search for: makeplot

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "makeplot".

2013 Apr 05
parallel: Race-condition concern regarding graphics devices in a multi-thread environment
Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to safely make sure that I close the same graphics device that I opened earlier in a thread (and not one opened by a parallel thread). In a *single-thread* environment, one can do the following to open and close a device: makePlot <- function(i) { filename <- sprintf("foo%d.png", i); png(filename); idx <- dev.cur(); on.exit(; plot(1:10, col=i); title(main=i); filename; } # makePlot() However, in a *multi-thread* environment, e.g. res <- mclapply(1:4, FUN=makePlot, mc.cores=4...
2009 Aug 27
setting par(srt) according to plot aspect ratio
How can I look up the aspect ratio of a plot, so I can use that to correctly adjust the angle of text which is supposed to be parallel to a line in the plot? The following example code works for a 1:1 aspect ratio, but puts the text at the wrong angle if the plot region is short and wide or tall and narrow. I can't find a par() component containing the plot aspect ratio. It will be for
2010 Aug 21
R-level expansion of Rplot%03d.png
Dear list, I'm using the brew package to generate a report containing various plots. I wrote a function that creates a plot in png and pdf formats, and outputs a suitable text string to insert the file in the final document using the asciidoc syntax, <% tmp <- 1 makePlot = function(p, name=paste("tmp",tmp,sep=""), width=300) { png(paste(name,".png",sep="")) print(p) pdf(paste(name,".pdf",sep="")) print(p) cat(noquote(paste('image:',name,'.png["',name,'",wid...
2008 Nov 07
determining plot location in lattice
Hi, I'm dealing with a lattice plot inserted into a tk widget and would like to know when a user has clicked on the plot area of a plot (i.e. inside the axes). For example, library(tkrplot) library(lattice) tt <- tktoplevel() makePlot <- function() print(xyplot(1 ~ 1)) printCoords <- function(x, y) print(c(x, y)) img <- tkrplot(tt, makePlot) tkbind(img, "<1>", printCoords) tkpack(img) I would like to know when a user clicks inside the axes, but don't know how to determine where the plot region is....
2011 Jul 28
filterMicroRna function: Sample replicates in preprocessing Agilent miRNA dataset
Hi, I have a question about filterMicroRna in AgiMicroRna package function for filtering probes in Agilent microRNA dataset. >ddPROC = filterMicroRna(ddNORM.micro, dd, control = TRUE, IsGeneDetected = TRUE, wellaboveNEG = FALSE, limIsGeneDetected = 75, limNEG = 25, makePLOT = TRUE, target.micro, verbose = TRUE) If in a dataset there are two or more sample replicates and in the step of filtering probes I want to exclude a probe only if gIsGeneDetected = 0 in all two or three sample replicates. I don't think by 'filterMicroRna' function provides any optio...
2008 Jun 23
Need help to draw a plot
can i have some instruction on how to draw this type of plot in R :Ā ? Regards, Send instant messages to your online friends [[alternative HTML version deleted]]