Displaying 20 results from an estimated 89 matches for "marquardt".
2001 Jan 10
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
Hi All,
Is the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm available in R. This method combines the
steepest descent algorithm and Newton's method.
Thanks in Advance,
Dermot MacSweeney.
Dermot MacSweeney NMRC,
Email: dsweeney at nmrc.ucc.ie Lee Maltings,
Tel: +353 21 904...
2007 Feb 21
Confindence interval for Levenberg-Marquardt fit
Dear all,
I would like to use the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for non-linear
least-squares regression using function nls.lm. Can anybody help me to
find a a way to compute confidence intervals on the fitted
parameters as it is possible for nls (using confint.nls, which does not
work for nls.lm)?
Thank you for your help
2007 Nov 20
How is the Gauss-Newton method compared to Levenberg-Marquardt for curve-fitting?
It seems to me that the most suitable method in R for curve-fitting is the use of nls, which uses a Gauss-Newton (GN) algorithm, while the use of the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm does not seem to be very stressed in R. According to this [1] by Ripley, 'Levenberg-Marquardt is hardly competitive these days' which could imply the low emphasize on LM in R.
The position of LM is, to some extend, confusing. Bonnans et al [2] introduce the trust-region-base...
2010 Aug 23
Fitting Weibull Model with Levenberg-Marquardt regression method
...50 13
75 9
90 4
With the commercial software I obtain the following coefficients:
Weibull Model: y=a-b*exp(-c*x^d)
Coefficient Data:
a = 1.31636909714E+001
b = 7.61325570579E+002
c = 2.82150000991E+002
d = -9.23838785044E-001
For fitting the Levenberg-Marquardt in R I'm using the following lines:
Why I can't obtain the same results?
Many thanks in advance,
2005 Jun 21
nls(): Levenberg-Marquardt, Gauss-Newton, plinear - PI curve fitting
...ngular matrix `a' in solve
I have found in the mailinglist
"https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2001-July/012196.html" that is if t
he data are artificial. But the data are from my measurment.
The commercial software "Origin V.6.1" solved this problem with the
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm how i want.
The reference results are: a = 9.6899E-6, b = 0.00689, c = 2.72982
What are the right way or algorithm for me to solve this problem and what
means this error with alg="plinear"?
Thanks in advance.
Weitersagen: GMX DSL-Flatrates mit Tempo-Garantie!
Ab 4,99 Euro...
2000 May 15
Non linear regression using Levenberg-Marquardt method
I want to fit some non linear models with the Levenberg-Marquardt
algorithm. It doesn''t seem to exist any function to do this in R ( well,
maybe one does, but I''m a new user, and the only documentation I have is
"An introduction to R").
I''d like to know if this function exists, maybe throught an additionnal
2009 May 27
Xen 3.2 with Ubuntu 8.04 (64-Bit) on Intel Nehalem (i7)
...ecommendable/useful to treat the logical cores like the physical
cores? In our case we always assign one core only once to one domu to
guarantee the performance to our customers. So the main question is if
the performance differs between physical and logical cores noticeable.
Kind regards,
Jan Marquardt
Xen-users mailing list
2007 Sep 07
Matlab's lsqnonlin
...ning I thought it would be the same as R's 'optim'. But
then I looked at the definition of 'lsqnonlin' and I don't quite see how
to make 'optim' to do the same thing. Does anyone have an idea?
This is apart from the fact that I would like to use the Levenberg
Marquardt algorithm which is not implemented in R (some discussion about
this: http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/00b/2492.html).
Thank you! All the best,
-- --
Jose Luis Aznarte M. http://decsai.ugr.es/~jlaznarte
Department of Computer S...
2005 May 24
Reversing axis in a log plot (PR#7894)
Full_Name: Christian Marquardt
Version: 2.1.0
OS: Linux (Redhat 9)
Submission from: (NULL) (
Following the advice of a reader of R-help, I would now like to submit this as a
bug report:
Say we have
x = seq(1,3, by = 0.01)
y = exp(x)
Plotting and reversing linear axis is fine
plot(x,y, yli...
2007 Sep 16
Problem with nlm() function.
In the course of revising a paper I have had occasion to attempt to
maximize a rather
complicated log likelihood using the function nlm(). This is at the
demand of a referee
who claims that this will work better than my proposed use of a home-
grown implementation
of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
I have run into serious hiccups in attempting to apply nlm().
If I provide gradient and hessian attributes to the returned function
(the ***negative*** of the log likelihood, since nlm() minimizes
things) then
nlm() wanders around for a very long time and reaches a highly sub...
2019 Apr 29
dfree command in homes section
Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
52425 Juelich
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir Dr. Karl Eugen Huthmacher
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Marquardt (Vorsitzender),
Karsten Beneke (stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Bolt,
Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt
2006 Sep 02
nonlinear least squares fitting Trust-Region"
...t Gauss-Newton. Since I am not an expert in the field of optimization, I am just conforming to what matlab documentation suggests, namely:
"Algorithm used for the fitting procedure: Trust-Region -- This is the default algorithm and must be used if you specify coefficient constraints. Levenberg-Marquardt -- If the trust-region algorithm does not produce a reasonable fit, and you do not have coefficient constraints, you should try the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Gauss-Newton --THIS ALGORITHM IS POTENTIALLY FASTER THAN THE OTHER ALGORITHMS, BUT IT ASSUMES THAT THE RESIDUALS ARE CLOSE TO ZERO. IT I...
2024 May 28
Security Implications of "ldap server require strong auth"?
>> here. And with the hints I got on this list I'll be able to reach my
>> goal by myself now :)
>> Cheers
>> Thomas
K?hler + Bracht GmbH & Co. KG
Brombeerweg 9
26180 Rastede / Wahnbek
Tel: +49 4402-97477-17
Fax: +49 4402-97477-27
E-Mail: Marquardt at koehler-bracht.de <mailto:Marquardt at koehler-bracht.de>
Amtsgericht Old...
2015 Feb 06
lower bound of prefixlength in host subnet ?
Hash: SHA1
Am 06.02.2015 um 21:36 schrieb Guus Sliepen:
> On Fri, Feb 06, 2015 at 09:01:21PM +0100, Flynn Marquardt wrote:
>> Analyzing a routing problem in a tinc net I found, that a declaration of
>> a class-A subnet (x.0.0.0/8) in a host configuration file is ignored,
>> Subnet = x.0.0.0/8
> [...]
>> Splitting the subnet in two /9 subnets helps:
2006 Mar 22
Double complex with gcc and Intel v9 Fortran (PR#8699)
Full_Name: Christian Marquardt
Version: 2.2.1
OS: Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
I believe this is a bug in the configuration / installation:
When configuring R-2.2.1 using the Intel v9 Fortran compiler as default Fortran
compiler and g++ as C++ compiler on a Suse 9.3 Linux, the configuration script
2006 Aug 23
nonlinear least squares trust region fitting ?
...carry out in R, I would be grateful if you suggest to me some alternative procedure. I found that the "nls" function performs nonlinear least squares. The problem is that I do not want to implement the Gauss-Newton algorithm. In the worst case I would be contented with the "Levenberg-Marquardt" algorithm, if it is implemented in R. R nls's documentation mentions the "port" package and the ?nl
2sol? algorithm, but I could not find that package in the CRAN repository, so that I could read and judge whether that algorithm would be appropriate.
Thank you very much in adv...
2008 Mar 13
new version of minpack.lm
The package minpack.lm allows nonlinear regression problems to be
addressed with a modification of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm based
on the implementation of 'lmder' and 'lmdif' in MINPACK. Version 1.0-8 of
the package is now available on CRAN.
Changes in version 1.0-8 include:
o possibility to obtain standard error estimates on the parameters
via new methods for the generic functions...
2008 Mar 13
new version of minpack.lm
The package minpack.lm allows nonlinear regression problems to be
addressed with a modification of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm based
on the implementation of 'lmder' and 'lmdif' in MINPACK. Version 1.0-8 of
the package is now available on CRAN.
Changes in version 1.0-8 include:
o possibility to obtain standard error estimates on the parameters
via new methods for the generic functions...
2004 Mar 26
How to getting clean list of transferred files
i am using currently rsync-2.6.0 with option --log-format=%f to produce
a list of the transferred files. This list is then used to generate
hard-links for backup-purposes.
Now rsync sometimes generates messages like "file has vanished: ..." on
STDOUT (_not_ STDERR) which breaks this processing.
When using option -q there is no output at all.
Is there any way to get a
2006 Oct 12
Log format
i am using the output of --log-format=%f in a shell script to
post-process the changed files.
After an update from rsync 2.6.3 to 2.6.8 the script doesn't work
correctly because it seems that since rsync 2.6.4 even directories
appear in the log. Is there any way to have only the changed _files_ logged?
BTW: What would be better to use: %n or %f?