search for: mediauser

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "mediauser".

2008 Oct 05
Cannot get shares to show up
...o things I've never done before so I want to make sure to point them out: 1) I am using groups in the "valid users" section 2) I am using preexec and postexec on each share Example: [Media] comment = Media(Non-kid)! path = /mnt/media1 read only = yes browsable = no valid users = @mediausers preexec = /bin/mount /mnt/media1 postexec = /bin/umount /mnt/media1 I've done nothing with the /mnt/media1 folder so I expect my next issue will be permissiones related but I would expect the shares to at least show up for all users within the @mediausers group. I'm using preexec ect fro...
2011 Aug 23
Problem to migrate virtual machine between two hosts with same uuid
hi at all, i'm trying to migrate a vm between two host but fails, this is what I did: virsh # start win2008 Domain win2008 started virsh # list Id Name State ---------------------------------- 1 win2008 running virsh # migrate --live win2008 qemu+ssh://host2/system error: internal error Attempt to migrate guest to the same host
2008 Mar 27
Samba Share Mounts with Java
Hello, I am developing a Java application that requires me to read from and write to a samba share. When developing in a windows environment this was not a problem. I mounted the share as "M:/", built a path to a file, checked if the file exists using the Java function file.exists(), and went on my merry way. Now I am developing in a Linux environment(SuSE 10). I mount the samba
2015 Mar 13
RequireSecuritySignature=1 and public share with guest not working
strange i did not change anything in my windows 7 64bit. This is my full setup pretty basic. Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS, Trusty Tahr, with sernet samba 4.1.17-9 I do have 1 user for samba. pdbedit -L xbmc:5000:MediaUser [global] workgroup = PRIVE server string = %h server dns proxy = yes ; name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast #### Networking #### # interfaces = eth0 # bind interfaces only = yes #### Debugging/Accounting #### log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m max log size...
2015 Mar 13
RequireSecuritySignature=1 and public share with guest not working
...tySignature=1 and public >share with guest not working > >strange i did not change anything in my windows 7 64bit. >This is my full setup pretty basic. >Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS, Trusty Tahr, with sernet samba 4.1.17-9 > >I do have 1 user for samba. > >pdbedit -L >xbmc:5000:MediaUser > >[global] > > workgroup = PRIVE > server string = %h server > dns proxy = yes >; name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast > >#### Networking #### ># interfaces = eth0 ># bind interfaces only = yes > >#### Debugging/Accounting ####...
2015 Mar 12
RequireSecuritySignature=1 and public share with guest not working
Hello I have an samba server with a public share. It was configured with security=share. Now I have to tight security with setting those flags in the windows client: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters] EnablePlainTextPassword=0 EnableSecuritySignature=1 RequireSecuritySignature=1 Since this change the public share is not working anymore. I found