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2007 Sep 05
Multiple xyplots
Hi everyone, I'm hoping you can give me some pointers. I have a requirement to draw multiple (103) xy line plots onto one output device. Ideally the plots should be displayed in a hexagonal grid (example at I can calculate the locations for each waveform but am wondering how to create multiple plotting areas. I have come accross references to a package grid (which doesn't seem to be in my CRAN mirror and lattice but I'm not sure if I'm on the correct l...
2016 Apr 21
installation problem on Ubuntu
I was able to install the curl library with no problems. However, when I tried to install ggplot (install.packages("ggplot2")), I got the same message as earlier, that R can't load Thanks for your help! On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 1:24 PM, Tom Wright <tom at> wrote: > apt-get install curl libcurl4-openssl-dev > > On Wed, 2016-04-20 at 09:36 -0700, Paul Tremblay wrote: > > I needed to update R so I could install ggplot. I am running Ubuntu > 12.04. > > I cannot upgrade Ubuntu because I am using a work computer. > >...
2005 Nov 30
OT: Statistics question
I apologise for asking this question here but I am hoping that someone can either give me direct guidance and/or point me to a better group for this type of disucssion. I have what I feel should be a fairly simple problem but which my limited stats knowledge can't answer. I have two overlapping distributions (both normal) and I want to answer the question how do I calculate the cut-off value
2016 Apr 22
installation problem on Ubuntu
...> tried to install ggplot (install.packages("ggplot2")), I got the same > message as earlier, that R can't load Is the libcurl directory in your search path? David. > > Thanks for your help! > > On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 1:24 PM, Tom Wright <tom at> wrote: > >> apt-get install curl libcurl4-openssl-dev >> >> On Wed, 2016-04-20 at 09:36 -0700, Paul Tremblay wrote: >>> I needed to update R so I could install ggplot. I am running Ubuntu >> 12.04. >>> I cannot upgrade Ubuntu because I am using...
2016 Apr 22
installation problem on Ubuntu
...ckages("ggplot2")), I got the same > > message as earlier, that R can't load > > Is the libcurl directory in your search path? > > David. > > > > Thanks for your help! > > > > On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 1:24 PM, Tom Wright <tom at> wrote: > > > >> apt-get install curl libcurl4-openssl-dev > >> > >> On Wed, 2016-04-20 at 09:36 -0700, Paul Tremblay wrote: > >>> I needed to update R so I could install ggplot. I am running Ubuntu > >> 12.04. > >>> I cannot...
2006 Mar 15
matrix indexing
Can someone please give me a pointer here. I have two matrices matA A B C 1 5 2 4 2 2 4 3 3 1 2 4 matB A B C 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE 2 FALSE TRUE TRUE 3 FALSE FALSE FALSE how do I extract all the values from matA where the coresponding entry in matB == TRUE (or FALSE), perferably in vector form. Many thanks tom
2005 Sep 15
newbie question
Can someone tell me how I create a vector of numbers where the step isn't 1? i.e. x<-(0.0,0.5,1.0,1.5....) Thanks tom
2005 Nov 15
I'm stuck on what I feel should be a minor problem. I have a dataseries obtained from a MS Access database that consists of a series of numbers seperated by carridge returns (\r) Currently this data is in R as mode numeric??? I want to separate this into a vector of the componant numbers. Perhaps a little code will help describe what I've got here!! library(rodbc) s_sql<-'SELECT
2006 May 25
understanding DWT
Can someone please help me understand the examples given in the dwt function of the waveslim library library(waveslim) ?dwt I'm having a problem understanding these lines. I assume they are required because of how the algorythm deals with the signal bounderies. Am I correct in thinking that for wavelets of scale 1 and 2, the coefiecints need to be shifted by 2 places, for scale 3 and 4 shift
2005 Oct 27
tree widget question
I'm trying to create an app using TclTk and R Can someone please explain how I bind a click event to the tree widget ( Ideally I'd like to bind to particular elements in the tree but tkbind doesnt seem to work. thanks tom
2005 Jul 28
problem with an IF statement?
Can somebody please take a look at this and tell me whats going wrong? It seems to be parsing wronly around the 'if' statement and gives me a directory listing. Thanks in advance Tom N.B. datan is an invented dataset xvals<-c(1,0.4,0.2) datan<-data.frame(s1=c(3,4,5),s2=c(5,5,5),s3=c(21,55,34),s4=c(5,3,2)) datan$sint<-NA datan$sgrad<-NA for(icount in 1:dim(datan)[1]) {
2005 Nov 15
Subtracting timeseries objects
Sorry to keep posting but I want to do this right and I'm hoping for some pointers I now have two time series objects which I need to subtract. Unfortunatly the two series dont have the same sample rates. When I try to subtract them avgSub<-avg1-avg2 The time series object is clever enough to object. So I guess I need to write a function for subtraction of the time series objects which
2005 Sep 19
waveform filtering
I'm not an engineer so I hope I'm using the correct terminology here. I have a recorded waveform that I want to apply low and high pass filters too, are tehre already R functions existing to do this or am I going to have to program my own? thanks for any pointers tom
2005 Nov 04
problem in waveslim library?
This code consistenly segfaults for me. Can someone please take a look and tell me if the problem is due to something I am doing or is there a problems with the dwt (idwt) functions in the waveslim library. Thanks tom library(waveslim)
2005 Sep 27
dynamic lists (data frames?)
Can someone please show me what I need to get something like this to work for(a in c(1:5)){ data$a<-c(a:10) } so that i end up with a structure data$1<-[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] data$2<-[2,3,4,5,67,8,9,10] data$3<-[3,4,5,67,8,9,10] data$4<-[4,5,67,8,9,10] data$5<-[5,67,8,9,10] thanks loads Tom
2006 May 10
problems with optimize (again)
Can someone please explain what the $minimum result of the optimize function actually is? I'm trying to optimize the function: fitIT<-function(ampFac,ts_wave1,ts_template){ template<-stretchWaveTime(ts_template,ampFac) fit<-calcFit(ts_wave1,template) return(fit) } with >optimize(f=fitIT,interval=c(0.5,4),[,1],[,1]) $minimum [1]
2006 Jan 13
find mean of a list of timeseries
Can someone please give me a clue how to 're'write this so I dont need to use loops. a<-ts(matrix(c(1,1,1,10,10,10,20,20,20),nrow=3),names=c('var1','var2','var3')) b<-ts(matrix(c(2,2,2,11,11,11,21,21,21),nrow=3),names=c('var1','var2','var3'))
2006 Jan 17
For each element in vector do...
Dear R useRs, I have a vector with positive and negative numbers: A=c(0,1,2,3,0,4,5) Now if i-th element in vector A is > 0, then i-th element in vector B is a+1 else i-th element in vector b=a (or 0) vector A: 0 1 2 3 0 4 5 vector B: 0 2 3 4 0 5 6 What's the right way to do this. I still have some problems with for and if statements... Cheers, Andrej
2005 Nov 16
RODBC and Very long field lengths
I'm having a small problem using RODBC. I'm trying to retrieve a string from a very long memo field (512*20*9=9360 characters = 74880 bytes) in an MSAccess database. It appears that RODBC set a maximum buffer size for a single column of 65535 bytes. ########## cut from RODBC.c ########## } else { /* transfer as character */ int datalen = thisHandle->ColData[i].ColSize; if
2005 Dec 29
use of tapply?
I'm still learning how to program with R and I was hoping someone could take the time to show me how I can rewrite this code? Many thanks Tom data.intersects<-data.frame( x=c(0.230,0.411,0.477,0.241,0.552,0.230), y=c(0.119,0.515,0.261,0.431,0.304,0.389), angle=vector(length=6), length=vector(length=6),