search for: macgui

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "macgui".

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2005 Oct 09
Project suggestion: Interface between R and graphic devices
Hi to all developer, sure that I will not be the first one with this idea but I did not found treads about this. I realized that there are some user interfaces like Brodgar and SciViews. There was used a lot of manpower to develop those programs. On the other side I realized that it could be very helpful to have such programs if somebody would like to change the statistical software from SPSS
2015 Jun 14
Expected error with in R 3.2.0
Using the Mavericks/Yosemite version of R 3.2.0, I see this: >"linear models") Error in help(db[i, "topic"], package = db[i, "Package"], lib.loc = lib, : 'topic' should be a name, length-one character vector or reserved word Using R 3.1.2 on a SnowLeapard branch does not produce the same result. I do get the expected large number of