Displaying 20 results from an estimated 120 matches for "magenta".
2010 Mar 16
Courier to dovecot migrations
...also moving the Maildir's to other directory (ex:
I've ran your perl script courier-dovecot-migrate-1.0.pl which worked
just great (as far as I can tell from the OK messages) .. but when
configuring my mail client for this account I get the following:
Mar 16 09:49:27 magenta dovecot: auth(default): master out: USER 69 scanner system_user=scanner uid=734 gid=100 home=/home/scanner
Mar 16 09:49:27 magenta dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<scanner>, method=PLAIN, rip=::ffff:, lip=::ffff:
Mar 16 09:49:27 magenta dovecot: IM...
2004 Sep 23
Duplicated INVITE in SIP session?
...th non-codec capability 0x1(G723)
Reliably Transmitting (no NAT):
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP xxx.xxx.148.246;branch=0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP xxx.xxx.148.242:5060;branch=z9hG4bK2142c11da4177
Record-Route: <sip:005622408196@xxx.xxx.148.246;ftag=2142c11da4;lr=on>
From: <sip:5555832351@sipproxy.magenta.cl>;tag=2142c11da4
To: <sip:005622408196@sipproxy.magenta.cl>;tag=as1be17fe7
Call-ID: 21fb7142-05e9-c19e-821d-0002a400f1e9@xxx.xxx.148.242
CSeq: 177 INVITE
User-Agent: Asterisk PBX
Contact: <sip:005622408196@xxx.xxx.148.232>
2013 Apr 07
Same boxplot colors by panels in lattice (bwplot)
Dear all,
I would like to have the same color for the all boxplots from the same
panel, but my code below shows the two colors alternating. Thanks!
D1 <- rnorm(200)
D2 <- factor(sample(letters[1:2],200,TRUE))
D3 <- factor(sample(letters[3:5],200,TRUE))
DF <- data.frame(x=D1,a=D2,b=D3)
2019 Apr 29
Manejo de colores CMY(K?) según valores de variables.
...porque se
me hace difícil entender algo que presupongo fácil.
Quiero, según los valores de 3 o 4 variables numéricas, convenientemente
escaladas, conseguir gamas de colores.
Supongamos las variables numéricas: X, Y, Z; a cada variable le
correspondería un color; pongamos que X = C (cian), Y = M (magenta) y Z = Y
(amariyou), con lo que por cada objeto obtendría un color y tonalidad.
No sé generar esos colores, aunque la idea la tengo clara. ¿Cómo se
Con eso tendría que pintar unos mapas, de acuerdo a los resultados de MDS o
MCA (las 3 primeras dimensiones).
Yo lo que probé y no da los...
2012 Aug 24
help with a special variant of balloonplot
main="BalloonPlot : Surviving passengers") # standard plot
# Now comes the attempt at something more special
FreqThresh=50 # A threshold level
Freqdev<-Freq-FreqThresh # A new variable
show.margins=FALSE,main="BalloonPlot : Surviving passengers")
I am interested in a table with the
values unchanged from the titanic dataframe. These values should be highligh...
2011 Aug 27
Am having trouble calling a function
...ame with the correct index for the runway
rdf = data.frame(lrw=rwys, rwyidx=seq(1:nrwys))
df = merge(df, rdf, all.x=TRUE)
#colours <- c(RF = "brown", AF =383, PH="red",PF = "black",
#BA = "green", FI = "blue", FF = 56, PS = "magenta", TC=94)
colours <- c("0"="red","1"="black",
"2"="green", "3"="blue","4"="magenta","5"="orange")
shapes <- c(RF = "R", AF = "f", PH=&quo...
2015 Jun 13
Asterisk and Deutsche Telekom
Hi list!
I think there are many german users in this ML, that use Asterisk with the
new line of Deutsche Telekom (Magenta Zuhause).
My ISDN will be converted in Juli (Kaboom-day at Juli, the 3rd...) and right
now I can just hope, that I configured my Asterisk well to work with Deutsche
Telekom, but I cannot be sure, since I can't test it...
So my question: can someone using Asterisk with Deutsche Telekom contact...
2017 Jun 02
llvm-objcopy proposal
...used to speed up large builds. In some cases builds
be too large to be handled and DWARF fission makes this manageable. DWARF
fission is useful in almost any project of sufficient size.
7. Use Case: Converting an executable to binary
Who uses it: Fuchsia
objcopy -O binary magenta.elf magenta.bin
[Example use](
When is it useful:
For kernels and embedded applications that need just the raw segments.
8. Use Case: Adding a gdb index
Who uses it: Chromium
gdb -batch foo -ex &q...
2009 Jan 22
...els argument in the scale_colour_gradient2 does not give me the desired labels in the legend. Could someone explain?
p+scale_colour_gradient2(limits=c(1,2), midpoint=1,low="magenta", mid="magenta", high="darkblue",breaks=c(1,2),labels=c("a","b")->p
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Mar 30
2d plotting and colours
...ng for a large matrix ,say > 150 * 150 . I tried
the example code given in the tutorial to perform 2d plot
# i ranges from 2 to 10
cl <- kmeans(x, i, 20)
plot(x, col = cl$cluster)
points(cl$centers, col = 1:i )
I see that there are only 8 colours defined , namely
How should i set my colour preferences to obtain my palette of colours? I
checked in the totorial which talks about R.colors and palatte , but i
failed to understand how to set it.
Thank You
2007 Jun 19
plotting order of lines in xyplot panels while using conditioning variable and groups
...st TIA event - Data",
"Survival post
first CVA/TIA event - Model"),
2012 May 10
setting global options for a package
...this. If I use
a .onLoad function to set some options, will these be created in the
global environment?
If not, how to make them so?
.onLoad <- function() {
options(heplot.colors =
c("red", "blue", "black", "darkgreen", "darkcyan","magenta",
My function could then use
foo <- function(x, getOption("heplot.colors"), ...) {}
Michael Friendly Email: friendly AT yorku DOT ca
Professor, Psychology Dept.
York University Voice: 416 736-5115 x66249 Fax: 416 736-58...
2004 Oct 17
FW: Plotcorr: colour the ellipses to emphasize the differences
...correlations in blue and
>> nagative ones in red spectrum of colors. Is it possible?
> The source of cm.colors is visible (just type "cm.colors" and it will
> be printed). You could write your own function to change the scale to
> blue through red instead of cyan through magenta by changing a few
> constants in that function.
Thanks, that helped me to do what I wanted. Thanks. Bellow is the code.
cm.colors <- function (n)
# from red
# to blue
if ((n <- as.integer(n[1])) > 0) {
even.n <- n%%2 == 0
k <...
2006 Aug 18
Lattice package par.settings/trellis.par.settings questions
...ameters in a
conditional histogram. While I was able to change the default grey
background to white, I couldn't change the axis.font or the xlab font.
I used the following code:
/histogram(~V751|V013+V025, finalbase, xlab="Heard of HIV/AIDS
(No/Yes)", col=c("cyan","magenta"), par.settings=list(background="white"))
/The arguments for example like /axis.font=2/, or /cex=2/ are not
working in the /par.settings(). /I also tried to read the manual of
/trellis.par.settings()/ but didn't understand how to use it and where
exactly to put it.
Any help...
2006 Apr 24
Two asterisk process in one hardware.
Has anybody knows how run two asterisk process
in one hardware? (each one with its own configuration?)
Juan Salas.
2008 Jul 07
Drawing a colour wheel - bug in hcl?
Hi All,
I'm trying trying to draw a colour wheel (a slice of hcl space) in R.
Running the code below doesn't give me what I expect - there's some
oddly bright colours of the wrong hue around c(0, 0) and I see three
coloured circles (a small magenta, a medium sized yellow and a large
cyan). Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug in the hcl code?
(Also any suggestions for generating a more evenly spaced grid of
colours would be greatly appreciated)
hcl <- expand.grid(h = seq(0, 360, by = 2), c = 70, l = seq(0, 100,...
2007 Jan 14
[849] trunk/wxruby2/lib/wx/classes/colour.rb: Stock colours weren''t initializing correctly
- Wx::BLACK = new(''Black'')
- Wx::RED = new(''Red'')
- Wx::GREEN = new(''Green'')
- Wx::BLUE = new(''Blue'')
- Wx::YELLOW = new(''Yellow'')
- Wx::CYAN = new(''Cyan'')
- Wx::MAGENTA = new(''Magenta'')
- Wx::LIGHT_GREY = new(''Light Grey'')
</del><span class="cx"> # Redefine the initialize method so it raises an exception if an
</span><span class="cx"> # invalid colour value is given. This migh...
2017 Nov 12
create waveform sawtooth
...n it gets longer and flips again.
Here?s a small file that demonstrates the bad sawtooth waves:
sample_rate <- 12000
reverse <- FALSE
freqs <- c(111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118)
for (i in 1:length(freqs)) {
temp <- sine(freqs[i],duration=round(sample_rate/100),samp.rate=sample_rate,xunit=&qu...
2017 Jul 30
Kalman filter for a time series
...Start, End )
SAndP.ts = SAndP.ts[1:tsLength]
SAndP.smoothed = rollapply( data=SAndP.ts, width=windowWidth, FUN=kalmanFilter)
prices = coredata( SAndP.ts[windowWidth:length(SAndP.ts)])
plot(prices, col="blue", type="l")
lines(coredata(SAndP.smoothed), col="magenta")
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2015 Jun 13
Asterisk and Deutsche Telekom
Am 13.06.2015 um 13:54 schrieb Luca Bertoncello:
> I think there are many german users in this ML, that use Asterisk with the
> new line of Deutsche Telekom (Magenta Zuhause).
I don't think so. Most users will use the router provided by Telekom.
Anyway, after 15 seconds of Google'ing for Magenta Zuhause and SIP,
maybe this will help you: