Displaying 20 results from an estimated 61 matches for "mccullagh".
2009 Jan 13
deviance in polr method
Dear all,
I've replicated the cheese tasting example on p175 of GLM's by McCullagh
and Nelder. This is a 4 treatment (rows) by 9 ordinal response (cols)
Here's my simple code:
#### cheese
options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly"))
y = c(0,0, 1, 7, 8,8,19, 8,1, 6,9,12,11, 7,6, 1, 0,0, 1,1, 6, 8,23,...
2004 Jul 06
FYI House bill exports analog phone regs to VoIP
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2004 00:31:21 -0400
From: Declan McCullagh <declan@well.com>
To: politech@politechbot.com
Subject: [Politech] House bill exports analog phone regs to VoIP
There's a new bill in the House of Representatives to regulate phone
calls made over the Internet. It was introd...
2000 Mar 10
logit and polytomous data
I am new to generalized linear models and studying
McCullagh & Nelder (1989). Especially, I have a problem
resembling the \"cheese taste\" example (5.3.1. p. 109) of
the book. I tried to analyse the cheese example with R but
failed to do so because R allowed me to use logit link
function only with binary family that supposes 0 <= y <=...
2008 Mar 17
stepAIC and polynomial terms
Dear all,
I have a question regarding the use of stepAIC and polynomial (quadratic to be specific) terms in a binary logistic regression model. I read in McCullagh and Nelder, (1989, p 89) and as far as I remember from my statistics cources, higher-degree polynomial effects should not be included without the main effects. If I understand this correctly, following a stepwise model selection based on AIC should not lead to a model where the main effect of some...
2005 Jun 16
mu^2(1-mu)^2 variance function for GLM
Dear list,
I'm trying to mimic the analysis of Wedderburn (1974) as cited by
McCullagh and Nelder (1989) on p.328-332. This is the leaf-blotch on
barley example, and the data is available in the `faraway' package.
Wedderburn suggested using the variance function mu^2(1-mu)^2. This
variance function isn't readily available in R's `quasi' family object,
but it seems...
2004 Jan 20
rstandard.glm() in base/R/lm.influence.R
...lia Carvalho, we wanted to map the
standardised residuals of a quasipoisson null model of cases offset by
log(pop.at.risk), and rstandard.glm() seemed to compress the values more
than we'd have expected. Her colleague: "Valeska (L. Andreozzi) says that
she has already noticed that, and as McCullagh & Nelder (2nd ed, pg 397)
says, the dispersion is inside the sqrt". (That's the way I read 12.5 on
p. 397 too). I can't see that summary(model)$dispersion has already been
subject to sqrt() in sum(object$weights * object$residuals^2)/df.r in
res / (s...
2000 Feb 24
Ordinal Regression
Is there any function in R to fit ordinal regression models (linear
and non-linear) described by Peter McCullagh.
Regression Models for Ordinal Data, JRSS-B, 1980, 42:109-142
E. S. Venkatraman, Ph.D. Phone: (212) 639-8520 Fax: (212) 717-3137
Assistant Attending Member Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
2000 Feb 25
Sv: Sv: Ordinal Regression
Dear Peter.
I guess you know that Jim Lindseys code include nordr and ordglm in library gnlm - I attach the htmls which do various linear and nonlinear ordinal regressions - exemplified with just the data mentioned, McCullagh (1980) JRSS B42, 109-142. I had it work very fine.
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Peter Malewski <p.malewski at tu-bs.de>
Til: Troels Ring <tring at mail1.stofanet.dk>
Dato: 25. februar 2000 07:35
Emne: Re: Sv: [R] Ordinal Regression
>On Thu, 24 Feb 2000, Troels Ring wrote:...
2003 Feb 19
GLM for Beta distribution
Hi R-help,
Is there such a thing as a function in R for fitting a GLM where the
response is distributed as a Beta distribution?
In my case, the response variable is a percentage ([0,1] and continuous).
The current glm() function in R doesn't include the Beta distribution.
Thank you for any help on this topic.
Sharon K?hlmann
2010 Feb 15
Extract values from a predict() result... how?
...t somehow I can't manage to extract the
probabilities from a glm.predict() result:
> str(res)
Named num [1:9] 0.00814 0.01877 0.025 0.02941 0.03563 ...
- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:9] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
I got from:
# A Gamma example, from McCullagh & Nelder (1989, pp. 300-2)
clotting <- data.frame(
u = c(5,10,15,20,30,40,60,80,100),
lot1 = c(118,58,42,35,27,25,21,19,18),
lot2 = c(69,35,26,21,18,16,13,12,12))
model <- glm(lot1 ~ log(u), data=clotting, family=Gamma)
res <- predict(model, clotting)
I want to transfer th...
2006 May 03
Problem in using confint method on polr model object
...the confint method to calculate confidence intervals for the
parameters I get
the following error message
Waiting for profiling to be done...
Re-fitting to get Hessian
Error in X[, -i, drop = FALSE] : incorrect number of dimensions
Can someone explain the error-message?
(The data are from McCullagh (1980), JRSS,B)
1999 Jun 08
inverse.gaussian, nbinom
Two questions:
1. inverse.gaussian is up there as one of the glm families, but do
people ever use it? There is no inverse.gaussian in the R
distribution family, and when I checked McCullagh & Nelder, it only
appeared twice in the book (according to subject index), once in the
table on p. 30 and once on p. 38 in a passing sentence. Is there a
good reference on this distribution?
2. When I looked at the negative binomial documentation, I couldn't
quite get things match for the...
2005 Nov 10
Help to multinomial analyses
Dear Sirs,
Could you please be so kind as to send us some information on residuals in
multinomial logistic models? Is it possible to use R software?
We thank you in advance.
Sincerely yours
Luciana Alves,MSc
Beatriz Leimann, MD
Luciana Correia Alves
Doutoranda em Sa??de P??blica
ENSP - Fiocruz
2002 Aug 22
Calculating dispersion in glm
Hi all,
How is dispersion calculated within the glm function in R ?
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1998 Aug 28
R-beta: repeated measures GLM binomial data?
...refer me to a
textbook discussion?
Two factor ANOVA repeated measures design.
Each subject gives a percent correct.
I am assuming the correct way to proceed is to fit a generalized linear
model with binomial responses and logistic link. But I have not found a
detailed discussion of this in either McCullagh & Nelder or Dobson.
Here is a toy example. Each datum is proportion correct out of 100
trials for one subject:
b1 b2
a1 .5,.6 .1,.2
a2 .7,.8 .2,.3
a3 .8,.9 .3,.4
(2 subjects)
How does the analysis proceed? Thanks very much for any help.
Bill Simpson
2000 Apr 19
scale factors/overdispersion in GLM: possible bug?
...le parameter is estimated, not really known). Are
these equivalent, or approximately equivalent? Does anyone have a
favorite reference on the subject? (I've been looking at V&R3, Crawley's
"GLIM for Ecologists", and Lindsey's GLM book -- I haven't acquired Dobson
or McCullagh and Nelder yet).
r-devel mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
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(in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-de...
2000 Mar 11
polr question
Dear friends.
Do Polr in Mass change the sign of the coefficients ? Example (McCullagh 1980)
freq <- c(19,29,24,497,560,269)
yy <- ordered(gl(3,1,6))
z4 <- polr(yy~x,weights=freq)
> z4
polr(formula = yy ~ x, weights = freq)
2010 May 11
(svy)glm and weights question
...in a logistic regression? It feels
wrong, but I cannot find, so far, any sources on this.
2) How to implement this in R? I tried the weights option in glm(),
but I think that is meant for when you have one row in your data for
multiple observations, not for this kind of weight. Although I have
the McCullagh and Nelder book explaining in detail how glm() operates,
I cannot find a similar book for svyglm(). Is svyglm() better for this
type of weighting?
3) Where would I find a good source describing the estimation
procedure, including weighting, applied in svyglm()?
Thanks in advance for any help!
2008 Mar 17
generalized linear mixed models with a beta distribution [Sec=Unclassified]
...ve to be integers)
but remember to use prior weights of 1/N and estimate the
over-dispersion parameter. If you use the ratio, r, directly with a
binomial total of 1 then the prior weights are simply 1 and can be
ignored. This quasi-likelihood approach for a ratio was given by
Wedderburn (1974) (see McCullagh and Nelder, 1989, Sec 9.2.4). BTW
random effects with a beta distribution included in the linear predictor
via a link function such as the logit can be fitted as a HGLM
(Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model)(Lee and Nelder, 1996, 2001) for
binomial data (i.e. considered binomial conditional on the...
2004 Aug 05
cross random effects (more information abuot the data)
...answer but is not the right answer. So,
I am accusing my specification of the experiment
(group). If you have any suggestion pleas let me know.
E-mail:aleid2001 at yahoo.com
Here I am going to gve mre details about the data.
> details about the data is:
The data are:
> McCullagh and Nelder (1989,sec.14.5)polished an
> interesting set of data on the success of matting
> between male and female salamanders drawn from two
> populations, the rough butts (RB) and the white
> (WS), that had been geographically isolated from
> other. In the first of thre...