search for: monomvn

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "monomvn".

2017 Aug 01
How automatic Y on install y/n prompts?
...t; list.of.packages <- c("caretEnsemble","logicFS"," > >> RWeka","ordinalNet","xgboost","mlr","caret","MLmetrics"," > bartMachine","spikeslab","party","rqPen","monomvn"," > foba","logicFS","rPython","qrnn","randomGLM","msaenet"," > Rborist","relaxo","ordinalNet","rrf","frbs","extraTrees"," > ipred","elasticnet",...
2017 Aug 01
How automatic Y on install y/n prompts?
...of.packages <- c("caretEnsemble","logicFS"," >> >> RWeka","ordinalNet","xgboost","mlr","caret","MLmetrics"," >> bartMachine","spikeslab","party","rqPen","monomvn"," >> foba","logicFS","rPython","qrnn","randomGLM","msaenet"," >> Rborist","relaxo","ordinalNet","rrf","frbs","extraTrees"," >> ipred","elast...
2009 Aug 24
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ Updated packages ---------------- New reviews ----------- This email provided as a service for the R community by Like it? Hate it? Please let us know: cranatic at
2010 Mar 14
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
..., integrOmics (2.55), interval (0.9-9.6), ipw (1.0-4), kml (1.1.1), ks (1.6.11), latticeExtra (0.6-9), lda (1.2), lokern (1.0-9), longitudinalData (0.6.3), MAc (1.0.5), MAc (1.0.6), MAd (0.2), mboost (2.0-3), mc2d (0.1-7), mclust (3.4.3), MCMCglmm (2.03), mhsmm (0.3.2), mixAK (0.8), MKmisc (0.6.1), monomvn (1.8-1), MplusAutomation (0.2-2), MplusAutomation (0.2-3), multcomp (1.1-6), mvpart (1.3-1), ncvreg (2.0), neuralnet (1.3), nlstools (0.0-10), noia (0.94), nor1mix (1.1-2), party (0.9-9993), pcaPP (1.8), penalized (0.9-30), pgirmess (1.4.4), phyclust (0.1-5), picante (1.0-1), plotrix (2.8-3), plsdo...
2012 Apr 15
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ * disclapmix (0.1) Maintainer: Mikkel Meyer Andersen Author(s): Mikkel Meyer Andersen and Poul Svante Eriksen License: GPL-2 disclapmix makes inference in a mixture of Discrete Laplace distributions using the EM algorithm. * EstSimPDMP (1.1) Maintainer: Unknown Author(s):
2010 Jul 18
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
...(1.3-0), mgcv (1.6-2), mhsmm (0.3.5), mi (0.09-11), micEcon (0.6-4), micEconAids (0.6-4), minet (2.4.0), minqa (1.1.8), miscTools (0.6-2), mitools (2.0.1), mixAK (1.0), mixdist (0.5-3), mixlow (1.0.0), mixOmics (2.7-1), mixtools (0.4.4), mlegp (3.1.1), mlmmm (0.3-1.2), mlogit (0.1-7), mokken (2.3), monomvn (1.8-3), mrdrc (1.0-5), msm (0.9.7), mstate (0.2.4), mtsc (0.0.2), muhaz (1.2.5), multcomp (1.1-7), multinomRob (1.8-4), multtest (2.4.0), mutatr (0.1.2), mvabund (0.1-10), mvbutils (2.5.1), mvtnorm (0.9-92), nanop (1.0-1), ncdf (1.6.1), ncvreg (2.1), NetCluster (0.2), NetData (0.2), networksis (1....