search for: monitrc

Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "monitrc".

2009 Sep 08
variables on files
...# Installing packages. package { "monit": ensure => latest; } file { "/etc/default/monit": owner => "root", group => "root", mode => "0644", source => "puppet:///monit/etc/default/monit", } file { "/etc/monit/monitrc": owner => "root", group => "root", mode => "0600", alias => "monitrc", source => "puppet:///monit/etc/monit/monitrc"; } # Starting service. service { "monit": ensure => running, require => File [ &...
2011 Mar 19
httpd cannot serve web page on port 2812 (for Monit)
...a very basic /etc/monit.conf config, but I cannot get it serve the web page on my box The service start and stops fine (e.g. "/etc/init.d/monit start"), and I have it set to listen to port 2812 in the "/etc/monit.conf file" (so far, kept the default) e.g. in "/etc/monit.d/monitrc" file set daemon 60 set logfile syslog facility log_daemon set mailserver localhost set mail-format { from: monit at } set alert me at set httpd port 2812 check process sshd with pidfile /var/run/ start program "/etc/init.d/sshd start"...
2007 Oct 12
puppetd dies?
Greetings all, My deployment of puppet includes a monitrc to make sure that puppetd stays up and running. It seems like (across all of my hosts) that pupeptd will end up dying and restarted by monit. I''m running puppetd under a screen session now on one particular host with --debug --verbose to see if any thing comes out on console but until it...
2010 Jul 23
Design, syntax question for passing values from node.pp
Is it possible to define variable at this level. I need to pass the monit config file name ( sometimes its monitrc sometimes in not ). Here is what I have. # /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp node basenode { include postgresql include monit include wiki include apace } node '''' inherits basenode { } -- You received this message because you are subscribed to...
2007 Mar 29
Machine reboot - monit fails to start mongrels
Greetings - I dug around a bit and I couldn''t find a definitive answer to this question, apologies if it''s been covered before. A box running a apache 2.2 -> mongrel cluster for a rails app got power cycled at my ISP. Unfortunately monit couldn''t start the mongrel processes because the pid files were still there. Here is my monit config (for each mongrel
2006 Nov 05
logrotate, mongrel cluster and monit
While I could figure this out, I''m asking here first to see if anyone has already dealt with/created this. I''m running a mongrel cluster, running 4 mongrels on ports 8001-4. I''m using capistrano to deploy. And I''d like to use monit to check to make sure everything is running nice. I''d like to have monit restart only single mongrels if they fail, and
2007 Feb 27
mongrel_cluster and Monit
On one of my development servers mongrel dies when idle for any length of time. Since I''ve not been able to solve that problem I thought I''d route around it by using monit to kick things when necessary. My monitrc contains the following... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check process mongrel_8310 with pidfile /home/valleyc/apps/cms/dev/current/log/ group mongrel start program = "/usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails cluster::start -C /home/va...
2006 Sep 01
Making Mongrel play well with Monit
Hi! I run a mongrel cluster with 6 mongrels in it. I want to monitor them individually for process hangs (and then restart them) and this is the solution I came up with: Here''s my configuration file for monit (/usr/local/etc/monitrc): [snipped relevant bits] ------ #check lighttpd process check process lighttpd with pidfile /var/run/ start program = "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start" stop program = "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop" if totalmem > 200.0 MB for 5 cycles...
2012 Feb 16
Could not set present on ensure: Read-only file system
...9;sudo dpkg --configure -a'' to correct the problem. notice: /Stage[main]/Monit/File[/etc/default/monit]: Dependency Package[monit] has failures: true warning: /Stage[main]/Monit/File[/etc/default/monit]: Skipping because of failed dependencies notice: /Stage[main]/Monit/File[/etc/monit/monitrc]: Dependency Package[monit] has failures: true warning: /Stage[main]/Monit/File[/etc/monit/monitrc]: Skipping because of failed dependencies notice: /Stage[main]/Monit/File[/etc/logrotate.d/monit]: Dependency Package[monit] has failures: true warning: /Stage[main]/Monit/File[/etc/logrotate.d/mon...
2007 Feb 02
Monit / mongel_cluster 0.2.2 / mongrel 1.0.1
...and try again I also had to make changes to mongrel_cluster 0.2.2''s init.rb to give it the full path to mongrel_rails, otherwise it failed to find it. If I run the same command line myself, the pup comes up fine. Anyone got a working example with the new mongrel_cluster functionality? monitrc: check process mongrel-8000 with pidfile /path/to/ start program = "/usr/local/bin/ruby /usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails cluster::start --only 8000 --clean -C /www/path/to/config/mongrel_cluster.yml" Thanks in advance, Paul
2011 Feb 18
lp_bool(): value is NULL or empty!
...parm.c:5856(lp_bool) Feb 18 18:27:32 samba net: lp_bool(): value is NULL or empty! Feb 18 18:27:34 samba monit[7329]: Reinitializing monit daemon Feb 18 18:27:34 samba monit[2278]: Awakened by the SIGHUP signal Feb 18 18:27:34 samba monit[2278]: Reinitializing monit - Control file '/etc/monit/monitrc' Feb 18 18:27:34 samba monit[2278]: Shutting down monit HTTP server Feb 18 18:27:34 samba smbd[7355]: [2011/02/18 18:27:34.223191, 0] param/loadparm.c:5856(lp_bool) Feb 18 18:27:34 samba smbd[7355]: lp_bool(): value is NULL or empty! Feb 18 18:27:36 samba smbd[7443]: [2011/02/18 18:27:36.186...
2007 May 18
Puppetmaster wierdness
Anybody else experience the need to restart puppetmasterd before a node can register itself. I''ve been cleaning up my installation here on client nodes and every once and a while I find myself needing to restart the puppetmaster daemon. A client node attempts to connect and never does. A restart fixes things. There doesn''t seem to be anything useful in the error messages
2007 Mar 26
Monit + Mongrel woes
Hello all, So, I''ve been using monit with mongrel for a while now, since the 0.3.x days (I think it was). It used to work fine, but now I seem to be having some trouble. I''m currently using mongrel 1.0.1 and I am using the same monit configuration I''ve always been using, yet everytime monit should restart mongrel, I get "Execution failed". For the start
2007 Apr 03
monit vs mongrel cluster
Is there anything mongrel cluster gives you that monit doesn''t? I''ll be using monit to monitor a number of other services anyways, so it seems logical to just use it for everything including mongrel. Chris
2008 Jan 09
mongrel, monit, and the many, many messages
Monit 4.9, Mongrel 1.0.1, Rails 1.2.6, Mac OS X 10.4.11 (PPC) I don''t know whether this is a mongrel issue or a monit issue. I''m trying to poke my way around a system set up by someone else. I have no more experience w/ mongrel that local Rails dev at this point, and a conceptual understanding of how monit is working. I have the Deploying Rails beta book, and I''m
2007 Aug 10
what is the correct way to stop/start a mongrel instance using monit with mongrel cluster
...I do a cap deploy we just kick mongrels with /etc/init.d/mongrel_rails.. I am assuming I should be using monit now when I deploy to do this. Correct? Can you give me an example of this? I know this is not the monit list, but I was thinking you guys know what I am talking about. So in my monit.conf/monitrc file here is what I have: check process mongrel_9001 with pidfile /var/run/mongrel/ start program = "/usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails start -d -e production -p 9009 -a -l log/mongrel.log -P /var/run/mongrel/ -c /home/app/current" stop program = &...