search for: modelr

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "modelr".

Did you mean: model
2006 Feb 09
Ajax.Updater not populating element - please help
...=0; i--) { var m = make.options[i].value; if ( makere.test(m) ) { make.selectedIndex = i; } } } function setModel(the_model) { alert("in set model"); var model = $(''model''); alert(model.length); var modelre = new RegExp(the_model); // Set the model for (var i=model.options.length-1; i>=0; i--) { var m = model.options[i].value; if ( modelre.test(m) ) { alert(m); //model.selectedIndex = i; model.options[i].selected = true;...
2018 May 06
Ubuntu 18.04 bionic: availability of R Ubuntu packages/ppa?
...ous to see if the package tidyverse could be installed: I have the impression that it is short of being installed, missing just a few simple packages (with no apparent non-R dependencies). Indeed, a first naive look shows following unavailable dependencies for tidyverse: ## missing for tidyverse: modelr (ok!?) reprex: -callr -debugme -covr -rex (ok!?) -rmarkdown (ok!?) rvest: selectr (ok!?) I hope that these package could be considered in a near future Michael? Thanks! :-) Best, Matthieu 2018-05-05 16:02 GMT-07:00 Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at>: > &...
2017 Aug 17
How to install Tidyverse on Ubuntu 17.04? Getting gcc errors for -fstack-protector-strong and -Wdate-time
...lib? is unspecified) also installing the dependencies ?colorspace?, ?munsell?, ?plyr?, ?psych?, ?reshape2?, ?bindrcpp?, ?Rcpp?, ?digest?, ?scales?, ?curl?, ?openssl?, ?cellranger?, ?stringi?, ?selectr?, ?tidyselect?, ?broom?, ?dplyr?, ?forcats?, ?ggplot2?, ?haven?, ?httr?, ?jsonlite?, ?lubridate?, ?modelr?, ?purrr?, ?readr?, ?readxl?, ?stringr?, ?tibble?, ?rvest?, ?tidyr?, ?xml2? trying URL '' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 293433 bytes (286 KB) ================================================== downloaded 286 KB...
2006 Feb 07
Help needed with conflicting EventObserver
...r({ success: ''model''}, ''/util/model_select_response'', { parameters: ''make=''+m, onComplete:setModel } ); } } } function setModel() { var model = document.getElementById("model"); model.disabled = false; var modelre = /thunderbird/; // Set the model for (var i=model.options.length-1; i>=0; i--) { var m = model.options[i].value; if ( modelre.test(m) ) { model.selectedIndex = i; var yearAjax = new Ajax.Updater({ success: ''year''...
2018 May 05
Ubuntu 18.04 bionic: availability of R Ubuntu packages/ppa?
Hi I just upgraded to the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, and tried to add both the "Ubuntu packages" source as well as ppa. I was not able to do this, trying to add for example: deb bionic/ or using: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:marutter/c2d4u am I doing something wrong, or just being impatient? Are there any plans to build these repos in the near
2020 Jun 04
mclust package installation is preparing for lazy loading and never finishes
...b dplyr gtools magrittr praise rlang tinytex broom egg haven markdown prettyunits rmarkdown utf8 callr ellipsis hexbin mime processx robustbase uuid cellranger evaluate highr modelr progress rprojroot vctrs cli fansi hms modeltools promises rstudioapi viridisLite clipr farver htmltools mstate ps rvest webshot coda.base flexmix htmlwidgets muhaz purrr scales...