search for: micrometer

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "micrometer".

2009 Aug 14
RGoogleDocs: getDocs() - "problems connecting to get the list of documents"
Hi I have been using RGoogleDocs successfully for some time now but something seems to have happened which is preventing me from accessing my data in google spreadsheets. I get the message: "problems connecting to get the list of documents" when I use getDocs, despite being logged in e.g. sheets.con = getGoogleDocsConnection(getGoogleAuth("username", "password",
2009 Jul 23
simple question about exporting data...
I just have a simple question. I'm using the predict function, and I get about 1000 values. Now, how would I make it into a data frame or a list so that I can easily use Excel to graph the data? Right now, it's in horizontal lines, and it would be a pain to copy and paste and make it into a vertical column. Thanks! -- View this message in context:
2019 Feb 18
Encoding issues
...its' package allows us to set the unit using both SE or NSE. E.g., these both work in the same way: units::set_units(1:10, "?m") #> Units: [?m] #> [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 units::set_units(1:10, ?m) #> Units: [?m] #> [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 That's micrometers, and works fine if the session charset is UTF-8. Now the funny part comes with Windows. The first version, with quotes, works fine, but the second one fails. This is easy to demonstrate from Linux: LC_CTYPE=en_US.iso88591 Rscript -e 'units::set_units(1:10, "?m")' #> Units: [?...
2009 Apr 27
how to send email with R
Hi all I can t seem to find a way to send an email using R would anyone have a suggestion? much appreciated Thomas -- Thomas Loridan King's College email: thomas.loridan at webpage:
2012 Jan 09
CairoPDF and greek letter spacing
I have a small problem with R graphics output. When I use the lattice package and CairoPDF to generate publication quality graphs I often use the expression to create an axis title that has microlitres or micrometers as a unit. I use something like the following 'expression(paste("Length (", mu,"m )"))' as an argument to the xlabel function. The command works but the mu and 'm' have a space between them. It looks like 'u m' rather than 'um'. It only seems to...
2009 Jul 29
A big 'Thank you' to the developpers
Thanks a lot for the new encoder_example and the two pass encoding. I was not yet able to compare the gain of it against my previously encoded video (HD content takes a lot of time to encode). Why it can not be used with -v ? Could it be possible in the future ? I had better result with -v than with -V before. Congratulations again. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2011 Jun 29
XML parsing
...ession="IMS:1000043" name="max count of pixel y" value="3"/> <cvParam cvRef="IMS" accession="IMS:1000044" name="max dimension x" value="300" unitCvRef="UO" unitAccession="UO:0000017" unitName="micrometer"/> <cvParam cvRef="IMS" accession="IMS:1000045" name="max dimension y" value="300" unitCvRef="UO" unitAccession="UO:0000017" unitName="micrometer"/> <cvParam cvRef="IMS" accession="IMS:...
2019 Feb 18
Encoding issues
...g both SE or NSE. E.g., these both work in the same way: > > units::set_units(1:10, "?m") > #> Units: [?m] > #> [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > > units::set_units(1:10, ?m) > #> Units: [?m] > #> [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > > That's micrometers, and works fine if the session charset is UTF-8. > Now the funny part comes with Windows. The first version, with quotes, > works fine, but the second one fails. This is easy to demonstrate from > Linux: > > LC_CTYPE=en_US.iso88591 Rscript -e 'units::set_units(1:10, "?m&quo...
2009 Aug 13
Plotting shaded areas
Hi I would like to plot the variation of some mean values with time, and have the standard deviation around the mean shaded on the plot. I could not find a way to have the shaded area on the curve with the default R commands, do I need a special package to do that? Or any idea of a way with the default R commands? Many thanks Thomas -- Thomas Loridan King's College email: thomas.loridan
2007 Oct 23
Hi, here is a warningmessage i got while i am testing my new puppet installation with .23.2 and storedconfig and reports and all the bell and whistle :) DEPRECATION WARNING: Calling .create on a has_many association without saving its owner will not work in rails 2.0, you probably want .build instead See for details. (called from create at
2006 Dec 29
sqlite errors
Hello, When I kick off SVN1992 with storeconfigs=yes, I get the following error: err: Could not store configs: SQLite3::SQLException: SQL logic error or missing database: INSERT INTO resources ("exported", "line", "title", "host_id", "restype", "source_file_id") VALUES(NULL, 23, ''svnpkgadd-emacs-nox-etc'', NULL, NULL,
2007 May 01
Setting variables for a "group of nodes" - how to approach?
Trying to learn Puppet, given a cfengine background. Am trying to understand the Puppet way of accomplishing the following: I have a lot of servers, that are organized into clusters (we call them silos). Each silo has a specific set of parameters (like IP addresses). I''d like to organize the silo information in some way that each server is associated with that information, and can
2007 Apr 03
How do I use "mount"?
Ok, so I''m obviously doing something wrong here. This is running puppet 0.22.2 on a centos 4 update 4 box. When I try running this test - mount { bigdisk: ensure => mounted, device => ''bigserver:/bigdisk'', fstype => nfs, name => ''/bigdisk'', dump => "0", pass => "0", options =>
2007 Apr 24
Announce: References are now on Trac
I''ve converted all of the inline docs over to restructured text, and I''ve got them all up on trac: Please let me know if you find any
2007 May 17
Puppet not honoring alternate path to namespaceauth.conf
Greetings, I''ve two questions for y''all. 1) I''ve setup an alternate installation path for puppet in a site local directory outside of ''the usual places''. Puppetd seems to insist that /etc/puppet/namespaceauth.conf exists despite setting :authconfig in both puppet and puppetd. As a result part of my installation now includes a symlink to point
2008 Jun 02
ZFS Hardware Check, OS X Compatibility, NEWBIE!!
This is my first post here, and i hope it is ok that i posted in this thread. I have been doing a bit of reading on the solaris platforms, and seem to be inclined to try out the open solaris os or solaris 10. My only worry is that my lack of knowledge with the command line may make this difficult regarding trouble shooting. It seems fairly straighforward creating zpools etc, but maybe nexenta is
2007 Jun 04
Puppet installation and observations
Greeting Puppeteers, ( I sent this from the wrong address so it may be a duplicate post after moderation ) I recently discovered puppet from the debian administration site and thought I might install it after BASHING my head against cfengine the last 3 times I tried to install it. I installed puppetmaster on my primary server and dropped puppet on a couple of xen virtuals. It worked
2007 Feb 06
Removing circular dependant RPM files with Package.
Hello, I just attempted to remove both the ypbind and the yp-tools packages using the package parameter with yum. As it turns out, both of these packages depend on each other. Is there a way of forcing package removal and, if there is not, is there a way of making all packages to be removed be collapsed into the same yum command? Either of these solutions would solve the problem with the
2011 Jun 30
help with interpreting what nnet() output gives:
...ession="IMS:1000043" name="max count of pixel y" value="3"/> <cvParam cvRef="IMS" accession="IMS:1000044" name="max dimension x" value="300" unitCvRef="UO" unitAccession="UO:0000017" unitName="micrometer"/> <cvParam cvRef="IMS" accession="IMS:1000045" name="max dimension y" value="300" unitCvRef="UO" unitAccession="UO:0000017" unitName="micrometer"/> <cvParam cvRef="IMS" accession="IMS:...
2007 May 07
Puppet Best Practice
Hello everyone, A long time ago, I posted the Stanford Best Practices and I''ve gone through and updated it today. I''d like to have people go through it and see if we can strip out some Stanford specific stuff and tag this as an official best practice. I think an official best practice will be important as more and more people consider making shareable modules, etc (mostly