search for: midnightblue

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "midnightblue".

2008 Jul 27
Colors in Sweave
Hi list, I was using Sweave and was wondering if anyone has had any luck changing the font colors of the code chunks. For instance, in my .Rnw preample I tried including: === \usepackage[usenames]{colors} \definecolor{darkred}{rgb}{0.545,0,0} \definecolor{midnightblue}{rgb}{0.098,0.098,0.439} \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Sinput}{Verbatim}{fontshape=sl,formatcom={\color{midnightblue}}} \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Soutput}{Verbatim}{formatcom={\color{darkred}}} \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Scode}{Verbatim}{fontshape=sl,formatcom={\color{blue}}} === which works in the...
2011 Dec 16
problem with tick graph
...fico<-{ pdf(file=file, paper="special",width=30, height=20) par(bg="white",font=3,font.axis=3,las=1,cex.axis=2.2, mar=c(8,6,8,8)+8) barplot(Imp$TassoV, width=10,space=c(0,0.1),legend.text = FALSE,beside=TRUE, border="grey40", main="",col="midnightblue",cex.main=2.4, axes = FALSE, axisnames =FALSE) lab=as.character(pretty(Imp$TassoV)) axis(side=4,at=pretty(Imp$TassoV),labels=lab,cex.axis=2.4) par(new=T) chart.TimeSeries(Imp$ValueA, type="l", lwd=8, main="", ylab="", xlab="", date. f...
1997 Jun 30
R-beta: Color specifications -- simple 'bg' / 'fg' swapping -- proposal
Consider the following example : data(iris) attach(iris) par(bg = 'midnightblue', fg = 'yellow') plot(Petal.Length, Petal.Width, main = "Fisher's iris data", sub = "3 kinds") ##>>> gives black axis labels and titles ... ## Currently, the plot I want is produced by par(bg = 'midnightblue', fg = 'yellow', col.axis=...
2002 Apr 20
color of axis lines (PR#1470)
...version of R 1.4.1 and a version of R 1.4.0 compiled on a Sun-Solaris system. Also, the same problem occurs in the win.metafile driver. u1 <- runif(10) u2 <- runif(10) postscript(file='f:/ecog/statpres/webreg/',pointsize=18) par(font=2,font.axis=2,font.lab=2,lwd=2.5,bg='midnightblue',col='white', col.axis='white',col.main='white',col.lab='white',col.sub='white') palette(c('white','red','yellow','green','cyan','orange')) plot(u1,u2,type='n',xlab="Time",ylab='Pro...
2007 Dec 09
Setting the grid of a graph of timeseries
...1, at = time(tab)[ix], lab = labs[ix], tcl = -0.7, cex.axis = 0.9) } } plot.zoo(tab, plot.type="single", panel=my.panel, lty=c(1,2,3,4,5,1), lwd=c(8,2,2,2,2,8), col=c("darkorange", "red2","darkblue","darkblue","green","midnightblue"), xlab=" ",ylab = "euro/MWh",xaxt="n") #################################################################### This code produces a graph with a non-decimal x-axis but by far more (human) readable because ticks corresponds to months exactly (and not...
2011 Jul 13
Colors in R
...(data$Pt) xrange = c(min(data$Coordinate), max(data$Coordinate)) yrange = c(min(data$Log2Ratio), max(data$Log2Ratio)) colors <-c("red","blue","green","darkmagenta","darkgreen","darkorange","darkred","gold","midnightblue","seagreen1","tomato","slateblue","violet","purple4","palegreen","darkviolet","forestgreen","firebrick"...up to 60 colors) labels <- c(''a'',''b'', ''c''...
2000 Feb 29
mapping of colornames into hsv: half way done
...quot;#5D478B", "mediumseagreen", "#3CB371", "mediumslateblue", "#7B68EE", "mediumspringgreen","#00FA9A", "mediumturquoise", "#48D1CC", "mediumvioletred", "#C71585", "midnightblue", "#191970", "mintcream", "#F5FFFA", "mistyrose", "#FFE4E1", "mistyrose1", "#FFE4E1", "mistyrose2", "#EED5D2", "mistyrose3", "#CDB7B5", "mistyrose4",...