search for: ltam

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "ltam".

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2011 Apr 21
Rcmdr vs SPSS in hungarian
An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: nem el?rhet? URL: <>
2008 Mar 27
User restriction on some client machines
...users = !user1 !user2 here's the smb.conf.machine2 script: [global] invalid users = But it doesn't work. Every client is useable for everyone except user3 who can not logon to any computer. Can someone help, please? Attila ui: Te m?r megn?zted, hogy diszlexi?sak-e a gyerekeid? Tal?ltam egy sz?l?knek sz?l? diszlexiatesztet, ingyenes oldal, nem ker?l semmibe. Ne v?rj, t?ltsd ki te is! Kattints ide:
2008 Mar 30
get Samba Server via VPN from windows XP
...n ping the server from the client and back too. The workgrupname in the smb.conf and windows XP are same. The problem is that I can't see the linux computer in the network place on the Windows XP. Why? Sincerely, Zoli ui: Te m?r megn?zted, hogy diszlexi?sak-e a gyerekeid? Tal?ltam egy sz?l?knek sz?l? diszlexiatesztet, ingyenes oldal, nem ker?l semmibe. Ne v?rj, t?ltsd ki te is! Kattints ide: