search for: module_function

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "module_function".

2013 Aug 29
Need a bit help on "module_function" method
The documentation is very straight forward and the mentioned example also cleared all the lines except the one mentioned inside **. Creates module functions for the named methods. These functions may be called with the module as a receiver, and also become available as instance methods to classes that mix in the module. Module functions are copies of the original, and so may be changed independently. The instance-method versio...
2013 Feb 03
Create a helper for models and views?
Hi! If I have a method that is useful in both models and in views, where would be the appropriate place to put it? The method in question just takes two dates as strings, tries to parse them and returns all dates in the range between them. It also takes care of the issues when the dates are badly formatted etc etc.. This method is being used in several models (so a simple class method in
2011 Mar 03
Does RSpec interfere with Pathname#dirname or Pathname#realpath ? describes this code: class B3 module Bdd module Helpers def rvm_local_install? puts ENV[''rvm_path''] rvm_path =[''rvm_path''] || ''~/.rvm'') end module_function :rvm_local_install? end end end I get this error: irb version: $ irb ruby-1.9.2-p136 :001 > require ''pathname''; ruby-1.9.2-p136 :002 > Dir.chdir(''/home/hedge/Documents/Workspaces/b3/spec/b3/'') do ruby-1.9.2-p136 :00...
2010 Jan 16
Extending instance-methods of an Module for Plugin-Development
...odules? The methods in a module may be instance methods or module methods. Instance methods appear as methods in a class when the module is included, module methods do not. Conversely, module methods may be called without creating an encapsulating object, while instance methods may not. (See Module#module_function) The method which i wan''t to alias in this case is a method which is listed, when i call: puts Facebooker::Rails::Helpers.instance_methods And it''s not listed, when i call: puts Facebooker::Rails::Helpers.methods 2. What I wanna do? I wan''t to extend facebooker wit...
2005 May 04
New win32-dir, const, 0, 1, path) else result =, path, const, 0) end if result != 0 path = nil else path.gsub!(/\000/, '''') path.strip! end path end module_function :cget end class Dir include Win32 undef_method :cget # Not meant to be public DESKTOP = Win32.cget(CSIDL_DESKTOP) INTERNET = Win32.cget(CSIDL_INTERNET) PROGRAMS = Win32.cget(CSIDL_PROGRAMS) CONTROLS = Win32.cget(CSIDL_CONTROLS) PRINTERS = Win32.cget(CSIDL_P...
2010 Apr 19
Overview of Ruby 1.9 encoding problem tickets
SUMMARY: -------- I tried to identify the general and root causes for these problems with 1.9, by taking into account non-utf encoding, current patches, comments and ideas. I used ticket #2188 as base for explanations. This is a long read. I wanted to include all the relevant information in one place. I also included information about related tickets in LH and their status. I decided that adding
2005 Apr 21
Screen capture, save to file GetDIBits(HDC, HBITMAP, long, long, void*, void*, long)" extern "long GlobalUnlock(void*)" extern "long GlobalFree(void*)" extern "long DeleteObject(unsigned long)" extern "long DeleteDC(HDC)" extern "long ReleaseDC(long, HDC)" module_function def screenCapture(filename = "tmp.bmp") hScreenDC = getWindowDC(0) hmemDC = createCompatibleDC(hScreenDC) screenWidth = getDeviceCaps(hScreenDC, HORZRES) screenHeight = getDeviceCaps(hScreenDC, VERTRES) hmemBM = createCompatibleBitmap(hScreenDC, screenWidth, screenHe...
2006 Jan 15
Gettext and Rails ?
Hello, I''m trying to use ruby-gettext 1.1.1 (installed with gem) with rails and here is all I get : undefined method `init_gettext'' for ApplicationController:Class Here is my source : require ''gettext/rails'' class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base init_gettext "test" end As a Nuby, I don''t really know what to do.