search for: makeuppercase

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "makeuppercase".

2002 Nov 13
Package documentation and rd.sty
Hi all, I've got a basic question regarding package documentation and rd.sty. I wrote my first own package, and now I would like to place the documentation into the appendix of another LaTex document. Seemingly I cannot simply \usepackage{Rd}, as this will modify the page-settings of my document. Is there a minimum style file which will just define the environments and commands needed for
2008 Nov 07
Sweave: How to load available colors from pkg 'color'
...headings of a document. I am using the code below in my preamble to accomplish some of it: \ifx\pdfoutput\@undefined\usepackage[usenames,dvips]{color} \else\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color} % and fix pdf colour problems \IfFileExists{pdfcolmk.sty}{\usepackage{pdfcolmk}}{} \fi %\renewcommand{\MakeUppercase}[1]{\color{OliveGreen}\textsf{#1}} %\renewcommand{\abstractname}{\color{blue}Abstract} Also,'\usepackage[usenames]{color}' is suppossed to load all the available colors in the package 'color' but for some reason it doesn't load them when running it trhough Sweave. It loads al...
2008 Nov 08
Sweave:How to load available colors from pkg 'color'--(Resolved)
...headings of a document. I am using the code below in my preamble to accomplish some of it: \ifx\pdfoutput\@undefined\usepackage[usenames,dvips]{color} \else\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color} % and fix pdf colour problems \IfFileExists{pdfcolmk.sty}{\usepackage{pdfcolmk}}{} \fi %\renewcommand{\MakeUppercase}[1]{\color{OliveGreen}\textsf{#1}} %\renewcommand{\abstractname}{\color{blue}Abstract} Also,'\usepackage[usenames]{color}' is suppossed to load all the available colors in the package 'color' but for some reason it doesn't load them when running it trhough Sweave. It loads all...