search for: masterfil

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "masterfil".

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2007 Jun 12
Problems with Vista, R 2.5.0 and function save
...uot;) > save(x, y, file = "xy.Rdata") Fehler in gzfile(file, "wb") : kann Verbindung nicht ?ffnen Zus?tzlich: Warning message: kann komprimierte Datei 'xy.Rdata' nicht ?ffnen Thank you so much for your help. Background: I want to crate a variable "masterfile" that I can start with data(masterfile) or attach(masterfile). I.g. Town<-c("London","Miami","Rio","Lansing") Pollution<-c("34","32","50","17") masterfile<-data.frame(Town,Pollution) save(masterfile,fi...
2009 Nov 12
Reading .sav (SPSS) files.
Hi, I used the method read.spss() in library(foreign) to read a .sav file using commands. >library(foreign) >data.sav <- read.spss(''masterfile.sav'') >mydat <- It''s throwing some warnings.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Warning messages: 1: In read.spss("masterfile.sav") : m...
2005 Aug 25
Samba 4
...ervers to authenticate users? From what I saw, Samba 4 has an imbedded LDAP server and I couldn't figure out how to point to my own server. But I'm ain't no genius! - I ran a few test with Samba 4 but I couldn't activate a user account so a smbclient command shows Connection to \\masterfiler\data failed - NT_STATUS_ACCOUNT_DISABLED Hope somebody knows the answers to those questions, and I hope I was clear enough. If such is not the case, don't hesitate to ask me for some more information. Thanks C?dric
2015 Sep 08
Secondary for samba zone
...t, but then shouldn't be getting emails to it. But the timers are right. But over on the main DNS server that will secondary this domain, there is a change to the zone description: zone "home.htt" { type slave; file "slaves/bak.home.htt"; masterfile-format text; masters {; }; }; Note the new "masterfile-format text" line. This is if you want a nice text file for the slave zone to read, rather than the more efficient binary file. And here is what is in that file right now: # more slaves/bak.home.htt $...
2020 Feb 27
Re-configuring BIND DNS Servers for CentOS Web Panel Web Hosting Control Panel on Amazon AWS Cloud
...bin/systemctl is-active named # touch /etc/named/slave.conf # chmod 771 /etc/named # usermod -a -G named slave # chown slave.named /etc/named/slave.conf # mkdir /var/named/slave # chown named.named /var/named/slave Edit File: /etc/named.conf and add this in options section before closing } masterfile-format text; Add after options{} where other include lines are specifed //Slave dns configuration include "/etc/named/slave.conf"; Now you can login to Slave DNS Manager GUI by using a domain link of the account you have created. Go to Defa...
2007 Feb 27
Error message on domain member: User nobody with invalid SID long time to map to username/groups when managing security from Windows box. The only reference I can find to my specific log item is the following which didn't seem to help: Thanks in advance, Adam Tworkowski, atworkowski at masterfile dot com
2002 Mar 01
oplock_break and Excel data corruption with Samba 2.2.3a
Hi everyone, Just today one of our users informed me that a file she was working on in Microsoft Excel 97 got corrupted. She was working on the file directly on our server, which is running Samba 2.2.3a compiled using gcc-3.0.4 on Linux kernel 2.4.17-xfs and XFS-based filesystems. I checked the Samba logs for her machine and found the following in a search for the filename of the Excel file she
2018 Jul 26
Problem with definition of slist in CFEngine
...$(sys.license_owner) R: r1: sys.licenses_granted ....... = $(sys.licenses_granted) R: r1: sys.long_arch .............. = linux_x86_64_3_10_0_693_el7_x86_64__1_SMP_Tue_Aug_22_21_09_27_UTC_2017 R: r1: sys.maildir ................ = /var/spool/mail R: r1: sys.masterdir .............. = /var/cfengine/masterfiles R: r1: sys.os ..................... = linux R: r1: sys.ostype ................. = linux_x86_64 R: r1: sys.piddir ................. = /var/cfengine R: r1: sys.policy_hub ............. = R: r1: sys.policy_hub_port ........ = 5308 R: r1: sys.release ................ = 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_...