search for: milbo

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2011 Jul 29
help with plot.rpart", , sep=",", header = TRUE) ? library(rpart) ? fit=rpart (MV~ CRIM+ZN+INDUS+CHAS+NOX+RM+AGE+DIS+RAD+TAX+ PT+B+LSTAT) Please: Show me the tree. Mark -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: [R] help with rpart From: "Stephen Milborrow" <[1]milbo at> Date: Fri, July 29, 2011 7:54 am To: <[2]mark at> Cc: <[3]sarah.goslee at> Mark, check out my rpart.plot package. See also the PDF vignette that comes with the package. Steve [4]www.milbo.users.sonic.n...
2007 Aug 29
Modifying R_CheckStack for a speed increase
...} foo(0) The crux of the modification is to change the following line in R_CheckStack() if(R_CStackLimit != -1 && usage > 0.95 * R_CStackLimit) {... to if(usage > R_CStackLen) { ... Details and modified sources can be found at Regards, Stephen
2011 Apr 14
Postscript can be very slow in R 2.13-0
Viewing certain postscript files under R 2.13-0 is very slow, at least using GSview on my 64 bit Windows 7 system. To see this, compare how long it takes to display these two files ( was created by removing the /srgb stuff in .ps.prolog): The code to produce the above two files is here: This is not exactly a bug, but is it a known issue? The hack used to produce above is fragile and not suitable for regular use. I...
2008 Oct 25
R echoes integer literals incorrectly, under certain conditions (PR#13204)
Full_Name: Stephen Milborrow Version: R 2.8.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( Under certain conditions, R 2.8.0 incorrectly echoes integer literals without the "L" suffix. R 2.7.2 is ok. To reproduce, create two files as follows: a.R containing: source("b.R", echo=TRUE) b.R con...
2011 Sep 14
substitute games with randomForest::partialPlot
I'm having trouble calling randomForest::partialPlot programmatically. It tries to use name of the (R) variable as the data column name. Example: library(randomForest) iris.rf <- randomForest(Species ~ ., data=iris, importance=TRUE, proximity=TRUE) partialPlot(iris.rf, iris, Sepal.Width) # works partialPlot(iris.rf, iris, "Sepal.Width") # works (function(
2008 Jan 16
Just-in-time compiler for R
...e convolution code for(j in 1:nb) ab[i + j] <- ab[i + j] + a[i] * b[j] The loop will run about 30% faster. That's not much of a speedup, but the code is still in early development and the figure will get much better. If you are interested there is more information at Stephen Milborrow
2008 Oct 25
0 ^ NaN == Inf, why?
...008-10-20) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252 attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base Steve Milborrow
2008 Oct 25
R echoes integer literals incorrectly, under certain conditions (PR#13205)
On 25/10/2008 10:45 AM, milbo at wrote: > Full_Name: Stephen Milborrow > Version: R 2.8.0 > OS: Windows XP > Submission from: (NULL) ( > > > Under certain conditions, R 2.8.0 incorrectly echoes integer literals without > the "L" suffix. R 2.7.2 is ok. > > To rep...
2015 Jun 26
[R-pkg-devel] Guidelines for S3 regression models
...uot;betareg"). For coef() and vcov() it is useful/important that the names and dimension match. Then Wald tests can be easily computed in functions like car::linearHypothesis(), car::deltaMethod(), lmtest::waldtest(), or lmtest::coeftest(). Thanks & best wishes, Achim > > > Your comments would be appreciated. > > Stephen Milborrow > > ______________________________________________ > R-package-devel at mailing list > > >
2008 Apr 12
> Looking for a simple, effective a minimum execution time solution. > > For a vector as: > > c(0,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1) > To transform it to the following vector without using any loops: > (0,0,1,0,1,2,3,0,0,1,2,0,1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6) > Appreciate any suggetions. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 May 02
Speedups with Ra and jit
The topic of Ra and jit has come up on this list recently (see so I thought people might be interested in this little demo. For it I used my machine, a 3-year old laptop with 2Gb memory running Windows XP, and the good old convolution example, the same one as used on the web page, (though the code on the web page has a slight gl...
2008 Nov 20
Need some advice on optimization
Hi I'm quite new to optimization algorithms and I could use some advice or pointers. I'm using ?optim (method L-BFGS-B) to optimize a function over a 60-dimensional parameter space. The function itself takes about 1 to 6 minutes to compute. It finds an optimum after 6 tot 24 hours, depending on the problem I need to solve. For me, speed is an issue and I would like to reduce this to 1
2008 Apr 06
Matrix multiplication in a C code
Dear list members, I've got a small question on matrix multiplications in a C code. Because of a really cpu demanding likelihood, I had to use a C code within an R function wrapper. I'm pretty sure that there is already one good code for matrix multiplication in C - maybe in the R source code itself - but I wasn't able to find it. Anyone as an idea on how to handle matrix
2011 Jul 21
Error: bad index in plotmo functions for MARS model (package earth)
Hello all useRs, I am tring make a simple surface plot ( 2 by 2 terms of a MARS model (with earth package) but I get the follow error message: > plotmo( mars ) Error: bad index (missing column in x?) I don't no how to workround this... :-( I thanks in advanced by some help! Thanks. Cleber ############### > > ### example code: > library( earth ) > data( gasoline,
2009 Jan 03
R badly lags matlab on performance?
Here's a small R program: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- a <- rep(1,10000000) system.time(a <- a + 1) system.time(for (i in 1:10000000) {a[i] <- a[i] + 1}) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- and here's its matlab version:
2013 Nov 08
Earth (MARS) package with categorical predictors
It appears to be legitimate to include multi-level categorical and continuous variables in defining the model for earth (e.g. y ~ cat + cont1 + cont2) but is it also then possible use categoricals in the predict method using the earth result? I tried but it returns an error which is not very informative. Thanks Chris
2009 Nov 27
Iteration idioms & laziness
Hi all, I'm new to R. Having a functional background, I was wondering what's the idiomatic way to iterate. It seems that for loops are the default given there's no tail-call optimization. I'm curious to know whether there is a way to transform the following toy snippet into something that doesn't eat up gigabytes of memory (like it's for loop counterpart) using laziness:
2009 May 06
Can we generate exe file using R? What is the maximum file size valid?
Dear all, I have two questions. First, I am wondering whether we are able to use R to generate an exe file, or sth that can be executable outside R? Second, I am wondering whether read.csv can read a csv file with size of 300-400 gigabytes? Thank you very much! Min [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Nov 21
Dear R users, I would like to make my R code for MCMC faster. It is possible to integrate C code into R but I think C is too complicated for me. I would need a C introduction only for MCMC and I do not know if such a thing exists. I was thinking of Python (and scipy). Where could I read about its integration into R ? How developed are the statistical packages in Python ? I could not find a
2009 Mar 15
Summer of Code, LLVM, parallelization and R
Hi everybody, I'm currently working towards my Master's degree as a student of Computer Science at the University of Saarbr?cken and highly interested in compiler construction, interpretation techniques, optimization, programming languages and more. :) Two professors of my university approached me about an interesting project just a few days ago: Developing a LLVM-based JIT