value
szc1 <- ((mean(maleCent)-mean(femaCent))^ 2)/(...
2008 Jul 25
Write lower half of distance matrix only
...quot; into a data.frame' message when I try.
I have used as.matrix and can write to a file this way, but as a full
The reason I only want the lower half is that I've been doing some Mantel
correlations with distance matrices (of Procrustes distances) generated by
other (geometric morphometric) software that are in this format. However,
I'm needing to use an alternative such as R to calculate distance matrices
of Fourier coefficients which the other software can't do. So far, the
Mantel correlations calculated from these two matrices (with R and also
another software (Mantel f...
2009 Aug 09
problem adding columns to matrix
Hi all, i purchased a copy of the book Morphometrics with R by Springer.
at the end of each chapter there are exercises to train what you just
read and (hope) learned...
so i have this problem:
Define a hypothetical data frame containing five measurments normally
distributed(size,head,pectoral,area,weight) for four individuals
(named ind1,...
2012 Apr 11
row.names in dunes and dunes.env?
I've got a small dataset on box turtle shell measurements that I would like to perform a detrended correspondence analysis on. I thought that it would be interesting to examine the morphometrics for each species in the area of overlap and in areas where neither species occurs.
I've taken a look at the dune and dune.env datasets in vegan. Using the str() command gives me
> str(dune)
'data.frame': 20 obs. of 30 variables:
$ Belper: num 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 ...
$ Em...
2004 Aug 02
averaging 3D datasets
Dear R-users,
I've spent most of the day reading R documentation at length but couldn't
find something perhaps obvious.
I have a dataset made of 3 morphometric variables for a series of watershed
[log(slope); log(drainage_area); distance_to_outlet]
My aim is to predict the value of log(slope) for pairs of [drainage_area;
distance_to_outlet] (sounds like a plain linear model fitting, right,
nothing too fancy there). In the literature, the standard proce...
2011 Sep 23
Clusplot axes
I am a relative novice with R and am having some difficulty using 'clusplot'
(package Cluster).
I have performed PCA analysis (using vegan) on a large set of morphometric
measurements and revealed up to 4 principal components. To examine the
grouping of the data I have used PAM followed by clusplot to visualise the
clusters. My problem is that I would like to see the clusters plotted on the
PC2 and PC3 axes but cannot find a way to configure clusplot to do this. T...
2012 Apr 15
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* disclapmix (0.1)
Maintainer: Mikkel Meyer Andersen
Author(s): Mikkel Meyer Andersen and Poul Svante Eriksen
License: GPL-2
disclapmix makes inference in a mixture of Discrete Laplace
distributions using the EM algorithm.
* EstSimPDMP (1.1)
Maintainer: Unknown
2000 Feb 02
Factor Analysis?
I have been browsing the R- manual and not seen any direct
implementation of Factor analysis.
Is there anyone out there who has run Factor Analysis with R?
Michael Preminger
Forsker / Research Scientist
Avdeling for journalistikk,
bibliotek- og informasjonsfag /
Faculty of Journalism, Library and
Information Science
H?gskolen i Oslo / Oslo College