search for: mongrel_rail

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 612 matches for "mongrel_rail".

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2009 Feb 04
How to hack a mongrel cluster to restart in an alternating manner?
Hello, I''ve been trying (unsuccessfully) to hack my mongrel_cluster to re-ststart in an alternating manner. Specifically, this soluiton: Which means I an call to mongrel_rails cluster::restart to do this: mongrel_rails start 8001 mongrel_rails stop 8001 mongrel_rails start 8002 mongrel_rails stop 8002 mongrel_rails start 8003 mongrel_rails stop 8003 mongrel_rails start 8004 mongrel_rails stop 8004 Instead of: mongrel_rails stop 8001 mongrel_rails stop 8002 mongrel...
2006 Aug 29
restart - `exec'': Operation not supported
I''m using the latest Mongrel ( and restarting causes Mongrel to die. From mongrel.log: ** USR2 signal received. ** Restarting with arguments: ruby /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel- start -C config/mongrel.yml /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel- `exec'': Operation not supported - ruby /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel- start -C config/mongrel.yml (Errno::EOPNOTSUPP) from /opt/local/lib/r...
2007 Jul 16
mongrel_rails start working mongrel_rails cluster::start not working
Hi everybody, I have installed mongrel and mongrel cluster in a new linux box .... at the end of the day I was able to lunch mongrel (mongrel_rails start -e production) and all is working fine with. However, when I tried to set a mongrel cluster the command mongrel_rails cluster::start get the following output : starting port 8000 starting port 8001 starting port 8002 But when I lunched the browser to the application url and port 8000 for...
2006 Jun 16
Mongrel_rails restart and sudo
Sorry for the newbie question but I''m stumped: I have an app that requires sudo to run mongrel_rails. For my capistrano recipe is do it like this: sudo "mongrel_rails start -e production -p #{application_port} -d -c #{current_path}" Which works famously. Now I have tried several things for my restart task. Here they are: sudo "cd #{current_path} && sudo mongrel_rails...
2007 Jul 16
mongrel_rails start working mongrel_rails
Thanks Bill for the answer ! In fact, my application is working well with webrick and also with a single mongrel instance lunched via the command : mongrel_rails start When I check what is the difference in the gem loaded in both cases (mongrel_rails start and mongrel_rails cluster::start) it seems that mongrel_rails cluster::start does not load all the gems that the first command is loading. So I think it''s related to the rails load environment,...
2008 Jan 31
Production problem for mongrel
...option I tried is to put mongrel and all other gems under the vendor directly in my app, but seems the command "ruby script/server" cannot find mongrel. The second option I tried is to download the tar ball and run "ruby setup.rball". The process finished fine. Type "which mongrel_rails" and show "/usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails". However, when I run the command " mongrel_rails start", it showed the following errors: /usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails: line 7: require: command not found /usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails: line 8: require: command not found /usr/local...
2007 Feb 15
Multiple Processes Spawned from mongrel_rails start ?
Hello, I have mongrel 1.0.1, rails 1.2.2 ruby 1.8.5 running on Centos 4.4. When I execute the mongrel_rails start -d I see that 3 processes are spawned. See below: [root at ccc aaa]# mongrel_rails start -d [root at ccc aaa]# ps -def |grep mong root 2743 1 9 07:14 ? 00:00:01 /usr/bin/ruby /usr/bin/mongrel_rails start -d root 2744 2743 0 07:14 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/ruby /usr...
2007 May 08
mongrel_cluster does not create /var/run/mongrel_cluster
Hi everyone, I am going crazy over here! :) I just want to be able to use --clean with my mongrel_rails cluster::start command. I''ve upgraded to mongrel_cluster and mongrel_rails 1.0.1. my config file is in /etc/mongrel_rails/config.yml and contains: --- log_file: log/mongrel.log port: 8000 pid_file: /var/run/mongrel_cluster/ servers: 2 address: environment: pro...
2009 Nov 21
Using mongrel_rails: Can't install Redmine as win2003 service 2003). So here is my problem. I successfully installed redmine and mapped it to mysql, created database and initialized it with default values. Last thing I''m trying to do is to install it as service on windows 2003, and for this I''m running in cmd mode this instruction: mongrel_rails service::install -N Redmine -c [your redmine folder] -p [portno] -e production and I get this error: C:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/win32-service-0.7.0-x86-mswin32-60/lib/ win32/service.rb:282:in `initialize'': no options provided (ArgumentError) When I try without params: mongrel_rails...
2010 Jun 13
script/server vs mongrel_rails start issue
I am having different results between when I start mongrel with script/ server and with mongrel_rails start. When I run script/server to boot mongrel everything runs fine, no errors. When I run mongrel_rails start I get the following errors - verified the problem on a fresh app and on two different environments (mac and yes, windows server 2008). The actual line of fault changes but the problem...
2007 Apr 29
NoMethodError exceptions
I''m getting the following exceptions when running mongrel_rails. Any ideas what might be causing the problem? Error details... $ mongrel_rails /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-0.3.3/lib/mongrel/command.rb:168:in `run'': When creating '''': undefined method `downcase'' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) from /opt...
2006 Jul 27
suspicious memory usages
Following is the output of top command at my server and i find the high usage very much alarming. We are basically a team of three developers working on same machine(remotely), so we run mongrel_rails servers from out ~/public/app directories. We also run a cluster of mongrel servers using apache2.2. Is this much memory use normal? PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 13982 prashant 16 0 147m 110m 3956 S 0.0 11.0 0:48.57 mongrel_rails 22665 mongrel 16...
2006 Dec 04
Log problem on stop/restart
I''m using the mongrel_cluster recipes for Capistrano as laid out by and the new ed. of the Agile Development book, but I''m having problems on restart and stop: I can start: [root current]# mongrel_rails cluster::start Starting 3 Mongrel servers... And I can see 3 processes running: [root current]# ps aux | grep mongrel mongrel 1947 0.0 8.2 24684 10776 ? S Dec01 0:00 /usr/ local/bin/ruby /usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails start -d -e production -p 8000 -a -P log/mongrel....
2006 Jun 21
mongrel_rails restart not working
Hi, On os x.3.9, with ruby 1.8.4 installed through darwinports and mongrel through gems, everything works until I restart: mongrel_rails restart adds the logs: ** USR2 signal received. ** Restarting with arguments: ruby /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-0.3.13/bin/mongrel_rails start -p 3001 -d /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-0.3.13/bin/mongrel_rails:134: in `exec'': Operation not supported - ruby...
2006 Sep 08
Debugging not triggered...
I tried using the killall -USR1 mongrel_rails to check on a problem, and all I get is mongrel_rails: no process killed Nothing shows in the log. Any ideas? I''m using the latest pre-release, and a ''ps'' shows my cluster is running. Cheers, Brett
2006 Aug 16
New subscriber, new question
Hi all, I?m new to the list. I''ve working with mongrel for the last week and have some quetion about mongrel cluster: Is this (being executed from the application folder): # mongrel_rails start -d -p 3001 -e production # mongrel_rails start -d -p 3002 -e production # mongrel_rails start -d -p 3003 -e production the same as: # mongrel_rails cluster::configure -e production -p 3001 -N 3 -c /var/www/apps/testapp # mongrel_rails cluster::start Im not familiar with clusters, and sinc...
2007 Mar 13
Getting Started without Rails
...eed in my web searching... specifically need something that explains what files Mongrel expects to see where for a non-rails app to work. Everything I have found is written on the premise of Mongrel with Rails (eg, ext2:/home/www/ruby/cosmogenesis# mongrel_rails start ** Starting Mongrel listening at ** Starting Rails with development environment... /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in `gem_original_require'': no such file to load -- /home/www/ruby/cosmogenesis/config/environment (LoadError) from /usr/...
2007 Feb 27
mongrel_cluster and Monit
...kick things when necessary. My monitrc contains the following... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check process mongrel_8310 with pidfile /home/valleyc/apps/cms/dev/current/log/ group mongrel start program = "/usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails cluster::start -C /home/valleyc/apps/cms/dev/current/config/mongrel_cluster.yml --clean --only 8310" stop program = "/usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails cluster::stop -C /home/valleyc/apps/cms/dev/current/config/mongrel_cluster.yml --clean --only 8310" if failed host port 83...
2006 May 30
Error in mongrel_rails script with Cygwin/Mongrel/Rails
Hi, I am experiencing an error in the mongrel_rails script on a pc under cygwin/mongrel/rails. My installation details and error are as follows: With some guidance from various blogposts out there, I installed Cygwin on a Windows XP box followed by: Ruby 1.8.4(via cygwin setup), Gems (0.8.1 via ruby install.rb), Mongrel .3.12.4 (via gems), Rake 0....
2006 Jun 16
How normal is this memory usage?
The following is from just two invocations of "mongrel_rails". Is this normal? 57M x 3 seems a little high to me. This is the latest pre-release, Debian sarge, on my VPS. Two Rails apps running against SQLite3, with Pound in front. top - 10:50:12 up 47 days, 12:09, 1 user, load average: 0.06, 0.03, 0.01 Tasks: 52 total, 2 running, 50 sleeping...