search for: mediagong

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Did you mean: mediadog
2012 May 14
Weird problem with rsync 3.0.9
...ust admit that I really don't understand what those call trace mean, so I need some help to find what is going on. Let me know if I can give you more informations. Best regards, ---------------------------------------------------- Claude Juif Administrateur Syst?mes et R?seaux claude.juif at<damien.petitbois at> [cid:image001.gif at 01CD31E7.7B1FA410] 98, route de la Reine 92100 Boulogne Billancourt T?l. : 01 41 31 71 08- Fax : 01 46 05 27 46<> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed......