search for: mockobject

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "mockobject".

2013 May 29
CEBA-2013:0836 CentOS 6 perl-Test-MockObject FASTTRACK Update
...d Bugfix Advisory 2013:0836 Upstream details at : The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename ) i386: d4bf3d056da18202bc6f7710d274c1ff2079f9867eb774c40fcfd36ccb9b3be4 perl-Test-MockObject-1.09-4.el6.noarch.rpm x86_64: d4bf3d056da18202bc6f7710d274c1ff2079f9867eb774c40fcfd36ccb9b3be4 perl-Test-MockObject-1.09-4.el6.noarch.rpm Source: 6443c307f887fe2246383ee277b78e3557ef3b6f952e8b0caa912799fb37ed8f perl-Test-MockObject-1.09-4.el6.src.rpm -- Johnny Hughes CentOS Project { http:/...
2006 Nov 22
.class call to the mock object (or any existing methods)
Hi I run into problem trying to set expectations for the mockobject.class method, I had to undefine a method before I could set some expectation. Is there any better way of doing it? object = mock() .... klass = class <<object; self; end klass.send(:undef_method, "class") # I had to do this because Mocha utilizes "method_missing(symbol,...
2013 May 30
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 99, Issue 15
...(Johnny Hughes) 2. CEBA-2013:0785 CentOS 6 perl-Net-DNS FASTTRACK Update (Johnny Hughes) 3. CEBA-2013:0838 CentOS 6 perl-XML-Dumper FASTTRACK Update (Johnny Hughes) 4. CEBA-2013:0837 CentOS 6 libksba FASTTRACK Update (Johnny Hughes) 5. CEBA-2013:0836 CentOS 6 perl-Test-MockObject FASTTRACK Update (Johnny Hughes) 6. CEBA-2013:0845 CentOS 6 ftp FASTTRACK Update (Johnny Hughes) 7. CEBA-2013:0843 CentOS 6 arptables_jf FASTTRACK Update (Johnny Hughes) 8. CEBA-2013:0844 CentOS 6 environment-modules FASTTRACK Update (Johnny Hughes) 9. CEBA-2013:0851...
2007 Aug 26
ror app with advanced rspec?
Hi! Can anybody link to some ror based project what is using rspec, so nuby as me can learn from it. So it should have updated and practising advanced rspec. After reading last threat about "testing behaviour or testing code?", I just realised that I would definitely learn something from app like that. Some casual googling didn''t help me this time. Thanks! Priit at
2006 Jun 14
Controller testing and mocks...
So far I''ve been doing my controller testing against "real" (testing) objects; however, I''ve been beginning to wonder if I should "default" to using mocks in most cases -- both for performence and to enforce a looser coupling. In part this is driven by my viewpoint that rail''s "functional" tests are still "unit" tests, so they
2007 Feb 05
how does Mocha compare in terms of classical vs mock-based testing, and stubbing???
Hi guys, I''ve just been reading Martin Fowler''s article re mock versus stubbing<>where he compares traditional TDD testing techniques with mock based testing. I''d be interested in comments from a ruby on rails perspective in terms of this and Mocha? For example: a) Do you see Mocha as a robust way to test Ruby
2008 Jun 12
Does anyone know how to mock the Rails Logger then set expectations with should_receive?
Hey Guys, I''m trying to mock the Rails Logger for the following code: ... rescue TimeoutError => error $logger.error("#{} Timeout for #{path}: #{error}") and return rescue SocketError => error $logger.error("#{} SocketError for #{path}: #{error}") and return rescue StandardError => error
2006 Jul 24
XMLRPC WebService and Structs
Hi First off, I apologise if this is covered somewhere and I just don''t get it... I''ve looked far and wide .... As a part of my current project I need to hook up to a particular XMLRPC webservice that won''t be available for me to use until close to launch date... So I am trying to recreate the webservice that mirrors the live one so I can test my application
2015 Apr 04
Downloading a great number of files from different rsync servers for good loadbalancing and high efficiency.
...extract the deb packages filenmaes list: find /path/to/Packages.gz -type f -name Packages.gz -exec zcat \{\} + | awk '/^Filename:/{ print $2 } ' > deb-file.list At this point, the deb-file.list will contain a great number of lines like the following: ---------- [snipped] pool/main/m/mockobjects/libmockobjects-java-doc_0.09-5_all.deb pool/main/s/subtitleeditor/subtitleeditor_0.33.0-3_amd64.deb pool/main/h/haskell-hgl/libghc-hgl-prof_3.2.0.5-1_amd64.deb pool/main/l/lsh-utils/lsh-doc_2.1-5_all.deb pool/main/liba/libav/libswscale3_11.3-1_i386.deb pool/main/s/smokeqt/libsmokeqtuitools4-3_4.12...
2007 Aug 26
howto regressions on environment.rb in Rails projects
How would one write a spec on environment.rb in a rails app? I was requiring a gem in environment.rb, but received a "MissingSourceError". Generally, ruby raises a LoadError when it can''t find a gem, but rails overrides this to raise a MissingSourceError (since rails is expecting a required file to be in lib/...). How would I write a spec to override this behavior,
2009 Oct 20
Stub that returns hash values
Is it possible to create a stub that returns hash values. For example I would like to convert this: @siteItem = stub(''plmSiteItem'', :one => "uno") To something like this: @siteItem = stub(''plmSiteItem'', {''one'' => ''uno'', ''two'' => ''dos''} ) So that I can do this:
2007 Aug 24
testing behaviour or testing code?
hypothetical question for all you BDD experts: I want to make sure that a :list action always returns widgets in alphabetical order. There''s at least 2 ways of doing this: it "should fetch items in alphabetical order" do Widget.should_receive(:find).with(:order => "name ASC") get :list end it "should fetch items in alphabetical order" do [:red,