search for: midgley

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 24 matches for "midgley".

2010 Sep 13
1.8.4 and write-through cache
...lter.*.writethrough_cache_enable=0 lctl set_param obdfilter.*.read_cache_enable=0 on all the nodes with the 3ware cards. Has anyone else seen this? I am completely baffled as to why it only affects our nodes with 3ware cards. These nodes were working very well under 1.8.3... -- Dr Stuart Midgley sdm900 at
2006 May 04
request: add TCP buffer options to rsync CLI?
...till way off the pace. There are similar patches for ssh at which work wonders (up to 25M/s where previously we were at 700k/s). I would love to see similar performance gains from rsync as I've see from the tuned ssh... Stu. -- Dr Stuart Midgley Industry Uptake Program Leader iVEC, 'The hub of advanced computing in Western Australia' 26 Dick Perry Avenue, Technology Park Kensington WA 6151 Australia Phone: +61 8 6436 8545 Fax: +61 8 6436 8555 Email: WWW:
2005 Oct 06
slow down with WS 2003 the question of an MS update that has altered behaviour... I've turned off oplocks on the Windows box, which hasn't altered it. THey were always off in the Samba conf.. I'd be grateful for any ideas on where to look, or what to tweak, before I give up on the idea. -- Adrian Midgley
2007 Oct 16
Load testing methodologies/tools
I tried a bunch of tools and ended up using Jakarta J-Meter b/c it works cross-platform (Unix/Windows in my situation) and has a gui which shallows the learning curve. I''ve been quite satisfied with it.. Search the archives on this list and you should be able to find some great info Zed and others wrote a while back on How to Load Test Correctly. I found that series of posts to be
2007 Nov 07
MySQL timeout value (was: mongrel - monit issue)
At 03:24 PM 11/7/2007, mongrel-users-request at wrote: > > Thanks for this Kirk. Yep, I was using 14400. I''m switching this > to > > 2 weeks: 1209600 and we''ll see if any further restarts are needed > by > > monit. > >I''ve always wondered why 14400 is the number that is always passed >around when talking about extending
2007 Oct 24
Shared listening sockets
On 10/23/07, Robert Mela <rob at> wrote: > Several years back I accidentally discovered that multiple processes can > listen on the same TCP/IP socket. The trick of course is that all the > processes are in the same process group, and the socket is opened by a > shared parent. The OS somehow was managing queuing up the various > calls to accept() on that
2008 Feb 06
Newbie Question: Can I setup mongrel as a proxy between a browser and the web?
I am trying to create a proxy which I can route my browser requests through in order to gather information on the web page loading. At this time I am particularly interested in the many GET requests associated with loading a single web page. Note: This does not have anything to do with rails, my goal is to run a ruby app in the background, set firefox to proxy all requests through it, log those
2006 Feb 21
has_many :through failing to save changes
Hi all, I''m messing around with has_many, and has_many :through (on edge rails), using a join model. Branches and Projects join through ProjectsAtBranches. If I do @branch.projects, I can see the associated projects, and visa-versa, if I manually put them in the join table. But I cannot do @branch.projects << Branch.find(blah), or @branch.projects.clear, and then save the
2007 Mar 06
[PIMP] Topfunky''s httperf PeepCode screencast (Zed A. Shaw)
Hi, Thanks Zed - this is very interesting. One item in particular caught my eye: Does anyone on this list have any comments or validation that Rails 1.2.1 is 2-4 times as slow as Rails 1.1.6? Topfunky provided a link that purports what looks like really horrible performance and memory characteristics for Rails 1.2.1, even v. 1.1.6:
2007 Nov 20
(Humor) Little Bobby Tables
I thought all you mongrelians might appreciate this: I haven''t laughed out loud at a comic in a while. I realize it''s a working group but I figure many here might get a laugh today out of this one. Steve
2008 Mar 11
[OT] HTTP headers status diagram
To paraphrase Woody Allen: "Everything you always wanted to know about HTTP headers status, but were afraid to ask" Alternatively: "An activity diagram to describe the resolution of HTTP response status codes, given various headers." Cheers, -- PA
2007 Mar 13
Mongrel cluster with one app and many mysql databases
Hi All, I am new to the mongrel mailing list and I have a question (and I didn''t find any answer in the archives). I have successfully installed the apache2.2 proxy balancer with mongrel cluster and that works just fine. For a single rails app I have started 2 mongrels which consume about 100M (ps says 5.0% for each and I have 1G RAM). It seems a bit much but OK. However that would
2007 Mar 29
ActiveRecord attributes -- strange behavior when adding Array to an element
Hi, I have a database table and associated ActiveRecord model. I was trying to store (temporarily) an array in one of the attribute elements - not to save it, but just so that I can keep some form data in a sensible place. A stripped down version of the problem I''m having is: p = => ["2","3"]) puts p.inspect # ==> will correctly show
2007 Dec 18
Long-running pages cause mongrel time-outs
Hi all, We use mongrel behind apache (using mod_proxy_balancer) to run an internal app for our business. Lately we''ve been seeing frequent errors from some of our mongrel processes. [Sun Dec 16 08:48:47 2007] [error] [client <CLIENT1>] (70007)The timeout specified has expired: proxy: error reading status line from remote server, referer:
2007 Nov 05
Mongrel and memory usage
Hello, I''m running a Rails application which must sort and manipulate a lot of data which are loaded in memory. The Rails app runs on 2 mongrel processes. When I first load the app, both are 32Mb in memory. After some days, both are between 200Mb and 300Mb. My question is : is there some kind of garbage collector in Mongrel? I never see the two Mongrel processes memory footprint
2007 Aug 11
The Team is In Place
Hello Everyone, I''d like to just officially announce that the new volunteers are in charge and given control of the project. I won''t be doing anything more than helping them get ramped up, but they''ll be in charge of doing all the stuff you folks want and are basically the owners from now on. Everyone in the new volunteer list will probably do a little announce, but
2007 Nov 20
Timestamping in log file?
Hi, I''m wondering if it''s easy to add timestamps to the mongrel log? I am having a problem where an externally spawned application by Rails is failing. Mongrel kindly logs the error message returned by this application when it fails. But it doesn''t record a timestamp as to when the error occurs, which makes it a little tricky to sync this up to my webserver logs to
2012 Sep 11
using alternative models in glmulti
All, I am working on a multiple-regression meta-analysis and have too many alternative models to fit by hand. I am using the "metafor" package in R, which generates AIC scores among other metrics. I'm using a simple formula to define these models. For example, rma(Effect_size,variance, mods=~Myco_type + N.type +total, method="ML")->mod where Effect_size is the
2007 Jan 16
<BR> and <P> in RedCloth v. Textism
Hi, I''m using RedCloth right now for some simple markup in a Rails project. It''s simple and easy - thanks for a great tool! I have a question about an apparent discrepancy between RedCloth and Textile, relating to newline characters. I''ve played with the "hard_breaks" feature and that seems to generate it''s own problems.. If I go onto the Textile
2008 Apr 08
Mongrel performance study
Hi mongrelians, I found myself with an unloaded full production server recently which presented an opportunity to run some performance tests against Mongrel and nginx. I thought this list might have some interest in the results of my tinkering! I actually ran two sets of studies, and Wayne Seguin kindly provided a lot of guidance and support in getting them running. Thanks Wayne! Also,