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2004 Jan 25
RE: SAMBA 15TB Volume?
...ncerned about this issue, then you should be concerned about the entire integrated facility not just the Sambe piece. In which case you would be well advised to build the thing and then fill it up and ensure that it works as you expect. PG -----Original Message----- From: Massano, Thomas [] Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2004 5:44 PM Subject: SAMBA 15TB Volume? Hi sorry for the interruption, but I posted this to the list with no responses and I don't know who else to turn to. I'm proposing a solution on a Solaris (64bit) machine, that will have 7 - 2...
2004 Jan 25
RE: SAMBA 15TB Volume?
...ncerned about this issue, then you should be concerned about the entire integrated facility not just the Sambe piece. In which case you would be well advised to build the thing and then fill it up and ensure that it works as you expect. PG -----Original Message----- From: Massano, Thomas [] Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2004 5:44 PM Subject: SAMBA 15TB Volume? Hi sorry for the interruption, but I posted this to the list with no responses and I don't know who else to turn to. I'm proposing a solution on a Solaris (64bit) machine, that will have 7 - 2...