Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "model0".
Did you mean:
2005 Jun 15
Kalman Filtering?
1. The function "KalmanLike" seems to change its inputs AND
PREVIOUSLY MADE copies of the inputs. Consider the following (using R
2.1.0 patched under Windows XP):
> Fig2.1 <- StructTS(x=Nile, type="level")
> unlist(Fig2.1$model0[2:3])
a P
1120 286379470
> tst2 <- tst <- Fig2.1$model0
> tst23 <- tst[2:3]
> tst23u <- unlist(tst23)
> nile.KL <- KalmanLike(nile, tst2)
> unlist(tst[2:3])
a P
798.3682 4032.1469
> unlist(tst2[2:3])
2009 Feb 24
Initialize varFunc in R
I am running R2.8.1 under Linux, and I am having trouble using the
variance functions in nlme
My basic model was something like:
model0 <- lme( log(growth) ~ light * species.group , data=data,
random=~light|species ) # with 20 odd species divided in 2 groups
Following the methods in Pinheiro&Bates I tried to put a variance
function in the model:
model1 <- update(model0, weights=varIdent(form = ~1|species.group) )
2011 Dec 13
How to compute 95%CI for OR from logistic regression?
Hi all:
My data has 3 variables:
age(3levels : <30y=1 30-50y=2, >50y=3)
gender(Male=0, Female=1)
CD4 cell count(raw lab measurement)
y(1:death 0:alive)
I perform logistic regression to find out the factors that influence y.
result<-glm(y ~ factor(age) + factor(gender) + CD4,family = binomial)
>From the result,I can get OR(Odds Ratio) of gender via exp(Estimate of Female,
2007 Mar 02
Mitools and lmer
> Program
> #Read data
> data.dir<-system.file("dta",package="mitools")
> files.imp<-imputationList(lapply(list.files(data.dir,
> pattern="imp.\\.dta", full=TRUE), read.dta))
> #estimate model over each imputed dataset
> model0<-with(files.imp,lmer( erq2tnc ~1+trt2+nash+wash+male+coh2+coh3+(1 |
> sitebeth)))
> #extract betas and standard errors
> betas<-MIextract(model0,fun=coef)
> vars<-MIextract(model0,fun=vcov)
> #Combine the results
> summary(MIcombine(betas,vars))
> Error in cbar +...
2004 Oct 11
logistic regression
...rning logistic regressions. When I add a quadratic
term to my linear model, I cannot draw the line through my scatterplot
anymore, which is no problem without the quadratic term.
In this example my binary response variable is "incidence", the explanatory
variable is "sun":
> model0<-glm(incidence~1,binomial)
> model1<-glm(incidence~sun,binomial)
> anova(model0,model1,test="Chi")
Analysis of Deviance Table
Model 1: incidence ~ 1
Model 2: incidence ~ sun
Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance P(>|Chi|)
1 299 332.94
2003 Oct 23
Can you create a MySQL database with RMySQL?
Is it possible to create a database in MySQL via RMySQL?
Also, is the format for the authorization field
'userName/password at databasename'? I saw an example like this somewhere
in the documenation, but I haven't found the actual specification.
Barnet Wagman
2010 Aug 27
how can I change the significance level in test F to select
variable in step command?
I used
step(model0, ~x1+x2+x3+x4, direction=c("forward"), test='F',
but it does't work.
Silvano Cesar da Costa
Departamento de Estat?stica
Universidade Estadual de Londrina
Fone: 3371-4346
2010 Jun 29
mixed-effects model with two fixed effects: interaction
Dear all,
In a greenhouse experiment we tested performance of 4 different species (B,H,P,R) under 3 different water levels in 10 replications. As response variable e.g. the number of emerging sprouts were measured on three dates. A simple Anova considering every measurement date separately shows a higly significant effect of species and moisture (and partly the interaction of both). The
2011 Jun 30
Analysing insecticide biossays using lmer
Hi all,
Here is my problem: I performed bioassays using a unique insecticide on 9
different genotypes and got their mortality depending on the dose of
insecticide used.
Now, I want to see wether some genotypes are different or not in their
responses to insecticide.
My problem is that I have up to four replicates for some genotypes, but only
one for other... Due to this unbalanced design, I
2011 May 16
Post-hoc tests in MASS using glm.nb
I am struggling to generate p values for comparisons of levels (post-hoc
tests) in a glm with a negative binomial distribution
I am trying to compare cell counts on different days as grown on different
media (e.g. types of cryogel) so I have 2 explanatory variables (Day and
Cryogel), which are both factors, and an over-dispersed count variable
(number of cells) as the response. I know that both
2010 Mar 26
Linear mixed models with custom link functions in R
valideta <- function(eta) TRUE
link <- paste("logexp(", days, ")", sep="")
structure(list(linkfun = linkfun, linkinv = linkinv,
mu.eta = mu.eta, valideta = valideta, name = link),
class = "link-glm")
model0 <- glm(survive~1, family=binomial(logexp(days=expos))) ##Call to
glm with custom link
Dan Barton
Daniel C. Barton
PhD Candidate
USGS Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit &
Program in Organismal Biology and Ecology
University of Montana
205 Natural Sci...
2009 Jan 22
Is there any function can be used to compare two probit models made from same data?
hi, people
How can we compare two probit models brought out from the same data?
Let me use the example used in "An Introduction to R".
"Consider a small, artificial example, from Silvey (1970).
On the Aegean island of Kalythos the male inhabitants suffer from a
congenital eye disease, the effects of which become more marked with
increasing age. Samples of islander males
2010 Aug 04
Question regarding significance of a covariate in a coxme survival model
I am running a Cox Mixed Effects Hazard model using the library coxme. I
am trying to model time to onset (age_sym1) of thought problems (e.g.
hearing voices) (sym1). As I have siblings in my dataset, I have
decided to account for this by including a random effect for family
(famid). My covariate of interest is Mother's diagnosis where a 0 is
bipolar, 1 is control, and 2 is major