search for: match1500

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "match1500".

2005 Jul 25
(no subject)
...1.4.2 to 2.0.1, then upsstats.cgi says Model not supportet, status online My syslog says Jul 25 11:12:28 localhost upsmon[6220]: Startup successful Jul 25 11:12:28 localhost upsd[6218]: Connection from Jul 25 11:12:28 localhost upsd[6218]: Client upsmonitor@ logged into UPS [match1500] Jul 25 11:12:28 localhost upsmon[6221]: Poll UPS [match1500@localhost] failed - Variable not supported by UPS Jul 25 11:12:28 localhost upsmon[6221]: Communications with UPS match1500@localhost lost Jul 25 11:12:33 localhost upsmon[6221]: Communications with UPS match1500@localhost establi...