search for: morpholog

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 42 matches for "morpholog".

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2012 Apr 30
New package for morphology and smoothing in any number of dimensions: mmand
Dear all, I'm pleased to announce the release on CRAN of the "mmand" package (for Mathematical Morphology in Any Number of Dimensions). It provides functions for performing mathematical morphology (erode, dilate, etc.), smoothing, and other kernel-based operations on array-like objects of any dimensionality. The package is centred around a flexible function called morph(), which can apply any kernel t...
2012 Apr 30
New package for morphology and smoothing in any number of dimensions: mmand
Dear all, I'm pleased to announce the release on CRAN of the "mmand" package (for Mathematical Morphology in Any Number of Dimensions). It provides functions for performing mathematical morphology (erode, dilate, etc.), smoothing, and other kernel-based operations on array-like objects of any dimensionality. The package is centred around a flexible function called morph(), which can apply any kernel t...
2006 Nov 15
Erosion, mathematical morphology
Hello! I need a function to compute the erosion of a binary image by a structuring element. I need the structuring element to be a ball of a given radius. As far as I know the libraries adehabitat and spatstat include functions of mathematical morphology but I couldn't find a function which computes the erosion by a ball. Any idea? Thanks!
2006 Apr 19
isoMDS and 0 distances
Hi, I'm trying to do a non-metric multidimensional scaling using isoMDS. However, I have some '0' distances in my data, and I'm not sure how to deal with them. I'd rather not drop rows from the original data, as I am comparing several datasets (morphology and molecular data) for the same individuals, and it's interesting to see how much morphological variation can be associated with an identical genotype. I've tried replacing the 0's with NA, but the isoMDS appears to stop on the first iteration and the stress does not improve: dis...
2010 Dec 30
unexpected input in rpart
Hi all, I'm a newbee using R. I need to do a classification tree using the rpart package. Basically I have a set of birds of known sex and several morphological measurements and we want to predict the sex using the morphology. I read my csv file and it shows up in R no problem, looks fine but when I execute the following rpart command hawkadults_rpart<-rpart(Sex?Footpad+Mean_2ndlength+Bill_length+Tarsus_reg+Mass+Wing_chord,method="class"...
2001 Sep 22
Finding a 3D convex hull in R
Dear List Members, I'm presently carrying out morphological analysis of a data set of neuronal structures. These are essentially 3D binary trees. In due course I will be trying to use discriminant analysis or other methods to classify these neurons based on morphological variables such as total tree length, segment number etc. I would like to calcula...
2006 Jul 08
denominator degrees of freedom and F-values in nlme
Hello, I am struggling to understand how denominator degrees of freedom and subsequent significance testing based upon them works in nlme models. I have a data set of 736 measurements (weight), taken within 3 different age groups, on 497 individuals who fall into two morphological catagories (horn types). My model is: Y ~ weight + horn type / age group, random=~1|individual I am modeling this using glmm.PQL function with family=neg.bin (negative binomial distribution, estimating theta based upon a glm without individual as a random effect). My data set will not be...
2004 Mar 04
boot package
Dear all As part of an ongoing study on the ecomorphology of ant communities, I have obtained a matrix with 156 row (species) and 20 columns (several measurements of body shape) for 4 localities. For each community, I calculated a matrix of Euclidean distances between all pairs of species. From this matrix, I extracted two measures of community struct...
2010 Dec 14
Discriminant Correspondence Analysis
...scannf a logical value indicating whether the eigenvalues bar plot should be displayed nf if scannf FALSE, an integer indicating the number of kept axes Examples data(perthi02) plot(discrimin.coa(perthi02$tab, perthi02$cla, scan = FALSE)) For clarification, my data consists of measurements of morphological characters of an assemblage of biological specimens. I have already performed Principal Co-ordinates Analysis, Principal Compionents Analysis and Cluster Analysis in another program (PAST) in order to see if the data fall into distinct groupings that might represent different morphological spec...
2006 Mar 30
Unbalanced Manova
Dear all, I need to do a Manova but I have an unbalanced design. I have morphological measurements similar to the iris dataset, but I don't have the same number of measurements for all species. Does anyone know a procedure to do Manova with this kind of input in R? Thank you very much, Naiara. -------------------------------------------- Naiara S. Pinto Ecology, Evolution...
2009 May 24
Animal Morphology: Deriving Classification Equation with Linear Discriminat Analysis (lda)
...;F"))/sum(workWRMA$WRMA_SEX=="F") [1] -1.897114 > sum(LD1*(workWRMA$WRMA_SEX=="M"))/sum(workWRMA$WRMA_SEX=="M") [1] 2.371392 > #Eigenvalue/Canonical Correlation > model$svd [1] 26.23579 -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2016 Jan 21
Failed to install imager
Hi, I failed to run install.packages("imager") in CentOS 6, the R version is 3.2.2 g++ -shared -L/usr/local/r/3.2.2/lib64/R/lib -L/usr/local/lib64 -o RcppExports.o colourspace.o display.o drawing.o filtering.o interpolation.o morphology.o transformations.o utils.o wrappers.o -lX11 -lfftw3 -L/usr/local/r/3.2.2/lib64/R/lib -lR /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lfftw3 I checked imager src/ PKG_LIBS += -L$(LIB_FFTW)/lib -lgdi32 -lfftw3-3 $(RCPP_LDFLAGS) And I've already added LIB_FFTW to my fftw library, what I am still m...
2008 Sep 20
multiple comparisons for MANOVA results
Hi all, This is both a general and r specific question. I am analyzing some morphological data and have performed a MANOVA on the 5 groups with 5 measured morphological traits. The results provide me with some pairwise comparisons, but I would like to run a multiple comparison test on the results so that I could look at all pairwise comparisons, but have been unable to find a way t...
2010 Apr 11
A Hebrew stemmer based on libhspell
Hello. I'm interested in creating a Hebrew stemmer to use with Xapian. Hebrew is a complicated language to stem, as it uses the semitic "root" system, rather than prefixes and suffixes, and has many irregularities in accidence (morphology). Fortunately, two bright fellows from the Technion University in Israel have already created a Hebrew morphological analyzer as part of their Hebrew spellchecker project (hspell), which is the de-facto standard free Hebrew spellchecker (used in GMail etc.). This analyzer is heavily lexicon-base...
2009 Aug 11
Dear wine-experts, I use (jaunty) linux and successfully installed the trial of the application called mobimouse ( under wine. I used it before under windows and it really is a clever software. It works like stardict: recognises what word is under the mouse-pointer and immediately translates it in a pop up windows. Or at least t...
2012 Mar 21
multivariate ordinal probit regression vglm()
Hello, all. I'm investigating the rate at which skeletal joint surfaces pass through a series of ordered stages (changes in morphology). Current statistical methods in this type of research use various logit or probit regression techniques (e.g., proportional odds logit/probit, forward/backward continuation ratio, or restricted/unrestricted cumulative probit). Data typically include the predictor (age) and one or more response...
2018 Jan 15
Natural Language Processing for non-English languages with udpipe announce the release of version 0.3 of the udpipe R package on CRAN ( The udpipe R package is a Natural Language Processing toolkit that provides language-agnostic 'tokenization', 'parts of speech tagging', 'lemmatization', 'morphological feature tagging' and 'dependency parsing' of raw text. Next to text parsing, the R package also allows you to train annotation models based on data of 'treebanks' in 'CoNLL-U' format as provided at The R package provides...
2018 Jan 15
Natural Language Processing for non-English languages with udpipe announce the release of version 0.3 of the udpipe R package on CRAN ( The udpipe R package is a Natural Language Processing toolkit that provides language-agnostic 'tokenization', 'parts of speech tagging', 'lemmatization', 'morphological feature tagging' and 'dependency parsing' of raw text. Next to text parsing, the R package also allows you to train annotation models based on data of 'treebanks' in 'CoNLL-U' format as provided at The R package provides...
2005 Oct 14
Predicting classification error from rpart
Hi, I think I'm missing something very obvious, but I am missing it, so I would be very grateful for help. I'm using rpart to analyse data on skull base morphology, essentially predicting sex from one or several skull base measurements. The sex of the people whose skulls are being studied is known, and lives as a factor (M,F) in the data. I want to get back predictions of gender, and particularly misclassification rates. rpart produces output like this :-...
2023 Dec 06
Volume of polygon
Hi, As already mentioned, this is a great topic for R-sig-geo, where you'd probably get specialist answers like the lake morphology package which is explicitly designed for this kind of question. Sarah On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 11:13?PM javad bayat <j.bayat194 at> wrote: > > Dear all; > I am trying to calculate the volume of a polygon shapef...