Displaying 20 results from an estimated 28 matches for "makeactivebind".
2010 Jan 06
MakeActiveBinding help needed
I wanted a Q&D way to open a new graphics window but keep the focus in
the console window (under Windows and the Rgui), so I wrote a line into
my Rprofile.site file as follows:
invisible(makeActiveBinding('newdev', function(...)
dev.new(restoreConsole=T), .GlobalEnv))
(That is all on one line, incase the mailer re-parses it). This gives me
a command "newdev" which does not require me to enter a pair of
parentheses to execute it.
This worked just fine so far as the command g...
2005 Apr 06
makeActiveBinding warning
A while ago Luke Tierney remarked that the warning associated with
'makeActiveBinding'-- "saved workspaces with active bindings may not
work properly when loaded into older versions of R"-- should probably be
removed in R-devel. It's still cropping up *sporadically* with R-alpha
of 3/4/2004, but not every time I call 'makeActiveBinding'.
So, two questio...
2020 May 23
Surpising behavior when using an active binding as loop index in R 4.0.0
I stumbled upon a surprising behavior when using an active binding as a
loop index variable in R 4.0.0. In contrast, the behavior observed in R
3.6.1 is in line with my expectations.
Consider the code below:
function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
x <<- value
}, globalenv())
i <- 1 # output "set"
print(i) # output [1] 1
# Surprising behavior starts here:
for(i in 2:3) print(i) # output [1] "set"...
2020 May 24
Surpising behavior when using an active binding as loop index in R 4.0.0
A shorter reproducible example:
for (fred in 1:3) { 0 }
Both problems go away if you first do
So looks like a bug in compiling the for loop.
On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 5:45 PM Thomas Friedrichsmeier via R-devel
<r-devel at r-project.org> wrote:
> Possibly just a symptom of...
2013 Nov 16
serialization for external pointers
- lose their active ness when reloaded:
$ R
> f <- local( {
+ x <- 1
+ function(v) {
+ if (missing(v))
+ cat("get\n")
+ else {
+ cat("set\n")
+ x <<- v
+ }
+ x
+ }
+ })
> makeActiveBinding("fred", f, .GlobalEnv)
> bindingIsActive("fred", .GlobalEnv)
[1] TRUE
> q("yes")
romain at naxos /tmp $ R
> fred
[1] 1
> bindingIsActive("fred", .GlobalEnv)
Is this possible ? Is there any other hook to handl...
2011 Apr 06
Activating a Regular Binding
Greeting R-devel,
I find myself wanting to attach an active binding to an existing
object in the global environment (R 2.12.2), but there doesn't seem to
be an easy way to do this:
> x = 5
> makeActiveBinding("x", function(d) "hi", .GlobalEnv)
Error in makeActiveBinding("x", function(d) "hi", .GlobalEnv) :
symbol already has a regular binding
Now I can get around this with some fancy assignment, but this seems
ugly and underhanded:
> x = 5
> y = x
2011 Jan 13
Method dispatch for function call operator?
Dear R gurus,
I am trying to create a nicer API interface for some R modules I have
written. Here, I heavily rely on S3 method dispatch mechanics and
makeActiveBinding() function
I have discovered that I apparently can't dispatch on function call
operator (). While .Primitive("(") exists, which leads me to believe that
things like x(...) are internally translated to .Primitive("(")(x, ...), I
can't seem to do something like:
x &...
2009 Aug 01
Variable alias
Hi Everyone,
is there the possibility in R to assign a variable to be an alias of
another one?
x <- 17
# assign y to be an alias of x
y # returns 17
x <- 4
y # returns 4
2009 Mar 16
Using and 'eval' and environments with active bindings
The following code produces an error in current R-devel
f <- function(value) {
e <- new.env()
makeActiveBinding("x", f, e)
eval(substitute(list(x)), e)
The error, after calling 'eval' is
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) :
element 1 is empty;
the part of the args list of 'list' being evaluated was:
It has something to do with the change in R_isMissing in revision...
2009 Nov 05
Active bindings in attached environments
I was wondering if this is expected behavior for active bindings in
attached environments, or if this is a bug:
> e <- new.env()
> makeActiveBinding('x',function() 'foo',e)
> ls(e)
[1] "x"
> attach(e)
> search()
[1] ".GlobalEnv" "e" "package:graphics"
[4] "package:grDevices" "package:datasets" "package:utils"
[7] "pa...
2005 Mar 11
delay() has been deprecated for 2.1.0
After a bunch of discussion in the core group, we have decided to
deprecate the delay() function (which was introduced as "experimental"
in R 0.50). This is the function that duplicates in R code the
delayed evaluation mechanism (the promise) that's used in evaluating
function arguments.
The problem with delay() was that it was handled inconsistently (e.g.
sometimes you would see
2020 May 23
Surpising behavior when using an active binding as loop index in R 4.0.0
Possibly just a symptom of the earlier behavior, but I'll amend my
example, below, with an even more disturbing observation:
Am Sat, 23 May 2020 13:19:24 +0200
schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier via R-devel <r-devel at r-project.org>:
> Consider the code below:
> makeActiveBinding("i",
> function(value) {
> if (missing(value)) {
> x
> } else {
> print("set")
> x <<- value
> }
> }, globalenv())
> i <- 1 # output "set"
> print(i) # output [1] 1
> # Surprising behavior sta...
2009 Jun 29
active bindings and ls.str
Should active binding appear as such in ls.str.
> makeActiveBinding( "xx", function(arg){ Sys.sleep(10) }, .GlobalEnv )
> ls.str() # takes 10 seconds
xx : NULL
What we see here is the result of the "setter" of the binding.
I'm attaching a patch that prints this instead:
> ls.str()
xx : <active binding>
Although a better...
2011 Apr 05
Names of a data set in a package
For some reason I want to let one data set in a package be known under
two different names. Is that possible, and if so, how? I do not want to
have two copies of the data set in the package.
G?ran Brostr?m
Department of Statistics
Ume? University
SE-90187 Ume?, Sweden
2012 Feb 10
the value of the last expression
Is there an analogue of common lisp "*" variable which contains the
value of the last expression?
E.g., in lisp:
> (+ 1 2)
> *
I wish I could recover the value of the last expression without
re-evaluating it.
Sam Steingold (http://sds.podval.org/) on Ubuntu 11.10 (oneiric) X 11.0.11004000
http://www.childpsy.net/ http://camera.org http://ffii.org
2007 Mar 28
checking existence of active bindings
...in the active
binding being called:
> fx <- function(v) {
+ if (missing(v))
+ cat("getting x1\n")
+ else {
+ cat("setting x1\n")
+ assign("x1", v, envir=globalenv())
+ }
+ get("x1", envir=globalenv())
+ }
> makeActiveBinding("x", fx, globalenv())
> x1 <- 3
> x
getting x1
[1] 3
> exists("x", inherits=FALSE)
getting x1
[1] TRUE
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)
LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
2012 Jan 18
Executable expressions
How can I evaluate the variable a to return a (numeric) vector comprising of 1,2,3,4,5? Thanks.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Sep 08
Can't load workspaces
I've seen a number of issues with the loading of workspaces discussed previously, but here's another one... I simply can't load any saved workspace at all... Here's an example, starting with an empty workspace and creating a single variable "a".
> a<-1:5
> save.image("a.Rdata")
> rm(a)
> load("a.Rdata")
Error in function () : unused
2010 Nov 17
Reference classes: accessor functions via 'getRefClass(...)$accessors(...)'
Hi there,
I''d like to choose between an "static" and "dynamic" access of a reference
class field, say ''a''.
myObj <- getRefClass("Blabla")$new()
Static: myObj$a
Dynamic: myObj$a.get() where the function retrieves the data
from a database (or some other location), stores it to a buffer and
2008 Jul 07
A shorter version of ".Last.value"?
There is an object, ".Last.value" to which the result of the most recent
evaluation is assigned. This is similar to "ans" in Matlab. In Matlab
"ans" can be very useful and time-saving, but typing the larger R
version is somewhat clunky and takes away from the usefulness.
Is it possible to reassign '.Last.value' to something simpler, like