search for: medfilter

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "medfilter".

2007 Jun 19
VS2005 build
Hi I downloaded speex-1.2beta2 from and am trying to build the win32/VS2005/libspeex/lipspeex.vcproj When I try to build the Release configuration, I get the following error: LNK1181: cannot open input file '.\Release\medfilter.obj' Trying to build the Debug or Release_Dynamic configurations gives a related error: C1083: cannot open source file: '..\..\..\libspeex\medfilter.c': No such file or directory Can anyone point me to the medfilter.obj file (or source files)? What is this file used for? -T...
2007 Aug 03
Missing source file ?
Hello to all, I am trying to build speex for the Windows Mobile platform. However I am not able to build it even on Windows x86 because a source file (medfilter.c) while declared in the project settings is missing. So linker cannot find medfilter.obj and I am not able to build it. Please could anyone tell me if this is an error that I should fix manually (for example ignore the file and fix the configurations) or there is really a problem here. Thank y...
2007 Aug 08
need help on compile speex-1.2beta2.tar.gz
Hi, all, I am new to this mail list. I have a question here. I just downloaded speex-1.2beta2.tar.gz and wanted to compile it with Visual Studio 2003. but I failed because I can not find the following file: speex-1.2beta2\libspeex\medfilter.c Could any one help me on this? Thanks, -Allen
2011 Mar 27
Asking Favor For the Script of Median Filter
...14 24 [4,] 2 15 26 23 19 [5,] 28 18 10 11 20 This is example original matrices of an image. I want apply with median filter with window size 3X# to remove salt and pepper noise in my matric. Here are the script I attend to writing.The script and output shown as below: > MedFilter<-function(mat,sz) + {out<-matrix(0,nrow(mat),ncol(mat)) + for(p in 1:(nrow(mat)-(sz-1))) + {for(q in 1:(ncol(mat)-(sz-1))) + {outrow<-median(as.vector(mat[p:(p+(sz-1)),q:(q+(sz-1))])) + out[(p+p+(sz-1))/2,(q+q+(sz-1))/2]<-outrow}} + out} > MedFilter(x,3) [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,...
2007 Aug 08
need help on compile speex-1.2beta2.tar.gz; > Hi, all, > > > > I am new to this mail list. I have a question here. I just downloaded > > speex-1.2beta2.tar.gz and wanted to compile it with Visual Studio > > 2003. but I failed because I can not find the following file: > > > > speex-1.2beta2\libspeex\medfilter.c > > > > Could any one help me on this? > > Remove that from the project file. medfilter.c should never have been > included in the project file. > > Jean-Marc >
2007 Nov 04
WaveIn/WaveOut and Speex
Hello, I know my question has been asked before because I spent the last week searching the web for how to use Speex in combination with WaveIn/WaveOut and I ran into a few posts, but none of them answer the question. There is still a lot of confusion how to use WaveIn/WaveOut and Speex by junior developers such as myself. Even after examining code for SpeexDec and SpeexEnc, I cannot get clear
2007 May 09
Windows Libraries and echo cancellor support
I am trying to build 1.2beta1. I downloaded the sources from and tried compiling it under visual studio 2005. it gave the following errors: LIB : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file '.\debug_rtl_dll\medfilter.obj' Build log was saved at "file://c:\farhan\speex-1.2beta1\win32\VS2005\libspeex\Debug_RTL_dll\BuildLog.htm" then i downloaded the windows binary from when i tried compiling my app with these, it failed with t...
2007 May 29
Hi, Thanks! can this program generate speex.lib instead of libspeex.lib?? the OpenSpeak link to speex.lib instead of libspeex.lib I can compiled the libspeex.lib but not speex.lib. Correct me if I am wrong Thanks ----- Original Message ----- From: "Alexander Chemeris" <> To: <> Cc: <> Sent: Tuesday, May 29,