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2010 Feb 09
"1 observation deleted due to missingness" from summary() on the result of aov()
I have the R code at the end. The last command gives me "1 observation deleted due to missingness". I don't understand what this error message. Could somebody help me understand it and how to fix the problem? > summary(afit) Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) A 2 0.328 0.16382 0.1899 0.82727 B 3 2.882 0.96057 1.1136 0.34644 C
2010 Feb 28
"Types" of missingness
Dear R-List, My questions concerns missing values. Specifically, is is possible to use different "types" of missingness in a dataset and not a one-size-fits-all NA? For example, data may be missing because of an outright refusal by a respondent to answer a question, or because she didn't know an answer, or because the item simply did not apply. In later analysis it is sometimes
2010 Apr 04
logistic regression in an incomplete dataset
Dear all, I want to do a logistic regression. So far I've only found out how, in a dataset of complete cases. I'd like to do logistic regression via max likelihood, using all the study cases (complete and incomplete). Can you help? I'm using glm() with family=binomial(logit). If any covariate in a study case is missing then the study case is dropped, i.e. it is doing a complete case
2019 Oct 01
Is missingness always passed on?
Le 30/09/2019 ? 16:17, Duncan Murdoch a ?crit?: > > There's a StackOverflow question > that references this text > from ?missing: > > "Currently missing can only be used in the immediate body of the > function that defines the argument, not in the body of a nested > function or a local call. This may change in the
2019 Oct 01
Is missingness always passed on?
There is "missing with default" and "missing without default". If an argument x is missing without a default, then missing(x) is true, if you pass x to another function, it will pass the value of the "missing argument". (which is different than simply being missing!) If an argument x is missing _with_a default, then missing(x) is still true, but if you pass x to
2009 Feb 09
Generating missingness on SNP data
Dear all, I generated a dataset with 500 unrelated individuals and 10 biallelic SNPs. From this dataset,I would like to create data with 5% missingness on genotype information at random and also data with 5% genotyping error. Can someone help me with how I can do it. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2017 Dec 19
lm considers removed predictors when finding complete cases
Dear R-devel list, I realized that removing a predictor in lm through the "-"'s operator in formula() does not affect the complete cases that are considered. A minimal example is: summary(lm(Wind ~ ., data = airquality)) # 42 observations deleted due to missingness summary(lm(Wind ~ . - Ozone, data = airquality)) # still 42 observations deleted due to missingness, even if only 7
2019 Sep 30
Is missingness always passed on?
There's a StackOverflow question that references this text from ?missing: "Currently missing can only be used in the immediate body of the function that defines the argument, not in the body of a nested function or a local call. This may change in the future." Someone pointed out (in
2010 Jun 01
selecting monotone pattern of missing data from a dataframe with mixed pattern of missingness
Dear R- User,   I have a dataset that looks like the following:   jh<-data.frame(  'id'=seq(1,10,1),   'time0'=c(8,5,8,8,9,NA,NA,2,4,5),   'time4'=c(NA,NA,9,8,NA,2,3,2,4,5),  'time8'=c(NA,2,8,NA,5,NA,2,3,NA,4),  'time12'=c(NA,2,NA,NA,NA,3,3,2,3,NA),  
2009 Jun 17
how to interpolate time series data with missingness
Hi all, I have a vector, most of which is missing. The data is always increasing, but may do so in jumps. I would like to interpolate the NAs with 'best guesses', using something like filter(), which doesn't work due to the NAs. Here is an example: > x <- c(2,3,NA,NA,NA,3.2,3.5,NA,NA,6,NA) > x [1] 2.0 3.0 NA NA NA 3.2 3.5 NA NA 6.0 NA I would like a function that
2012 Oct 02
Problem with mutli-dimensional array
I want to make a multi-dimensional array. To be specific I want to make the following array results<-array(0,dim=c(2,2,64,7)) This is the code I have created but it gives no result due to the error "subscript out of bound". x<-rep(7,7) # Missingness in intervention y<-rep(7,7) # Missingness in control
2007 Jun 15
method of rpart when response variable is binary?
Dear all, I would like to model the relationship between y and x. y is binary variable, and x is a count variable which may be possion-distribution. I think it is better to divide x into intervals and change it to a factor before calling glm(y~x,data=dat,family=binomail). I try to use rpart. As y is binary, I use "class" method and get the following result. >
2008 Aug 01
importing explicitly declared missing values in read.spss (foreign)
There is a problem when importing an spss-file containing explicitly declared missing values in R using the read.spss function from the foreign package. I'm not sure these problems are the same in every version of spss, I am using the latest version 16.0.2. I included missingdata.sav and
2011 Aug 01
Impact of multiple imputation on correlations
Dear all, I have been attempting to use multiple imputation (MI) to handle missing data in my study. I use the mice package in R for this. The deeper I get into this process, the more I realize I first need to understand some basic concepts which I hope you can help me with. For example, let us consider two arbitrary variables in my study that have the following missingness pattern: Variable 1
2012 Sep 17
Creating missingness in repeated measurement data
Dear R users,   I have the following problems. My dataset (dat) is as follows: a <- c(1,2,3) id <- rep(a, c(3,2,3)) stat <- c(1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1) g <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0) stop <- c(1,2,4,2,4,1,1.5,3) dat <- data.frame(id,stat,g,stop)   I want to creat a new dataset (dat2) with missing values such that when either g = =1 or stat = =0, the remaining rows for an individual subject
2009 Dec 02
Generate missing data patterns
...## indicator matrix for missingnes (1 observed, 0 missing) R<-matrix(c(1,1,1, 0,0,1, 1,1,0, 0,1,1),ncol=3,byrow=TRUE) ## probabilities for row 1, row 2, row 3 and row 4 p<-c(0.375,0.25,0.25,0.125) ## does not exactly what i want, because i get rows ## of missinges pattern which are not in R X[rbinom(100,1,p[1])==1,R[1,]==1] <- NA X[rbinom(100,1,p[2])==1,R[2,]==1] <- NA X[rbinom(100,1,p[3])==1,R[3,]==1] <- NA X[rbinom(100,1,p[4])==1,R[4,]==1] <- NA So it would be great if i can get any advice how to do this. I also tried rmultinom or sample but...
2011 Feb 18
lm without intercept
Hi, I am not a statistics expert, so I have this question. A linear model gives me the following summary: Call: lm(formula = N ~ N_alt) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -110.30 -35.80 -22.77 38.07 122.76 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 13.5177 229.0764 0.059 0.9535 N_alt 0.2832 0.1501 1.886 0.0739
2008 Apr 07
basehaz and newdata
I am unable to get the basehaz function to apply a proportional hazards model to a new data frame. I replicated my specific situation with the example for coxph in the help, where I changed the x value of the first record from 0 to 1. Is there something incorrect in the syntax that I am using? Thanks in advance! test1 <- list(time= c(4, 3,1,1,2,2,3), status=c(1,NA,1,0,1,1,0),
2005 Feb 24
problem (bug?) with prelim.norm (package norm)
dear list members, there seems to be a problem with the prelim.norm function (package norm) as number of items in the dataset increases. the output of prelim.norm() is a list with different summary statistics, one of them is the missingness indicator matrix "r". it lists all patterns of missing data and a count of how often each pattern occured in the dataset. as the number of items and
2001 Feb 11
splitting up optional args
Hi, A question (& possible suggestion) about function calls. Is there an R idiom to eliminate the redundancy in the following common situation? foo <- function(x, control=ComplicatedDefault) { etc. } plotfoo <- function(x, foocontrol=ComplicatedDefault, ...) { y <- foo(x, control=foocontrol) lines(x,y,...) } The idea is that there are MANY