search for: melldrbib11

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "melldrbib11".

2006 Mar 31
Small local dir refuses to sync, others AOK.
...problem rsyncing between two directories on local disk. I wish to sync the local directory /local/CA/eTrustDirectory/dxserver/ldif to the other local directory /local/CA/archive. 'rsync -vvvr --progress /local/CA/eTrustDirectory/dxserver/ldif /local/CA/archive' pauses at: make_file(4,ldif/MELLDRBIB11-ldsau004wm1/ldbau004v1_20060330.0204.raw) make_file(4,ldif/MELLDRBIB11-ldsau004wm1/ldbau004v1_20060331.0204.raw) 782 files to consider For at least 50 minutes (I cancel it at this point - it's only 27MB of files). Running an 'strace -f' gives [pid 17960] lstat64("ldif/MELLDRBIB11...