search for: lyjwuzq

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "lyjwuzq".

2009 Sep 24
How to generate password automatically using authlogic..
I have problem , i want to generate password automatically where can i manipulate :password and :confirm_password in action create def create @user =[:user]) if flash[:notice] = "Registration successful." redirect_to root_url else render :action => ''new'' end end -- Posted via
2009 Sep 12
Cannot get my password to validate
Hello, I am working through the railsspace tutorrial, and i''ve noticed that the password validation is no longer working. I can get screen_name and email to validate, but for some reason, the password field is ignored... here''s what i have so far: within user.rb file PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH = 4 PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH = 40 validates_length_of :password, :within =>
2012 Sep 18
undefined method `to_sym' for nil:NilClass error directing me to my User model in method ''authenticate'' and on line 69. When I go to that line I see this: if !@user.blank? if !(@user.password_hash.blank?) and !(@user.password_salt.blank?) if @user.blank? || Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(password+-eTHPNk8gMIsNG5+lYJWuzQ@public.gmane.org_salt) != @user.password_hash #raise "Unknown userid or password" else @user.last_login = # <---- This is Line 69 @user end end end The error seems to be trying to tell me that I have a nil object, but because I have th...
2011 Jan 24
Can't get login to work
Hi, could anybody help me try to get a login function working, I have created a database for users called user1, I have the login screen set up but when i hit login with a correct username and password, nothing happens I am expecting the lgin button to direct the user to the main page and show the user as logged on, but nothing happens! Thanks! Controller class User1Controller <