search for: minchar

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "minchar".

Did you mean: minchan
2006 Jan 23
autocomplete=off not working on Firefox
..."> <!-- document.forms[0].url.focus() new Ajax.Autocompleter(''url'', ''url_auto_complete'', ''http://localhost/test'', { method: ''get'', requestHeaders: [''X-Ajax-Complete'', ''complete''], minChars: 3}) new Ajax.Autocompleter(''title'', ''title_auto_complete'', ''http://localhost/test'', { method: ''get'', requestHeaders: [''X-Ajax-Complete'', ''complete''], minChars: 3}) --> </script>...
2006 Jun 19
Autocompleter enhancement feature request
...ventListener(this)); Event.observe(this.element, "focus", this.onKeyPress.bindAsEventListener(this)); The last line is what I have added. And then I have commented some code: onObserverEvent: function() { this.changed = false; // if(this.getToken().length>=this.options.minChars) { this.startIndicator(); this.getUpdatedChoices(); // } else { // = false; // this.hide(); // } }, These changes are not in the best tradition of programming, but I am a javascript newbie and as a preliminary step I just wanted to get things working....
2006 Jun 21
scriptaculous question
Hello everybody. I''m wondering if there is away with scriptaculous to update multiple form fields with data after finishing an autocomplete request. Heres an example. Joe BlowSchmoe fills in his name and starts to type in the customer number, he selects the approprate customer number from autocomplete list, and bam the address associated with the customer number is populated into the
2006 May 16
in_place_editor with local autocomplete
...url_for( :controller => "styles", :action => "style_jdetails" ), :script => true } ) %> <%= javascript_tag("new Autocompleter.Local( ''style_lookup'' , ''style_auto_complete'', styleArray, { fullSearch: true, frequency: 0, minChars: 1 });") %> The problem here is that in_place_editor creates an input tag with no id, so the Autocompleter can not find it. Even if I could get the in_place_editor to id the input, would the Autocompleter work since the input tag does not exist when the document loads? Sounds like I&...
2006 Mar 29
auto_complete_on_select don''t work correctly
...nput name="comune" class="autocomplete" id="autocomplete" size="20" type="text" onkeyup="new Ajax.Autocompleter(''autocomplete'', ''autocomplete_choices'', ''list.php'', {minChars: 2,afterUpdateElement: auto_complete_on_select} );"/> <br/> lati: <input id="inputlat" type="text" value="-" /> <br/> long: <input id="inputlong" type="text" value="-" /> Thanks in adva...
2006 Mar 07
Ajax.Autompleter not working on IE
...forms[0].name.focus() new Ajax.Autocompleter(''form689name'', ''form689name_auto_complete'', ''http://bumby:3000/admin/workshop'', { method: ''get'', requestHeaders: [''X-Ajax-Complete'', ''complete''], minChars: 3}) --> </script> </body> </html> When I type three chars I don''t see any ajax request going to the server. Again, other ajax requests do work on that same page (effects and update a table). -- Bill Moseley
2006 Jan 02
Scriptaculous Autocompleter and new values has not yet typed anything and the input field is empty (of course the suggestions cannot be based on prefix matching in this case, but I display the "best" suggestions for the corresponding item). Currently I use a slightly patched version of controls.js that uses a value of 0 for minChars, but this looks like a hack to me. Maybe I am missing something and these things are already possible with the current version of Scriptaculous? If it is not, could something of this be a feasible enhancement request? Regards, jojo.
2006 Jan 10
Changes to Autocomplete?
...mplete" style="overflow:auto"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> new Ajax.Autocompleter( 'clientSearch', 'divAutoCompleteList', '/path/to/script.aspx?Call=ClientSearch', { paramName: 'search', minChars: 2, afterUpdateElement: handleClientSearchSelect } ); </script> __________________________________________________________ -- Cam McVey _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/iCwEArCW...
2008 Apr 10
help on ajax autocompleter got this off a werbrick sample... # document.observe(''dom:loaded'', function() { new Ajax.Autocompleter(''search'', ''results'', ''/words'', { method: ''get'', minChars: 2, updateElement: function(item) { /* no update */ } }); }); sample code in camping would be very helpful. thanks!
2006 Jan 06
|Hi i''m New First Question: to use a it needs to include prototype.js and scriptaculous.js.... but doesn''t work!!; instead ||using ||scriptaculous.shrunk of Alister Cameron, work; what are the expedient to use to include the ||scriptaculous.js ? Second question: in |Ajax.Autocompleter
2006 May 17
Autocomplete GetToken??
Hi, I needing to modify the control.js file and am confused about what the purpose of the getToken function is. I read the docs section below and still don''t understand why it doesn''t just access the form.value directly. Docs say: This method should get the text for which to provide autocompletion by invoking this.getToken(), NOT by directly accessing this.element.value. This is
2009 Jul 07
[PATCH server] Update app to work with rails 2.3.2
...this.index = 0; this.entryCount = 0; this.oldElementValue = this.element.value; @@ -59,28 +59,28 @@ Autocompleter.Base = Class.create({ this.options.tokens = this.options.tokens || []; this.options.frequency = this.options.frequency || 0.4; this.options.minChars = this.options.minChars || 1; - this.options.onShow = this.options.onShow || - function(element, update){ + this.options.onShow = this.options.onShow || + function(element, update){ if(! ||'absolute') {...
2009 Jul 20
Upgrade server to run on Rails 2.3.2/F11
Note that one of the 8 patches (#6) will be sent separately in reply to this email, as some of the replaced lines are too long, so git won't let me send the email. However, there is nothing wrong with that patch, and it should be applied in the sequence listed below. Note also that I assume this will be tested on a clean f11 install, rather than an upgrade of an existing ovirt server