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2007 Jun 14
Responding to a posting in the digest
Is there a convenient way to respond to a particular
posting which is a part of the digest?
I mean something that will automatically quote the
original message, subject, etc.
Thank you!
Moshe Olshansky
m_olshansky at yahoo.com
2008 Jul 10
Can this be right?
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2008 Aug 24
Igraph library: How to calculate APSP (shortest path matrix) matrix for a subset list of nodes.
Dear R Users,
I have a network of 25000 total nodes and a list of 500 node which is a
subset of all nodes. Now I want to calculate the APSP (all pair shortest
path) matrix only for these 500 nodes.
I would appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance
Dinesh Kumar Barupal
Research Associate
Metabolomics Fiehn Lab
UCD Genome Center
451 East Health Science Drive
GBSF Builidng
University of
2007 Aug 07
small sample techniques
If my sample size is small is there a particular switch option that I need to use with t.test so that it calculates the t ratio correctly?
Here is a dummy example?
รก =0.05
Mean pain reduction for A =27; B =31 and SD are SDA=9 SDB=12
t.test(drgA.p,drgB.p) # what do I need to give as additional parameter here?
I can do it manually but
2008 Jul 08
Sum(Random Numbers)=100
Hi R,
I need to generate 50 random numbers (preferably poisson), such that
their sum is equal to 100. How do I do this?
Thank you,
This e-mail may contain confidential and/or privileged i...{{dropped:13}}
2009 Jul 08
i need same function solver in excel..
i used R a few days..
who can call me? same function solver in excel.
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2007 Aug 17
[BioC] function to find coodinates in an array
The arr.ind in the which function does the job very nicely!!!
Thank you everyone for the suggestions!
>---- Mensaje Original ----
>De: marc_schwartz at comcast.net
>Para: m_olshansky at yahoo.com
>Asunto: Re: [BioC] [R] function to find coodinates in an array
>Fecha: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 21:53:44 -0500
>>If I am correctly understanding the problem, I think
2017 Jun 18
dist function in R is very slow
Hi Stefan,
Thank you very much for pointing me to the wordspace package. It does the job a bit faster than my C code but is 100 times more convenient.
By the way, since the tcrossprod function in the Matrix package is so fast, the Euclidean distance can be computed very fast:
euc_dist <- function(m) {mtm <- Matrix::tcrossprod(m); sq <- rowSums(m*m);? sqrt(outer(sq,sq,"+") -
2007 Oct 11
Rearranging dataset
Hi all, I have a datasei like this :
ID Date Price
aa 01/01/07 12
aa 01/02/07 13
bb 01/01/07 23
bb 01/02/07 12
Now I want to write them in following format :
ID Date Price ID Date Price
aa 01/01/07 12 bb 01/01/07 23
aa 01/02/07 13
2007 Jun 07
Creating an Access (.mdb) database using R
I have a short question: Is it possible to create a
(non-existing) Access database using R (and if yes,
how)? I need to create a new database and then insert
a few tables into it.
Thank you in advance,
Moshe Olshansky
m_olshansky at yahoo.com
2007 Oct 19
Declaring variables in R
Please forgive me if my question is answered in Help
FAQ no. 23481739...
In language like C every variable must be declared
before it can be used.
In VBA, if a variable has not been declared it is
assumed to be of a special type (Variant).
In R (and Matlab) variables do not have to be
declared. This is convenient, but in a large program
one can make a typo which will be extremely difficult
2007 Nov 08
finite mixture model (or latent class)
Dear Listers,
My post might be somewhat OT.
Currently, I am trying to use flexmix to build a finite mixture model.
For instance, I am getting the prior probability and coefficients for
each latent class from training data. Is there a way to get the
posterior probablity and prediction of a new dataset?
What I am thinking is to apply the prior prob and coefficient from
training set to testing data
2007 Aug 11
binomial simulation
I asked about this simulation a few days ago, but still i can't get what i
I have 2 units: icu and regular. from icu I want to take 200 observations
from binomial distribution, when probability for disease is: p=0.6.
from regular I want to take 300 observation with the same probability: p=0.6
the distribution to detect disease when disease occurred- *for someone from
icu* - is:
2007 Nov 27
lme object manipulation
I have an lme object, say lme_res2, which was generated using the varIdent. I'm trying to extract the double 1.532940 from the object, but I can't find it by attributes(lme_res2) or attributes(summary(lme_res2)). How can I pull it out (so that I can save it to another variable)? Thanks.
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Data: dat
2007 Oct 17
type conversion
I am trying to do arithmetic on numbers extracted from a PostgreSQL
database, wherein the numbers are stored as type "money". The
transcript below illustrates the problem.
> Membersind06 <- sqlQuery(channel,"select * from income where rowname like '%Membersind%'")
> names(Membersind06)
[1] "rowname" "item"
2008 Apr 29
Simulation study in R
Here I am in a simulation study where I want to find different values
of x and y such that f(x,y)=c (some known constant) w.r.t. x, y >0,
y<=x and x<=c1 (another known constant). Can anyone please tell me how
to do it efficiently in R. One way I thought that I will draw
different random numbers from uniform dist according to that
constraints and pick those which satisfy f(x,y)=c. However
2008 Jun 24
Measuring Goodness of a Matrix
Hi all,
Suppose I have 2 matrices A and B.
And I want to measure how good each of this matrix is.
So I intend to compare A and B with another "gold standard"
matrix X. Meaning the more similar a matrix to X the better it is.
What is the common way in R to
measure matrix similarity (ie. A vs X, and B vs X) ?
- Gundala Viswanath
Jakarta - Indonesia
2007 Jun 12
Appropriate regression model for categorical variables
Dear users,
In my psychometric test i have applied logistic regression on my data. My
data consists of 50 predictors (22 continuous and 28 categorical) plus a
binary response.
Using glm(), stepAIC() i didn't get satisfactory result as misclassification
rate is too high. I think categorical variables are responsible for this
debacle. Some of them have more than 6 level (one has 10 level).
2008 Jul 31
Code to calculate internal rate of return
Hi all.
I am an R newbie and trying to grasp how the simple optimization routines in
R work. Specifically, I would like some guidance on how to set up a code to
calculate the internal rate of return on an investment project
My main problem (I think) is that I want a generic code where N (number of
periods) can be easily changed and set
2008 Jan 21
"nonstandard" column names
Hi everyone,
I am sure that this question has been asked here some
time ago but I do not remember the answer and was
unable to find it in the archives...
Below is my question: suppose that I have a data.frame
x and one of it's columns name is "CPI/RPI" (without
quotation marks of course). How can I reference this
column? Neither of x$CPI/RPI or x$"CPI/RPI" work. I