Displaying 20 results from an estimated 29 matches for "messagedialog".
2007 Sep 05
centering MessageDialog
is there any way to center the default Wx::MessageDialog or Wx::message_box
on parent (owner) instead of screen?
I haven''t found any constant other than Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION.
thanks for your help.
wxruby-users mailing list
2004 Dec 22
(no subject)
While running the sample application controls/control.rbw I
encountered the following
controls.rbw:1064:in `onAbout'': undefined method `free'' for
827db0> (NoMethodError)
from controls.rbw:1039:in `initialize''
from controls.rbw:1039:in `call''
from controls.rbw:1164:in `main_loop''
2011 Aug 13
help text display with wrapped text
...ow do it from the documentation. I wish
to create a simple help screen, i.e., a simple window that pops up in response
to a menu selection or a hot-key and displays static text. As far as I can see,
there doesn''t seem to be a Dialog-derived class suitable for this. I did try
using the MessageDialog class for this, but the problem is that the help text
is rather long, so I want the user to be able to resize the help window as
he (or she) wishes and have the displayed text wrap as appropriate to the size
of the window. MessageDialog doesn''t seem to allow this, so I get an oversized...
2007 Apr 05
Re: how to use Chinese Characters in wxRuby?
...expecting ')'
fd = Wx::FileDialog.new( nil, 'Import file', "", "",
unicode.rb:128: warning: parenthesize argument(s) for future version
unicode.rb:128: syntax error, unexpected tCONSTANT, expecting kEND
Wx::MessageDialog.new(self, message, 'Wrong encoding',
and more ...
all the string cause error.
how can I do? Thanks
2007/4/2, Alex Fenton <alex@deleteme.pressure.to>:
> yang cao wrote:
> > I want to use Chinese characters in...
2004 Aug 26
wxRuby 0.5.0 has been released!
wxRuby 0.5.0 has been released and is now available for
download from RubyForge at http://wxruby.rubyforge.org/
This release includes binary builds for Max OS X and
MS Windows.
Please report any bugs or feature requests here:
Changes in this release include:
* Added XRC (Xml Resource File) support.
* Added totally awesome HTML widget from Tobi
2007 Mar 23
[918] branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282/samples/aui/aui.rb: Fix a couple of little bugs and typos
...-1012,7 +1013,7 @@
</span><span class="cx"> if event.get_pane.get_name == "test10"
</span><span class="cx"> msg = "Are you sure you want to close/hide this pane?"
</span><span class="cx"> dlg = Wx::MessageDialog.new(self, msg, "Wx::AUI", Wx::YES_NO)
</span><del>- if dlg.show_modal !- Wx::YES
</del><ins>+ if dlg.show_modal != Wx::ID_YES
</ins><span class="cx"> return event.veto
</span><span class="cx"> end...
2006 Aug 13
wxruby2 alpha status
Hi all,
How soon can we do our alpha (binary gem) release?
1. I would like to get the samples working a bit better, but am ok
simply documenting most of the current problems. Do the samples crash
every few minutes for other people? Or is it just me? I would like to
have a copyright/license comment at the top of every sample file before
the alpha release.
2. I would like to receive and merge a
2007 Jan 25
[ wxruby-Bugs-8130 ] Crash-on-exit when dialogs have been used
Category: Incorrect behavior
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Alex Fenton (brokentoy)
Assigned to: Alex Fenton (brokentoy)
Summary: Crash-on-exit when dialogs have been used
Initial Comment:
Sometimes dialogs are not getting cleaned up correctly - when a MessageDialog (for example) has been shown with show_modal, the following crash occurs on application exit
Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
0xf4000104 in ?? ()
(gdb) whe
#0 0xf4000104 in ?? ()
Cannot access memory at address 0xf4000104
Cannot access memory at address 0xf4000104...
2004 Aug 05
libraries needed to distribute app
I''m making an installer for my WxRuby app, using exerb. I''ve included
wxruby.so in the package, and it seems to work fine on my computer, but
are there any other dlls or whatever I''m likely to need, for example for
WxWidgets itself?
2007 Aug 22
Can''t change button-size?
button = Button.new(self, -1, "Push me",Point.new(10,10),Size.new(50,10))
evt_button(button.get_id()) {|event| on_button(event)}
def message(text, title)
m = Wx::MessageDialog.new(self, text, title, Wx::OK | Wx::ICON_INFORMATION)
def on_button(event)
message("event recieved!!", "Button event")
class MinimalApp < App
def on_init
2008 May 18
[ wxruby-Bugs-20211 ] Unresolved symbol due to linkage error
...bj/ListCtrl.o obj/ListEvent.o obj/ListItem.o obj/ListItemAttr.o obj/Listbook.o obj/ListbookEvent.o obj/Locale.o obj/Log.o obj/LogTextCtrl.o obj/MDIChildFrame.o obj/MDIParentFrame.o obj/Mask.o obj/MediaCtrl.o obj/MediaEvent.o obj/MemoryDC.o obj/Menu.o obj/MenuBar.o obj/MenuEvent.o obj/MenuItem.o obj/MessageDialog.o obj/MiniFrame.o obj/MouseEvent.o obj/MoveEvent.o obj/MultiChoiceDialog.o obj/Notebook.o obj/NotebookEvent.o obj/NotifyEvent.o obj/NumberEntryDialog.o obj/Object.o obj/PageSetupDialog.o obj/PageSetupDialogData.o obj/PaintDC.o obj/PaintEvent.o obj/Panel.o obj/PasswordEntryDialog.o obj/Pen.o obj/Poi...
2007 Jul 17
[1115] trunk/wxruby2/samples/minimal/minimal.rb: Don''t call destroy explicitly as it causes assert failures
...;nbsp   2007-07-17 21:01:26 UTC (rev 1115)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -63,8 +63,7 @@
</span><span class="cx"> # create a simple message dialog with OK button
</span><span class="cx"> about_dlg = Wx::MessageDialog.new( self, msg, ''About Minimal'',
</span><span class="cx"> Wx::OK|Wx::ICON_INFORMATION )
</span><del>- about_dlg.show_modal()
-        about_d...
2004 Apr 27
Building wxruby on Solaris 9
Hi all,
Ruby 1.8.1
Solaris 9
wxwindows 2.4.2 (package from blastwave.org)
wxruby 0.3.0
I''m having trouble getting this sucker to build on my Solaris box.
Here''s how I''m building:
ruby extconf.rb --with-xrc-dir=/opt/csw
The include directive I added because the setup.h file is there (for
whatever reason). And yes, /opt/csw/bin and
2006 Dec 11
[780] trunk/wxruby2/samples/html/html.rb: Error handling eg if no network present or server down
...><ins>+ begin
+ res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port) do | http |
+ http.get(uri.path)
+ end
+ @loaded_uri = uri
+ set_page(res.body)
+ rescue => err
+ msg = "Could not load page:\n#{err}"
+ Wx::MessageDialog.new(nil, msg, ''Error loading page'',
+ Wx::OK|Wx::ICON_ERROR).show_modal
+ return ''''
</ins><span class="cx"> end
</span><del>- @loaded_uri = uri
- set_page(res.body)...
2004 Jun 02
wxGrid Question
When operating with a wxGrid is there a way to get a reference to the
TextCtrl field that is created when you start typing in a cell.
Also is there a way to get mouse events to work with a wxGrid, so far I
can''t get any of them to work. I had tried various combo''s of:
@grid.evt_left_down(){ |event|
puts "Left mouse is down"; }
using evt_left_down, evt_left_up,
2007 Jun 28
Keeping GUI responsive while processing data
file1 = @file1.get_value.to_s.strip
file2 = @file2.get_value.to_s.strip
if file1 == '''' or file2 == ''''
info = sprintf("Please make sure you have selected both files.")
dialog2 = Wx::MessageDialog.new(self, info, "Missing File?")
elsif dialog.show_modal() == Wx::ID_OK
save_path = dialog.get_path()
puts save_path
puts file1
puts file2
$t = Thread.new {
ap = APBook.new
ap.run(file1, file2, save_pa...
2007 Feb 12
[864] trunk/wxruby2/samples/calendar/calendar.rb: Fix a couple of errors, add a note on CalendarDateAttr
...s="cx"> end
</span><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx"> def set_date(d)
</span><del>- @date.set_label(format_date(d))
</del><ins>+ str = "%s-%s-%s" % [ d.year, d.mon, d.day ]
+ Wx::MessageDialog.new( self, "The selected date is #{str}",
+ "Date chosen" ).show_modal
</ins><span class="cx"> end
</span><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx"> end
2003 Aug 25
Re: ANN: wxRuby 0.1.0 Alpha has been released!
...xruby.so wx.o app.o bitmap.o button.o calendar.o
> checkbox.o choice.o colour.o colourdata.o colourdialog.o
> combobox.o const.o
> date.o dialog.o dirdialog.o event.o evthandler.o filedialog.o font.o
> fontdata.o fontdialog.o frame.o gauge.o layout.o listbox.o menu.o
> menubar.o
> messagedialog.o point.o radio.o rect.o size.o sizer.o slider.o spin.o
> statictext.o textctrl.o timer.o validator.o window.o icon.o artprovider.o
> log.o listctrl.o list.o panel.o scrolledwindow.o dc.o brush.o
> pen.o caret.o
> statusbar.o ownerdrawn.o config.o region.o cursor.o notebook.o tooltip.o...
2006 Dec 02
[770] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/keyword_classes.rb: Fix some broken ones (Alex Spelling), add some new & missing ones; add
...s(''PrintDialog'') do
+ wx_ctor_params :data
</ins><span class="cx">
</ins><span class="cx"> # Simple message box dialog
</span><span class="cx"> WxSugar.define_keyword_ctors(''MessageDialog'') do
</span><span class="cx"> wx_ctor_params :message => ''''
</span><span class="lines">@@ -297,6 +320,17 @@
</span><span class="cx"> end
</span><span class="cx">
2010 Jan 28
Compiling problem on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit
obj/ListEvent.o obj/ListItem.o obj/ListItemAttr.o obj/Listbook.o
obj/ListbookEvent.o obj/Locale.o obj/Log.o obj/LogTextCtrl.o
obj/MDIChildFrame.o obj/MDIParentFrame.o obj/Mask.o obj/MediaCtrl.o
obj/MediaEvent.o obj/MemoryDC.o obj/Menu.o obj/MenuBar.o obj/MenuEvent.o
obj/MenuItem.o obj/MessageDialog.o obj/MiniFrame.o obj/MouseEvent.o
obj/MouseState.o obj/MoveEvent.o obj/MultiChoiceDialog.o
obj/NavigationKeyEvent.o obj/Notebook.o obj/NotebookEvent.o
obj/NotifyEvent.o obj/NumberEntryDialog.o obj/Object.o
obj/PageSetupDialog.o obj/PageSetupDialogData.o obj/PaintDC.o
obj/PaintEvent.o obj/Panel.o o...