search for: maroh

Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "maroh".

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2007 Sep 27
Security + Rails =Joke?
Hi, I came across the above by accident. While I am subscribed to the so called rails security list where supposed announcement of security issues were to be posted, neither of the above problem made the list. While I use rails a lot and like it, the above
2010 Sep 08
Rails 2.3.9 breaks sessions with Active Record or Memcache store
A Rails 2.3.9 app with Active Record or Memcache session store will never send the session ID cookie to a client if the client doesn''t send any HTTP cookies in its requests. Rails integration tests didn''t catch this because they always send the HTTP_COOKIE header, even if it''s empty. This is a huge bug, as it can break keeping sessions on sites which don''t set
2007 Jun 28
DRYing link_to with a symbol
Hi, I just put in a patch that allows you to DRY up this: <%= link_to, @company %> to this: <%= link_to :name, @company %> The symbol indicates the method to be called on the object passed in the link_to options. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the
2010 Apr 23
Routing a Sinatra application
Hello, I wish to route a sinatra application in my Rails 3 app. As said by Yehuda, it should be possible. However I see the route isn''t recognized and I get ActionController::RoutingError problems. It works well with simple rack apps however (the test in actionpack with a lambda passes well). I''ve written a test
2007 Sep 14
Refactoring ActiveRecord's private methods
As it currently stands, ActiveRecord has alot of private and protected methods in the Base class. >> ActiveRecord::Base.methods.size => 427 >> ActiveRecord::Base.protected_methods.size => 32 >> ActiveRecord::Base.private_methods.size => 193 I really loved the suggestion by Courtenay in Refactoring AR::Base.find (
2007 Aug 19
layout inheritance
According to "Ruby On Rails", the layout call is suppose to be inherited: (page 508) "Subclasses of a controller will use the parent''s layout unless they override it using the layout directive" I have a case where this is not working. I have not spent time to concoct a stand alone test. I wanted to verify that David''s book is correct first. Can someone
2010 May 12
In development mode not all types are included in the query related to type
class User end class Agent < User end script/console production User.find_by_name ''john'' SELECT "people".* FROM "people" WHERE ((("people"."type" = ''User'' OR "people"."type" = ''Manager'') OR "people"."type" = ''Agent'')) AND
2010 Aug 17
Overly aggressive constant unloading of Rails 3.0
In Rails 3.0 (both RC and edge), any constant that''s defined while loading a file in development mode will get unloaded on each request, regardless of whether it comes from an autoload path in the application or from external code such as a gem. Example file (tested on a fresh edge app): # kittens.rb require ''nibbler/json'' # "nibbler" is a gem specified
2008 Feb 08
x-post : find_or_initialize_by ActiveRecord bug? Ignores :conditions
Hello, I posted this on the rails talk group but received no response. Perhaps someone on this list could weigh in on whether this is expected/desired behavior or a bug that I should file and develop failing tests for (I doubt I have the active record method_missing fu to actually patch it). Test Scenario: I would like to find or initialize a new user and base the find on the users email
2008 Jan 21
Polymorphic URL helpers documentation and fixes
Yesterday I answered a question regarding polymorphic URL helpers on Core ML and noticed that the module has no documentation. I''ve documented it and rewritten unit tests using Mocha. I also optimized some of the code slightly (nothing major, though). The patch also includes two fixes by Geoff Buesing, who has done awesome work in this area in the past.