Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "medianpolish".
2007 Dec 24
Affy Package
Dear R Users,
In the expresso function, which combination of these methods for data pre-processing (when using affymetrix oligo arrays) is the best:
bgcorrect.metod = rma rma2 mas
normalize.method = qspline quantiles loess
pmcorrect.method = pmonly subtractmm mas
summary.method = liwong avgdiff medianpolish mas
There are many options within each method. I would appreciate a hint on the best combination.
Thank you very much in advance.
Roger L. Vallejo, Ph.D.
Computational Biologist & Geneticist
U.S. Department of Agriculture, ARS
National Center for Cool & Cold Water Aquaculture
2005 Oct 18
Installing Bioconductor on R
...ng on AMD64 bit machine.
this is the error message I get :
gcc -shared -L/usr/local/lib -o affyPLM.so avg_log.o biweight.o
chipbackground.o common_types.o do_PLMrlm.o do_PLMrma.o do_PLMthreestep.o
idealmismatch.o LESN.o lm.o lm_threestep.o log_avg.o matrix_functions.o
median_logPM.o medianPM.o medianpolish.o nthLargestPM.o PLM_modelmatrix.o
preprocess.o psi_fns.o qnorm.o qnorm_probeset.o rlm_anova.o rlm.o rlm_PLM.o
rlm_se.o rlm_threestep.o rma_background2.o rma_common.o rma_PLM.o
rmaPLM_pseudo.o SCAB.o scaling.o threestep.o threestep_common.o threestep_PLM.o
threestep_summary.o threestep_summary_...
2007 Aug 06
Problems with expresso
> celFile <- list.celfiles(path=path,full.names=TRUE);
> affyBatch <- ReadAffy(filenames=celFile[1:6]);
> eset1 <-
background correction: rma
normalization: quantiles
PM/MM correction :
expression values: medianpolish
background correcting...done.
Fehler in function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find an inherited method for function
"computeExprSet", for sig...
2010 Mar 29
stuck with affy / limma
#### load
a <- ReadAffy(filenames = rownames(pData(pd)), phenoData = pd, verbose =
#### normalize
x <- expresso(a, bg.correct = FALSE, normalize.method = "vsn",
= list(subsample = 1000), pmcorrect.method = "pmonly", summary.method =
### genes with highest variation
rsd <- apply(exprs(x), 1, sd)
sel <- order(rsd, decreasing = TRUE)[1:250]
heatmap(exprs(x)[sel, ], labRow=u)
### in this case it works to extract the gene symbol
### lim...
2008 Dec 01
[BioC] BioC 2.3 standard installation
I always followed http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/ to install R
on Ubuntu 8.1. I had no errors before!
> install.packages("XML")
Warning in install.packages("XML") :
argument 'lib' is missing: using '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library'
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