Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "mfinal".
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2009 Sep 15
Boost in R
does any one know how to interpret this output in R?
> Classification with logitboost
> fit <- logitboost(xlearn, ylearn, xtest, presel=50, mfinal=20)
> summarize(fit, ytest)
Minimal mcr: 0 achieved after 6 boosting step(s)
Fixed mcr: 0 achieved after 20 boosting step(s)
What is "mcr" mean?
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2018 Jan 01
Error in adabag
...new year. I have got the following error
rror in if (nrow(object$splits) > 0) { : argument is of length zero
when I am running the following codes.
train <- c(sample(1:27,18), sample(28:54, 18), sample(55:81, 8))
a2011.adaboost <- boosting(median_kod ~ ., data = b[train, ], boos=TRUE,
mfinal = 10, control = rpart.control(minsplit = 0))
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2009 Aug 26
Doubt about adaboost
I performed a boosting analisis with adabag package to obtain a classification tree with the following set of commands:
Tesis.boost <- adaboost.M1(Captura~., data=Tesis2, mfinal=2)
> arb<-Tesis.boost$tree[[1]]
> post(arb, file ="")
> post(arb, file ="",title= "Arbol 1")
I would like to know the meanning of the numbers that appeared in the nodes of the tree (in circles and squares)?? For example: 8/120/31
BSc. Cecili...
2010 Mar 19
lmer: mixed effects models: predictors as random slopes but not found in the fixed effects?
...educed model.
After getting the "optimal" random effects structure, I move on and perform a similar procedure on the fixed effects.
First of all, does this sound at all sensible?
Secondly, when I do this with my data the resulting "optimal" or best fitting model looks like this:
mFinal <- lmer( Y ~ aS + bS + c + (d|SpeciesId) + (e|SpeciesId))
d and e show up as random slopes but not in the fixed effects.Is this ok, and if so, I'm not sure what the interpretation is...
Thanks so much,
HamishUCSD EBEhamishv8@hotmail.com