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2012 Oct 17
[LLVMdev] R_ARM_ABS32 disassembly with integrated-as
...ingSymbol -> { nop on base class, calling either
EmitThumbMappingSymbol or EmitARMMappingSymbol (private) on ARM }
> +void MCELFStreamer::EmitMappingSymbol(bool IsData) {
> + // FIXME: The following is specific to the ARM. This should be moved
> + // to ARMAsmBackend.
Maybe MCARMELFStreamer (or whatever sounds nicer than that). ARMAsm is
a big bag of code and nowadays, most of it is format agnostic, I think
(asm, elf).
2012 Oct 17
[LLVMdev] R_ARM_ABS32 disassembly with integrated-as
...calling either
> EmitThumbMappingSymbol or EmitARMMappingSymbol (private) on ARM }
> > +void MCELFStreamer::EmitMappingSymbol(bool IsData) {
> > + // FIXME: The following is specific to the ARM. This should be moved
> > + // to ARMAsmBackend.
> Maybe MCARMELFStreamer (or whatever sounds nicer than that). ARMAsm is
> a big bag of code and nowadays, most of it is format agnostic, I think
> (asm, elf).
> --
> cheers,
> --renato
> http://systemcall.org/
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2012 Oct 17
[LLVMdev] R_ARM_ABS32 disassembly with integrated-as
Hi Jim,
The diff below is not intended to be a patch, but a starting point.
It is the shortest path (I hope) to getting LLVM to emit ARM mapping
symbols to the ELF without changing any shared interfaces. Could you
have a look at the FIXME comments and offer some pointers on how to
get this code out of MCELFStreamer?
diff --git a/lib/MC/MCELFStreamer.cpp b/lib/MC/MCELFStreamer.cpp
2012 Oct 16
[LLVMdev] R_ARM_ABS32 disassembly with integrated-as
Attached is an example of how to reproduce the issue. It uses a C
file that happens to has a bunch of switch statements which are
encoded as jump tables, giving us data-in-code. Usage:
To build object files with clang via the -integrated-as versus via GCC:
$ export NDK_DIR=<my_ndk_dir>
$ export LLVM_DIR=<my_llvm_bin_dir>
$ make
To test that the generated objects contain the same