search for: lunixer

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 45 matches for "lunixer".

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2002 Aug 20
RH 7.3 + Samba DC
Hi All, very new to the linux thing. I have tried our local linux list but no luck. I have setup Samba on the box which is running Rh7.3 with Samba 2.2.3a-6 (server/common & client) I got a tut from IBMs site on how to setup a pdc with samba and redhat. I followed the tut step for step but still when I want to login on wind98 onto the box I get a message that the pdc is not found. When I
2009 Aug 12
Lunix driver and USB key
Hi there! I really need your help. I have certain Windows software installed in Wine. This software needs a usb hardware key for working. I have appropriate Linux driver for that key (btw, it is Sentinel SuperPro). How should I make my program in wine see linux driver?
2009 May 21
Install RMagick on Lunix
Hi All, Can please help me on how to install RMagick on Linux machine Thanks for reply -- Posted via
2011 Oct 11
how to make a true binary package?
I'd like to have a version of a package that doesn't include sources. I thought that this could be achieved by using binary option in R CMD build, but in fact it packages source code that could be easily printed once the library is loaded. Is there an option to avoid visibility of the source? Another related question is how to install two versions of the same package, so that i could
2012 Sep 27
Puppetdashboard :: cannot add class
I have puppet running on WEBrick. Dashboard works. I can see the hosts currently in puppet. In Dashboard I can add hosts and create groups, but cannot add classes. The auto-search returns nothing when I click on a group or server and start typing in the Classes textbox. Is this a common occurrence with Dashboard? I have looked on the web and found no answer. Appreciate any pointers. Thanks.
2015 Jun 24
Files larger than 1GB fail to copy
I have a QNAP TS-410 NAS on which I have some CIFS shares. I'm trying to copy some biggish files from a Lunix machine to the CIFS share on the NAS but have runs into problems. I've created files of various sizes and I've found that I can copy files up to size 1024MB to the CIFS share on the NAS, but when I try to copy anything larger than that the copy command hangs forever and nothing
2006 Mar 16
So what to do with Unicode filenames?
Hi! I spent a few hours in google but didn't find any solution to make rsync backups of Win XP (2k, NT) machine to Lunix rsync server? As far as I understand we can't teach cygwin to work with unicode filenames, isn't it? Does anyone knows the solution? Is there any non-cygwin rsync Windows realisations? Or maybe there is any other program that can do backups with same manner?
2011 Jul 16
crash in extlinux/main
Hi, I found a bug in extlinux/main.c. Writing a bootloader on a file mounted via /dev/mapper in Lunix it crashed on me with a segment fault. The bug is here: if (!ioctl(devfd, HDIO_GETGEO, &geo)) { Since we are already called with geo as a pointer the & is wrong as the pointer itself will be overwritten. This works: int get_geometry(int devfd, uint64_t totalbytes, struct
2002 Feb 14
Samba, NIS and Winbind
I'm going to install Samba as file server on a local networl with a NT 4 domain; before choosing i have to clear some ideas: Samba need users account and the same account must be known to linux, too? but, always i have to define users on linux,too? To define users on linux i can manually insert them in /etc/passwd or i can use NIS as source in the nsswitch to obtain account from the NT
2012 Sep 28
Puppet/Passenger :: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server:Error 403 on server
Greetings, I have a tested, working setup of Puppet and Webrick. I can add nodes, classes, etc. Then I switched to Puppet/Passenger and get the error below. Puppet, Apache and Passenger are all up. I have installed using *YUM *repos and *GEMs*. So, I have the most updated packages they have. Puppet version: 2.7.19 Ruby version: 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352 i386) Apache: 2.2.15 The error
2009 Jul 25
Using svSocket with data.table
Hi r-devel, svSocket is working well. Short demo here of using it with data.table : If you maximise and press the HD button it should be readable. There isn't any audio. However, svSocket is currently text based IPC using dump. Is there a solution which will do binary and work in the same way ? Its nice that I can make R become a server any
2007 Jan 25
Error in loadNamespace(name) (PR#9464)
Full_Name: Ross Darnell Version: 2.4.1 OS: Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( rdarnell at pc:~/Data$ ls -al .RData -rwxrwxrwx 2 root root 13551 2006-12-06 08:58 .RData rdarnell at pc:~/Data$ R R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18) Copyright (C) 2006 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to
2007 Jul 05
Does Puppet ensure that a service is up and running?
Just curious as to the functionality of puppet. Does Puppet ensure that a service is up and running as long as puppet is running? Ie, I want to make sure ssh is always running, if for some reason ssh get''s shut down, does puppet start it back up when it does it''s config sync run? Thanks! --------------------------------- Pinpoint customers who are looking for
2010 Aug 06
R script doesn't load libraries when called from cron
I have R script that i need to run in cron. Either R libraries or some .so libraries that they depend on don't get loaded correctly. Here is an example. I have a file, call it tmp.R tmp.R ========================= R --slave --args $0 $* <<EOF cmarg = commandArgs()[5] library(R.utils) b<-intToBin(cmarg) print(paste( "argument is ", cmarg, sep=""))
2004 Aug 06
RE: Zaptel X100P Kernel Panic
How do I do this? Ive looked on lunix pages but ive seen that I have to change the config of the kernel build, is that right? Or do I need a different kernel altogether? Also the sites say the 8K is about as large as you should take the stack :oS Also someone posted that I need to sort out the IRQs, is this part of linux? As you can guess I'm kinda new to linux, although ive used it for 2yrs
2010 Apr 27
ruby-libvirt equiv of virsh list --all
Hi all, I have a working KVM system managed with virsh and virt-install. I am currently playing with ruby-libvirt-0.1.0. I am wanting to build a simple sinatra/ruby app to show the VE's on a node and their state. I have ruby 1.8.5 on CentOS 5.4. I have the basics of it worked out but am a little stuck. Is there a way of retrieving a list of all VM's on a host using
2012 Dec 14
NetworkManager and VM Bridged Networking
[adding libvirt-users] On 12/14/2012 01:26 AM, Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R wrote: > I tried using the procedure in > > > The first thing this article mentions is that NetworkManager cannot work > with bridged networking. This is \unfortunate\ as Lunix stopped being a > useful server when I tried ro revert to
2009 Nov 10
samba credentials file - hit and miss?
Greetings, I'm using a CentOS 5.4 Virtual Machine and Samba 3.0.33-3.15.el5_4 to access a file share from a Windows XP host. I also tried the same using a Fedora 10 VM with the same negative results. Please read on. I've browsed the web and read the mount.cifs man page. And the conclusion is the same: you connect to a share using a username and password and you're good to to. Or,
2009 Sep 24
puppet permissons
Today I was testing Puppet''s fileserver feature and and error came up: client> /usr/sbin/puppetd --test --verbose --server puppet info: Caching catalog at /var/lib/puppet/localconfig.yaml notice: Starting catalog run notice: //Node[default]/sudo/Package[sudo]/ensure: created err: //Node[default]/sudo/File[/etc/sudoers]: Failed to retrieve current state of resource: No specified source
2010 Sep 02
Help with installing photoshop cs4
Hi i have just started using linux... swaped over from XP I have a leagle copy of Photoshop cs4.... It is installed on V-Box I am running Mint 9 - Gnome standard 32 bit.... I have tried to follow the instructions... Also hunted posts, google etc I have tried with the latest wine... Also with wine 1.1.19, with wine 1.1.17 & wine 1.1.23 Each time i start fresh... install the winetricks.. as