Displaying 20 results from an estimated 61 matches for "metres".
2005 May 27
Newbie here. Tips on setting up 100 phones w anted.
>It will be about 100 phones at about 20 locations all within
>about 4 miles of each other.
Perhaps a more pressing question might be how you are going to backhaul
Ethernet in a 4-mile radius. You can't run a Cat 5 cable more than 100
metres reliably, and using Ethernet repeaters every hundred metres or so
isn't practical. You will need a fiber backbone or something like that. What
is your plan to create an Ethernet network to tie these locations together?
2006 Apr 06
OT: HOWTO: Create a 90mbit bonded link 600 metres away with Cat 3 or telco wire [long]
> I was given the challenge recently of creating a LAN-LAN bridge
> two
> buildings several
> hundred metres from each other, using only existing Cat 3 wiring and
> without
> having to resort
> to an expensive and finicky 5 Ghz wireless link. I was able to create
a 90
> megabit link for
> about $3,000 Cdn with new PC's, CentOS 4.1, and the newly avaliable
> Box VDSL Ethernet
2012 Mar 16
Spatstat - coordinates in observation window
...tion function, mark correlation function) for which I need to create an observation window (window=owin) from which the spatial analysis is generated. The command I used to create this observation window as follows:
X1<- ppp(x, y, window=owin(c(80.58,144.96),c(101.06,165.13)), unitname=c("metres","metres"), marks=dbh)
I managed to create the observation window with this command. However, my data (x,y coordinates of objects in a square plot) didn't fit into this observation window's frame. It seems like I need to 'move or twist' my data by a certain angle so...
2008 Aug 22
Coordinate systems for geostatistics in R
...longitude...can anyone expand on this a little
for me, and what would be the best coordinate system to use?
I have my data in a geographic coordinate system, WGS84, decimal
degrees....is this the wrong format for such analyses?
I have also converted my data in the UTM projection and so have it in
metres....(ranging from 480,000 to 550,000 E and 170,000 to 230,000 N).
If I was to use the UTM coordinates, should I be using the actual
coordinates in metres, or should I convert this into an arbitrary coordinate
system (i.e. from 0 - 1) somehow?
I have noticed that running an analysis on the data...
2006 Feb 23
OT: VoIP over bonded link
I have to provision several dozen * users to a seperate building on our
campus in the same subnet. Ordinarily, I'd just run a gigabit cat6 cable to
another switch if it doesn't violate the 100 metre rule, but this building
is several hundred metres away from my backbone. My only option for cabling
to the remote building is copper. My plan is to provision them with a Linux
bridge with 4 NIC's: 1 gigabit to the backbone, and three bonded together as
a single interface (90 mbit aggregate), then plugged into this dealie:
2006 Apr 06
OT: HOWTO: Create a 90mbit bonded link 600 metre s away with Cat 3 or telco wire [long]
I was given the challenge recently of creating a LAN-LAN bridge between two
buildings several
hundred metres from each other, using only existing Cat 3 wiring and without
having to resort
to an expensive and finicky 5 Ghz wireless link. I was able to create a 90
megabit link for
about $3,000 Cdn with new PC's, CentOS 4.1, and the newly avaliable Black
Box VDSL Ethernet
Extender, which supports 30 me...
2009 Mar 11
Mixed models fixed effects
Dear All,
This may sound like a dumb question but I am trying to use a mixed model to
determine the predictors of bat activity along hedges within 8 sites. So my
response is continuous (bat passes) my predictors fixed effects are
continuous (height metres), width (metres) etc and the random effect is
site - can you tell me if the fixed effects can be continuous as all the
examples I have read show them as categorical, but this is not covered in
any documents I can find.
2008 Jun 30
newbie needs help plotting time series
Dear R help list
I have recently started using R to visualize time series of water level measurements. The code I wrote
does exactly what I want:
plot(x, a$B112, axes=FALSE, ylim=c(405,410), col="red", pch=15,
type="o", ylab="metres above sea level", main="Main Plot Title")
axis(2, at=405:410, tck=1, col="gray60")
axis.Date(1, at=seq(as.Date("2004-01-01"), as.Date("2008-06-01"),
by="month"), labels=seq(as.Date("2004-01-01"), as.Date("2008-06-01"),
2008 Jul 02
FW: RES: bug in axis.Date? was (Re: newbie needs help plottingtimeseries)
...lt;= range[2]]
> >
> > and this comparison results in character(0), when plotting with this
> > artificial example.
> >
> > plot(1:100, seq(405,410,length=100), axes=FALSE, ylim=c(405,410),
> > col="red", pch=15,
> > type="o", ylab="metres above sea level", main="Main Plot Title")
> > axis(2, at=405:410, tck=1, col="gray60")
> > axis.Date(1, at=seq(as.Date("2004-01-01"), as.Date("2008-06-01"),
> > by="month"), labels=seq(as.Date("2004-01-01"),
2010 Jul 20
for loop
Dear list, I'm trying to run the following for loop:
I have two list, the first one is
RAGSOCB "Brembo"
RAGSOCB "Stella"
which is this one in terms of dput:
structure(list(`5684` = structure(c("5684", "Brembo",
2001 Apr 20
map projections
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2011 Jan 27
creating categorical frequency tables from continuous data
I am working with a dataset which essentially has only one column - a
list of distances in metres, accurate to several decimal places. eg
I want to organise this into a frequency table, grouping into categories
of 0 - 999, 1000 - 1999, 2000-2999 etc. I'd also like the rows where
there are no data points in that category to contain 0, i...
2006 Sep 20
Range searches some times they work, some times not...
Hi i''m using ferret to enable geographical postcode. I take a postcode
and distance in miles from the user, strip off the outcode and then
retrieve the associated x y coordinates in metres from the db. Then i
get two temp x''s and y''s and search for all results that are within the
box, see code below.
Problems start to occur when i search on big distances so for example
40 miles from "G1"
VoObject.ferret_index.search(" x:[206826 335573] AND y:[5905...
2005 May 27
Newbie here. Tips on setting up 100 phones wanted.
I'm looking at setting up Asterisk for a completely IP environment.
All intercompany calls.
I work for a ski area. I currently use a 3Com Superstack for in our
office. And an old small town phone system for up at the mountain. The
phone system is dying and I'm hoping to bring IP to replace the old
phones. It will be about 100 phones at about 20 locations all within
about 4 miles of each
2005 Aug 15
return unique values from date/time class object
OS: Linux Mandrake 10.1
release: R 2.0.0
editor: GNU Emacs 21.3.2
front-end: ESS 5.2.3
I have a wind speed time series with a normal frequency distribution and a
spike in the 5 metres/second bin. The most likely explanation is that the
instrument was returning duplicate values at this speed. To check this, I
want to extract all the unique times from the series. However, unique()
works with vectors and the object is POSIXt class. I've looked for a similar
function to unique(...
2004 Jun 07
filled.contour - color palette so z=0 ONLY is blue
...e a topographic map of an island - the filled.contour
function works fine except i am experiencing difficulty trying to
represent the sea properly. Basically I want the default colour blue for
any instance where z=0, if I simply use the default topo.color I get
shades of blue for z values up to 220 metres. Is there a way in which I
can specify terrain.color for all values of z>0 but blue for z=0 - or is
there another way of acheiving this simply?
2009 Nov 10
Titles on panel graphs created in zoo
using the package zoo and would like to add a title for each separate panel.
I am using the script:
z <- with(mydata,zoo(cbind(mydata$Water.level,mydata$Submerged.plants,
plot(z,type="b",pch=16,lty=2,xlab="Year",ylab=c("Metres","Realtive density",
Any help would be much appreciated.
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Titles-on-panel-graphs-created-in-zoo-tp26285713p26285713.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabbl...
2000 Jul 02
minor cosmetic bug
The progress metre in scp(1) breaks when the tty is too wide.
This patch is the effortless fix:
:; diff -u openssh-2.1.1p2/scp.c openssh-2.1.1p2+jhc/scp.c
--- openssh-2.1.1p2+jhc/scp.c Thu Jun 22 07:32:32 2000
+++ openssh-2.1.1p2/scp.c Sat Jul 1 22:15:36 2000
@@ -1176,8 +1176,9 @@
i = barlength *
2006 Apr 06
OT: HOWTO: Create a 90mbit bonded link 600 m etres away with Cat 3 or telco wire [long]
...k here would be
fried all to hell, but...
-----Original Message-----
From: James Harper [mailto:james.harper@bendigoit.com.au]
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 4:22 PM
To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] OT: HOWTO: Create a 90mbit bonded link 600
metres away with Cat 3 or telco wire [long]
> I was given the challenge recently of creating a LAN-LAN bridge
> two
> buildings several
> hundred metres from each other, using only existing Cat 3 wiring and
> without
> having to resort
> to an expensive and finicky 5 Ghz wir...
2009 Jan 24
interesting comment. New Physics?
While browsing about, found http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/TDM400P, where I found this comment:
"Here's a tip passed on from an old telephone engineer. Where your copper 2-wire cable approaches the building, underground, finish with several large loops, about a metre in diameter, laid on top of each other. Fast moving, high energy spikes will spin off the outside of the loop as they