Displaying 20 results from an estimated 26 matches for "merchandising".
2006 Apr 11
Centos merchandise
Hi all,
Do you know where I can buy Centos merchandise such as posters, tshirt, mug,
etc? Especially, posters. I'd like to put some on my office to put some
pressures on my windows-minded colleaques.
Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | Linux tutorial
13:27:37 up 6:06, 2.6.15-1.1830_FC4 GNU/Linux
Let's use OpenOffice.
2010 Apr 16
Help your friend win RC merchandise
<html><head></head><body>Hi vorbis-dev<br /><br />
Your friend really enjoys the fan club and activity at <a href="http://www.royalchallengers.com/ee/index.php/mgm/UpdateInvitePoints/?rcb_token=1271396157507484">www.RoyalChallengers.com</a>, and would like to invite you to join as well. We're also running a promotion - your sign up
2000 Jul 05
SAMBA eats up all memory...
I am running SAMBA on AIX
I have a 1 Tera Byte filesystem on AIX made available to NT and MAC.
There is heavy IO activity on this filesystem and all of a sudden the NT's
and MAC's can't read or write any file on this shared filesystem.
Also AIX is running out of memory whenever this happens and files cannot be
copied onto the said filesystem even at unix
2014 Dec 15
Error: libusb-1.0.so.0 is needed....
On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 07:22:01PM -0500, Mark LaPierre wrote:
> On 12/14/14 07:29, ken wrote:
> > uname -r; rpm -q libusb
> CentOS 6.6 says:
> [mlapier at mushroom ~]$ uname -r; rpm -q libusb
> 2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.i686
> libusb-0.1.12-23.el6.i686
CentOS 5 has:
CentOS 6 has:
CentOS 7 has:
2015 Jul 07
Replacing cpu
On 07/06/15 22:22, jd1008 wrote:
> I plan to do both :)
> This is why I use AmEx.
> They fully refund for merchandise that does not work.
> They are able to extract that from the merchant.
> Don't ask me how :) They have done it for me before.
it is in the 'toa', 'terms of agreement'. credit card companies require
signing agreement before they
2004 May 18
Problem with X tunneling, su, and xauth
Hi all.
I'm trying to use ssh to connect from a PC (using TerraTerm with the
ssh add-in) to a Solaris 8 or Solaris 9 box (both running OpenSSH
3.7.1p2) to establish a session for X-forwarding. Everything works
great, until I use "su" to change to another account (such as root).
The su'd user doesn't seem to be able to authenticate properly to use
the X-tunnel.
I did a
2005 Mar 01
Allow remote hosts for remote forwarded ports
Hi all,
I just wanted to temporarily make some new CMS I set up available to the
public for testing on port 8080 of our web server forwarded via ssh to
to my local, firewalled workstation:
ssh me at some-host.tld -R 8080:localhost:80
However I had to notice that this only binds to the loopback interface
and not to all. For -L there is the -g option to low connects to locally
forwarded ports
2005 Dec 05
Remote command
Hi all,
I'm new on this list, I tried to find the solution or ideas about my doubt
but I didn't know what look for.
I was thinking to develope a system that is a "Basic Administration" of a
Linux Server, the "idea" is: an application in Java running on a worksation,
to consult how much space has on disk of server, the application send a
command to the server using
2006 Jan 11
OpenSSH Installation in Win2k Platform
How can I install the OpenSSH in Windows. When I downloaded the file, there is no .exe.
Thanks for your advance help.
Play 100s of games for FREE! http://games.mail.com/
2004 Dec 20
Asterisk mechandise reselers with good reputation
Can you folks recommend Asterisk merchandise resellers that have good
So far I didn't have much luck except surfcity.com where I've ordered
their P104 phone.
I would like to purchase Sipura SPA-2100 and SPA-841 and "VOIP Telephony
with Asterisk" book.
So far I have poor experience with Voxilla and Asterisk Mall.
- Voxilla folks have no clue how to ship Warranty
2007 Aug 26
foneBRIDGE2 setup
...cluster. It's available here:
Hope somebody finds it useful. :)
Vicente Aguilar <bisente at bisente.com> | http://www.bisente.com
Valquirias: C?mics, manga, cosplay, ciencia-ficci?n, merchandising...
http://www.valquirias.com | http://blogs.valquirias.com
2010 Mar 16
Whether need to run CentOS Certification test suite to get the CentOS logo
I have searched related information on the CentOS website, and only get the
answer "Except for CentOS CD/DVD ISOs, you may not use CentOS logos on
merchandise without an individual agreement with the CentOS Project.We need
to approve the use of the logos and will require that you donate a
percentage of your total sales on items using the CentOS logos in this
But I'm
2003 May 06
The excellent partner for your business! (030506)
We would like to apologize as soon as this email is caused you any inconvenience. If it is, should you delete it directly, or send it back to iampanfi@ms75.hinet.net. Many thanks!
Dear Sir/Madam:
PANFINE GROUP, since 1982
The Reliable Partner: Stable Cooperation, Truly Support With Coordination & Understanding
Are you seeking partner in China? Where is it? Here Panfine is!
2002 Jul 25
ANNOUNCEMENT: New release on Vorbis
UK: 24th July 2002
10pTV today unveiled the soundtrack to the upcoming animation short,
Happens", which is slated for release in August. A bizarre tale of
Girls and Guns, "Shit Happens" features comic artwork by the reclusive
Nigel Lowry, artist for the cult classic "The Jock" and a super slick
soundtrack written by ex Bennett front man Jason Applin.
2009 Jan 22
Psssst - hey buddy, wanna' get a job? (follow-up to asterisk-biz please)
...a young & growing company (Inc. 500 two years running and one of
the top 10 private companies in Philadelphia in 2007) and we're
definitely open to any other strategic hire that might help take us to
the next level of growth. If you think you have something to
contribute to online merchandising of hardware around open telephony,
send your resume and a brief introduction to work at our-domain-name
(sorry email harvesters!). Telecommuting may be an option for some
positions, so if Philadelphia is a non-starter please don't assume
this rules you out!
Remember, in the unlikely e...
2004 Dec 03
[BUGTRAQ] rssh and scponly arbitrary command execution
Hash: SHA1
[This came over BUGTRAQ this morning. Note the call for volunteers
vis-a-vis rssh.]
- ----- Forwarded message from Jason Wies <jason at xc.net> -----
List-Id: <bugtraq.list-id.securityfocus.com>
List-Subscribe: <mailto:bugtraq-subscribe at securityfocus.com>
To: bugtraq at securityfocus.com
Cc: rssh-discuss at
2011 Jan 09
Idea to possibly improve flac?
> whilst at the same time the development has ceased. I've found some
> severe issues with OggFLAC that essentially make it a useless format
> for streaming, no one cared.
Yes, this is sad. cdparanoia, which could be considered a strong
opensource meatspace partner to FLAC (along with cdda2wav)
is also effectively dead. All three living on only in the ports trees of
various operating
2005 Jul 27
reference counting in ssh-agent?
In a machine that I regularly use one console and remotely I have the line:
eval `ssh-agent`
In my .login, as per the ssh-agent(1) man page.
Problem: when I log out, the ssh-agent process persists which is the
correct behavior in some cases, but not in others. This means that
periodically I have to kill off hundreds of ssh-agent processes as they
are taking up a substantial amount of my
2003 Aug 21
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2004 Aug 06
toner cartridges
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